Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Sharing Your Purpose by Influencing Others

A - The purpose of our lives is to let others see what God is like as they watch and experience His love through us. ~ Joe Stowell

S - "Therefore encourage one another and build each other up....." ~ I Thess. 5:11

A - Last time we learned that sharing our purpose by loving others starts with loving God, ourselves and in turn, others. Whether you like to admit it or not, you are an influence to others. It can be a positive influence or a negative one! You must realize that people - young and old - are watching you. Perhaps it's your family, neighbors, co-workers, friends, those you worship with or total strangers who cross your path on a daily basis. God brings people into your life for you to encourage and build up. To love and comfort. To mentor and to teach. To be an example to and influence.

Jesus is the ultimate example of the kind of influence you should have on others. In John 13, He is setting an example of servant hood by washing the disciples' feet - just hours before His arrest. Verse 15 - "I (Jesus) have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you." In I Peter 2: 21 - Peter is explaining to new believers that they will suffer for doing good, just as Jesus did - "To this you were called, because Christ suffered for you, leaving you an example that you should follow in his steps."

I Timothy 4:12 - Paul is exhorting young Timothy about how he needs to be an example - especially to the new believers who are watching him closely - in word and conversation, life, love, charity, faith and purity. How do you measure up to these qualities today? Is there a hurting woman in your life who you can reach out to in love? Is there a young mother who could use some encouragement? Is there a young, single woman who needs a positive role-model? There are women all around you who you can be a godly example to.

P - Remember when we talked about our experiences and how we go through things so that one day we can be a help to someone else. Pray today that God would bring someone into your path that you can influence in a positive and encouraging way. Be watching - take the blinders off ! He will answer and it could be someone you least expect ~ that's how God works most times!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Sharing Your Purpose by Loving Others

A - "You can't give away what you don't have!" ~ Joyce Meyer

S - A new command I give you: Love one I (Jesus) have loved you. ~ John 13:34

A - Do you really know how to love others the way Jesus instructed? What's love got to do with it anyway? Everything! It's the first step in sharing your purpose. It's a command, not a suggestion, from God. It's the way we represent Him to others and it's what others look for in us!

According to Matthew 22:37-39, the second greatest commandment, after loving God with all your heart, soul, and mind, is to love your neighbor as yourself. Romans 13:9b says that all commandments are summed up in one rule: love your neighbor as yourself.

Based on these Scriptures, what is the order we are to love? If you were brought up in the church, you probably learned a song as a child - Jesus, Others, You (JOY). You were taught that you needed to give your all in helping, serving and ministering to others...regardless of the cost. Yes, God does want you to help, serve and minister, but if you don't love yourself first, you have no foundation on which to build love for your neighbor. God doesn't expect you to hate yourself and love your neighbor.

What does it mean to "love yourself"? I can tell you what it doesn't mean. It's not a prideful or conceited self-love. It's not an attitude of "I'm better than you because I....." Loving yourself is acknowledging that God made you just the way you are and that His love for you is so great He sent His only Son to die on the cross in your place. It is knowing that you are valuable; a useful vessel that He wants to work through. Until you love yourself, you cannot love others as Christ loves them. You can talk about His love. You can tell them about His plan of salvation, but you can't truly love them with a heartfelt love.

Loving ourselves and others requires an investment. It doesn't always come easy. Some people make it very difficult to love! Are you willing to do what it takes to get to this point? When you focus on loving as Jesus loves, an amazing cycle is set in motion. Your love for Him grows (greatest commandment - Matthew 22:37). Then as you develop a healthy love for yourself (2nd greatest commandment - Matthew 22: 39), you become a bridge to Jesus for those you love (your neighbor).

P - Read I Corinthians 13:4-8. This explains how you are to love everyone! Ask God to show you what you struggle with (if in case you didn't already know!) Pick one attribute to really focus on this week. Ask Him to help you accept His never-ending love, honestly love yourself and to willingly share your purposes by loving others as He loved us.

"When you fail to love yourself, you fail to give God credit for what He has done in you and for you." ~ Tom Paterson

Next Time - Influencing Others

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Sharing Your Purpose

We've come a long way together over the past months! Are you still walking and standing strong along God's path for His purposes? As a quick review, we began this adventure by pursuing what God's purposes were for all of us. Then we looked specifically at understanding how God made us special - with unique gifts, abilities, talents, personalities and experiences. Next it was up to you to make the choice as to which path you were going to follow - your's or God's? It was then time to respond and prepare yourself for the great and awesome things God has in store for you. But like any path, there will be obstacles that may deter you from your goal. You must know how to manuever them and get back on track so you can finish your journey and fulfill God's vision for you and your life.

