Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Obstacles to Your Purpose

I hope you've been open to God's work as He continues to prepare you spiritually, emotionally and even physically for His assignments, plans and purposes. It's not always pleasant to be molded and shaped into what He needs you to be, but in the end, your defined character will be more Christ-like and glorifying to God.

You didn't think it was going to be smooth sailing did you? Remember I said there would be bumps along God's pathway. Times when you would be tempted to turn around and run the other way! Bumps that could knock you off your feet and even cause you to look for detours along the path. No doubt, there will be obstacles that block your path and you can't seem to find a way around them.

Over the next few weeks, we'll look at bumps along our pathway. Bumps that stem from a belief system many of us have adopted as truth. Beliefs that can stop us dead in our tracks and keep us from fulfilling our unique purposes.


A - A busy life does not equal a more important life.

S - "...Martha, you are busy and bothered by many things." ~ Luke 10:41

A - Busyness' belief says: "I'm just so busy; I don't have time for __________ (ministry, serving, Bible study, relationships, etc.) right now - maybe later."
Are you among the 60% of Christians surveyed who agreed with the statement "The busyness of my life gets in the way of developing my relationship with God."

As women, we often find ourselves over-loaded and under-energized most days. But is that really God's best plan for your day? Is it how He wants you to spend the time you've been given? You must realize you do have control over your time. It comes from a simple word "no". Why do you think you have to say "yes" to every request, every person and every situation that crosses your path? Is it out of guilt? Is it because your priorities are out of order? Is it that you are a pleaser and want to keep everyone happy? Do you think if you fill your day with "good works", God will be impressed?

The Enemy wants you to get yourself so busy, so stressed and so exhausted that you have no energy left to serve God. He wants you to get tripped up on the obstacle of busyness.

P - Look over your schedule for this week. Is your busyness getting in the way of your relationship with God? Others? Are you trying to do too much, instead of being what God wants? Ask God to show you obligations you can delegate, do another time or do away with all together.

Next Obstacle - Unknown

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Building Character > Persevere

A - "Character, like embroidery, is made stitch by stitch."

S - "...and we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope." ~ Romans 5:3b-4

A - As we come to the end of our section on Preparing for your Purpose, we're still building. Building an awareness of God, a relationship with God, patience for God's timing and today - perseverance. Perseverance has been defined as sticking to/with something you're not stuck on! And from our Scripture today, we see that suffering often times produces perseverance...I don't think any of us are ever stuck on that!

As we think of some Bible characters who showed great stick-to-it-ness - consider what would have happened if they had given up. Noah - obeyed God without knowing what rain, let alone, a flood was. I'm sure he was ridiculed by his neighbors and considered stopping construction on the ark several times. Joseph - with all the suffering and unfair treatment he received, it would have been understandable if he'd thrown in the towel and decided to rot in jail. Ruth - after the death of her young husband, could have returned home to her family in Moab and missed out on the opportunity to be part of the lineage of Jesus. Nehemiah - with having to deal with all the opposition to rebuilding the wall in Jerusalem, it would have been easier to just forget the project and let the people continue to live unprotected. Paul - with all his near-death experiences, could have decided to go back to his life of luxury and give up on reaching the Gentiles. Jesus....need I say more?

What about you? Has God given you a task to complete? How are you persevering or are you? Are you struggling to stick to something you're just not all that crazy about doing? Notice the end of today's verse - perseverance and character leads to hope! Romans 12:12 tells us to "be joyful in hope, patient in affliction and faithful in prayer." Paul reminds us in Romans 15:4 ..."through endurance/perseverance and encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope."

P - Ask God to remind you of the hope you have in Him and what the reward for your perseverance will be. Don't quit! Don't fall for the Enemy's lies and tricks to get you to give up. Stay strong.....and remember "Do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what He has promised." ~ Hebrews 10:35-36

Next Time....Obstacles to Your Purpose

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

God's Provision

"Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God who richly provides us with everything ..." 1 Timothy 6:17 (NIV)

It seems you can hardly turn anywhere today without seeing reminders of economic hardships. A couple weeks ago the news reported we are experiencing the highest unemployment rate our country has seen in 60 years. Friends and family members are suffering due to the loss of jobs, investments gone bad, and cutbacks that seem to be everywhere.I have a friend who has owned a thriving car dealership for over 30 years. This man and his family have been pillars in their community who are known for their generosity and kind Christian spirits.
This week he declared bankruptcy and has literally lost everything - including their cars. If that isn't cruel irony, I don't know what is.