Your next step now is to identify where and how you can share your purpose. Over the next few weeks, we'll look at five areas where you can put your purpose into action. Don't worry if things are still not crystal clear. Obey God in the little things along the way. Trust Him to show you where He wants to use you as a vessel for Him to love and minister through. Be available to whatever and where-ever He leads. Remember, God's guidance is more like a lamp unto your feet (Psalm 119:105) than a lighthouse beaming far into the future! Your path is lit by a flashlight, not a spotlight.

Let's end today looking at a quote from Tom Paterson, author of Living the Life You Were Meant to Live...."The purpose for your life is to put your God-given gifts to work for good in your generation and in your sphere of influence. In putting your giftedness to work for God's purposes, and in moving from self-centeredness to Christ-centeredness, you will experience a radiant, totally alive life!"

Next Time.....Sharing Your Purpose by Loving Others

Friday, July 17, 2009


A - God may intentionally keep your life purpose out of focus because of sin in your life.

S - "If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. If we claim we have not sinned, we make him (God) out to be a liar and his word has no place in our lives." ~ I John 1:8, 10

A - As we wrap up looking at the obstacles that cause us to stray from God's path, we cannot ignore Sin. Sin in your life is the most debilitating obstacle you will face. Sin turns you away from God and separates you from fellowship with Him. Satan rejoices when you allow this roadblcok to interfere with your purpose and relationship with God.

Sin's belief says - "I'm not that bad of a sinner. I don't do what other people say and do. God will overlook my little sins if I'm trying to do great things for Him and others."

Is it difficult for you to recognize sin in your own life? Do you know and acknowledge your struggles in areas that are not pleasing to God? Remember how pride is the root of many things?....Pride is often the root of your sin as well. In our verses for today, we deceive ourselves and call God a liar if we claim we don't sin and/or have never sinned. According to Romans 3:23..."for all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God." That includes the best of the best and the worst of the worst.

Don't think that you have sinned too much for God's forgiveness. I John 1: 9 tells us - "If we confess our sins, he (God) is faithful and just to forgive us of our sins." It's that easy! We don't have to complete a checklist of "good works" before God will forgive us. Confession/repentance is remorse, regret and sincere sorrow for things we have said, thought or done and it leads to a willingness to change. Do you ever believe Satan's lie that you've messed up too much for God to forgive you? Does the guilt from your sin keep you from believing God has a plan and purpose for your life? Don't let pride stand in the way of God's forgiveness.

P - If you struggle with unconfessed sin/guilt - I'd encourage you to read some of King David's story. Psalm 32:1-5; Psalm 51; Psalm 66:16-20, Psalm 119:11 & 113. Don't let sin in your life blur your "inner-vision". Ask God today to show you specific things you still need to confess (He'll even show you things you may have forgotten about!) Don't miss how good it feels to know you are forgiven!!

Next Time....Sharing Your Purpose

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


A - "The best kind of pride is that which compels a man to do his best work, even when no one is looking."

S - Pride only breeds quarrels, but wisdom is found in those who take advice. ~ Proverbs 13:10

A - Have you been able to identify with any of the obstacles we've looked at (busyness, the unknown, the Enemy's misconceptions)? Or has your journey with God been smooth sailing thus far? Today's lesson may well cause a few disruptions along your path. Whether you want to admit it or not, we all deal with a prideful spirit from time to time. The belief of pride says - "I can take it from here God. If I need your help, I know where to find you. I want to make sure I get the praise and recognition for all I do."

It's time for reflection... What are your motives for what you do or don't do for God? Who are you trying to please and glorify - God or self? Why are you wanting to find and follow God's path to His purposes for your life? Is it for your own selfish ambition? Is it so you'll look godly to others? Is it so you can feel good about yourself and your life? Pride is the root of many things - one of them being our motives. No one loves a prideful heart more than Satan. He is thrilled when he sees and hears of impure motives because of our selfish pride.

Throughout the New Testament, Jesus confronts the Pharisees about their motives. "... on the outside you appear to people as righteous but on the inside you are full of hypocrisy and wickedness." (Matthew 23:28) In Matthew 6:1-2, 5, Jesus warns of "acts of righteousness", all done with the motive of being seen and heard by others.

Does God really care about our motives? Does it really matter why we do things as long as we do them? Proverbs 16:2 tells us that..."All a man's ways seem innocent to him, but motives are weighed by the Lord." What will God do at His time of judgement? "He will bring to light what is hidden in darkness and will expose the motives of men's hearts." (I Corinthians 4:5) I would venture to say that God cares a great deal about our motives, wouldn't you.

P - Let's all do an inventory of our motives today? Are you serving God because you love Him and want to please and glorify Him? Are you wanting to fulfill His purposes so your life will matter and make a difference? Take time to search your heart and mind, remembering that you can't hide your thoughts or motives from God!

Next Time....Sin

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


A - "No matter how or why you stumble, God stands ready to show you how to return to what you were created to be." ~ Jane Kise

S - Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour. ~ I Peter 5:8

A - How are you relating to the BUMPS along your path so far? Have you seen where Busyness in your life, even ministry, can interfere with your relationship with God? Last time we looked at the obstacle of the Unknown and how fear of not knowing what's going to happen next can paralyze you in your tracks. Today we move on and identify some of the Misconceptions (lies) the Enemy wants you to believe and in turn, keep you from being all God created you to be.

As part of his plan to destroy/devour you, Satan's goal is to get you to fear your ability to please God. To doubt the importance of your relationship with Him. To take to heart and believe any and all criticism you may receive as you follow God's path to your purpose. To concentrate on your past failures and never forgive yourself. To allow negative thinking to effect your feelings and actions and to let shame and confusion to keep you wandering aimlessly though life.

The belief of misconception says: "I can't do that because _________." This thought can only come from the Enemy. He doesn't want you to believe you can do what God has planned for you. The more he can trip you up with his roadblocks and obstacles, the better chance he has that you will give up and quit.

Are there certain areas of your life where it's easy to believe the Enemy's lies? Are you falling into Satan's trap of fear, doubt, criticism, past failures, negative thinking, shame or confusion and allowing these obstacles to destroy you? I hope not. I pray that you will not give the devil the victory and use his lies as an excuse for not following God's path today.

If there is anything we've looked at today that you'd like help with, please don't hesitate to contact me personally. I would love to share encouragement from God's Word and give you support as you remember... The only power the devil has is in getting people to believe his lies. If they don't, he is powerless to get his work done. ~ Stormie Omartian

P - Acknowledge to God the obstacles you feel are most prominent in your life. He already knows what you struggle with, but it's important that you see them for what they are....lies! Cling to the truth that - God is bigger than any obstacle that comes your way!

Next Time.....Pride

Sunday, July 5, 2009


A - "Some things have to be believed to be seen!" ~ Lynn Yeakel

S - We live/walk by faith and not by sight. ~ 2 Cor. 5:7

A - Last time we looked at the obstacle of busyness and how it can be a distraction from following, hearing and making time for God. Today, let's confront the belief of the unknown.

Unknown's belief says - "I can't possibly follow God's path, I don't know where I'm going or what to expect. I don't have enough faith to trust that God knows best. What if I fail? What will others think and say about me?......"

The fear of the unknown can cripple and debilitate people, especially those who need to be in control at all times! Are you a woman who needs to "see" before you believe? Do you ask for all the details and risks to be explained up front before you'll commit to something? If so, what role does faith play in your life?

Hebrews 11 is known as the Faith Hall of Fame. It lists several Bible characters who showed great faith, in the face of the unknown. According to Hebrews 11:6 - without faith, it is impossible to please God. Let's look at a few (I encourage you to read all of Hebrews 11)...Noah (v. 7) - showed faith by obeying God and building a huge ark to save him and his family from a flood - even though they had never seen rain! Abraham (v. 8-19) - showed faith by obeying God and venturing off to an unknown land and being willing to sacrifice his only son Issac - not knowing for sure how that little test would turn out! Moses (v. 27-29) - showed some hesitation in stepping out in faith and tried to use all the excuses he could think of as to why God needed to pick someone else to free the Israelites, but God didn't give up on him. Through Moses' obedience, God was able to show Himself to millions. Rahab (v. 31) - was known in the town as a prostitute (not a likely woman to be used by God - in our eyes anyway!) But God knew her purpose and she was obedient to trust that these men of God would save her and her family from Jericho's destruction. Because of her faith in the unknown, she was saved and even became part of the genealogy of Jesus! (Matt 1:5)

What unknown is God asking you to venture into today? Maybe it's so uncertain that you can't even put it into words? Maybe He's testing you in the area of money, health, work, education, relationships, future decisions...the list is endless. Don't let the obstacle of the unknown cause you to be paralyzed in your tracks. Put one foot in front of the other and step forward...knowing God is there beside you all the way!

P - Give God all your questions and concerns today - they aren't doing you any good by holding on to them! Ask Him to help you take the baby steps toward trusting Him with your unknowns and watch where He leads you :)