So, I've had to have some discussions with God about the absolute heartbreak of this situation. I know God is the great provider, so why isn't He providing for my friend? God is a miracle worker, so why isn't He working a miracle for my friend?

These are fair questions about what seems like a terribly unfair situation.Whenever I face situations I am having a hard time understanding, I have to park my mind with what I know to be true. Keeping my mind saturated with truth keeps Satan from being able to whisper dangerous assumptions, false accusations, and faith-eroding perspectives.

So, what is true in this situation? What is true no matter what situation we are facing?

God is a good provider.This is true. This is where I must park my mind. This is the reality that must saturate my thoughts. This truth rises above our troubling circumstances and calls us to see life from a perspective outside our screaming realities.God richly provides us with everything we need. Therefore I must trust that God is providing for my friend.

What is in front of my friend is God's provision. God hasn't stopped providing just because my friend is in financial turmoil. This situation hasn't caught God off guard. God hasn't somehow run out of resources to help my friend.Part of God's perfect provision for my friend is to walk through this. I may not like it. I may not understand it. But, because my friend knows and loves God, I have peace that he will make it through this.

The Bible tells us in Philippians 4:8-9 that if we think on what is true, the peace of God will be with us. And ultimately, isn't peace what we want? That's what I really want for my friend. I want this precious man and his family to have peace more than I want their dealership to be saved, their finances restored, and their old life to suddenly come back and settle into place.Praise God, His peace is but an utterance of truth away.

So, sweet sister, park your mind with His truth today. And watch God's perfect provision of peace flood whatever dry and lacking ache you are experiencing right now.

Dear Lord, thank You for being my provider each day. Help me not to fear these times of hardship. Rather, help me to trust in You and Your ways more each day. My desire is to focus on what is true and believe that You will make the rough places smooth. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

By Lysa Terkeurst - Proverbs 31 Ministries

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Building Character > Patience

A - "Teach us, O Lord, the discipline of patience, for to wait is often harder than to work." ~Peter Marshall

S - But those who wait on the Lord will renew their strength...they will run and not be weary, they will walk and not faint. ~ Isaiah 40:31

A - So far in your quest to prepare for God's purposes, you've looked at building awareness: perceiving that it's God who ultimately directs your feet and plans. Then building a strong relationship with God by participating in learning from, listening to and loving Him - realizing He longs to prove His love and faithfulness as you look to and for Him in your daily life. And as uncomfortable as it may be, you must continue your preparation by looking inward - examining your thoughts, feelings and actions.

God is continually building your character. Character doesn't develop overnight. God's plan is to mold and shape you little by little until you are fully prepared for His assignments. Rick Warren states that "while we worry about how fast we grow, God is concerned about how strong we grow." Sometimes you may be so excited about serving and fulfilling your purpose, you skip the growing stages. Don't do it -this is an important time of preparation as well!

What area of your life is God working to develop the character trait of patience today? Is it with your family, friends, co-workers? In your ministry? With Himself? Take a few minutes today to look up a few verses: Ps. 27:14, Ps. 37:7; Ps. 37:34, Ps. 46:10; Ps. 130:5. David knew a thing or two about waiting on God.

One thing to remember - Waiting does not equal wasting time! As women we often fall into the trap of thinking if we're not doing something, we must be wasting time. I hope the verses you looked at confirm the importance and desire God has for you to wait. He can't speak to you or get your attention if your life is so busy, so hectic, so loud, so distracted, so stressed, etc. Don't make Him have to yell; you may regret it :)

P - My prayer today is that you take time to listen to God. Be patient with the waiting. During this character building time, ask yourself - "Am I searching for Him through His Word? Am I staying strong through faith in Him - even in the quiet times when I don't hear Him speaking? Am I taking the opportunity to sit at His feet and learn from, listen to and love Him?" The Bible is full of examples of how God used a long process to develop character, especially in His leaders. He took 80 years to prepare Moses, including 40 in the wilderness!

Next Time....Patience with Others

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Look Inward

A - Preparation doesn't begin with what you do, it begins with what you believe.

S - "Test me, O Lord, and try me; examine my heart and my mind." ~ Psalm 26:2

A - As you continue looking at building your relationship with God in preparation for His purposes, it's time to do a little self-examination! Are there thoughts and/or feelings in your life hindering your relationship with Him? Are there actions and attitudes that get in the way? So far you've learned to look upward through prayer and to look outward to see where God is at work. Now you're being asked to look inward...not always the most fun!

Everything we do starts with a thought (mind) that creates a feeling (soul) that leads to an action (heart). Think about it....you have a negative thought come into your head. It makes you feel negative which usually results in some sort of negative behavior (and vice-versa). What does the verse for today say? David knows he battles with his thoughts and actions, so he's asking God to test him; examine his heart and mind. He wants to understand the motives behind why he does things (actions). In Psalm 139:23, David again asks God to: "Search me and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts."

Romans 12:2 tells us to ..."let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect." (NLT) The Enemy loves to mess with your mind. He knows if he can get you to think about his lies, it will effect the way you feel about yourself/others and then will lead to some sort of action that is not pleasing to God (sin). Do not fall into his trap.

P- Spend time today in thoughtful prayer. Confess your anxious thoughts and/or attitudes to God. Think about times you've let your negative thoughts, lead to negative feelings and negative actions. Then consider when the opposite happened. Which time do you think God was glorified the most?! Be more aware of how your thoughts, feelings and actions are linked together :)

Next Time....Building Character

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Look Outward

A - "If you begin to live life looking for the God that is all around you, every moment becomes a prayer." ~ Frank Bianco

S - "...Jesus replied, My Father is always working and so am I." ~ John 5:17

A - How aware are you of what God is doing around you? Can you see His hand at work in your life and the lives of others you know? Do you consider many things mere coincidences or do you acknowledge them as from God?

Right now God is working all around you and in your life. One of the greatest tragedies among God's people is that while they have a deep longing to experience Him, they are experiencing God day after day but do not know how to recognize Him. ~Henry Blackaby, Experiencing God

God wants to involve you in His work. He wants to be able to use you for His purposes here on earth. But without an intimate relationship with Him, you may not be aware of or even ready to accept the assignment.

In today's scripture, Jesus is reminding the Jewish leaders that He and His father are always at work and in verse 19, Jesus explains that He (Jesus) can do nothing by himself, but He only does what He sees the Father doing. It was from the intimate relationship Jesus had with His Father that allowed Him to know what God wanted Him to do. He acknowledged He couldn't do anything on His own; they were God's plans and He must always be looking to see where God wanted Him to be involved.

P - How about you? Are you living with blinders on - not aware of what God is wanting you to do because you can't see where He's at work? I hope your prayer today would be one asking God to open the eyes of your heart, soul and mind. That He would make His working around you evident and that you would be willing to join Him where He is.

Don't miss out on God by dismissing everything as a coincidence ~ Pay special attention to the people and situations that cross your path today. I'd love to hear back from you as you continue to prepare for your purpose by looking outward.

Next Time....Look Inward

Monday, June 1, 2009

Building a Relationship (Part Two)

A - "I try to avoid looking forward or backward ~ I try to keep looking upward." ~ Charlotte Bronte

S - Call on me and I will answer you and show you great/mighty/unsearchable things that you do not know. ~ Jeremiah 33:3

A - Last time you looked at what was needed on your part in order to build the kind of relationship with God He desires and deserves. You discovered that you need to learn from, listen to and love God with all your heart, soul and mind. Another aspect building a relationship with God is allowing Him to prove Himself. How does that happen????

Look Upward - How is your prayer life? Is prayer something you consider a privilege or a duty to check off your "to-do" list? Do you get discouraged and give up when your prayers aren't answered when and how you expected? We live in an instant gratification world and many times we lack patience, even with God. Often He may withhold an answer to get your attention; to get you to come spend time with Him. Prayer is a vital tool in keeping your relationship with God alive. In the same way that parents love to hear their child utter the first words of mama or dada, so God loves to hear us call to Him!

God wants to prove Himself faithful. Prove is defined at "test by experiment; establish as true." Prayer is a relationship, not just a religious activity. Prayer is a two-way fellowship and communication with God. Prayer includes listening as well. What God says to us is in fact more important than what we say to Him!

Jeremiah 29:12-13 - " Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart." Do you see what your responsibilities are? Call upon, come, pray, seek. And God's promises that He will - listen and be found!! Don't miss out on His purposes by not looking upward!

P - Make time today to spend in prayer. What areas of your life are you needing God to prove Himself? Be honest - He already knows your heart!

Next Time.....Look Outward