I want to share an encouraging word from the devotional, Heaven Calling, with you today:
"Sometimes in this difficult world, you just need a good, strong, helping hand to keep you going. And that is what I am holding out to you.
In your weariness, be comforted: I am the Lord All-Powerful; I don't expect you to stay the course on your own strength. I assured Zerubbabel of this when I charged him with rebuilding my temple in Jerusalem. So I say it to you about the work you have today: Do not depend on your own power or strength.
Instead, depend on my Spirit within you. I will give you the resources you need to keep going, the peace that you are in my will, and the hope and vision to complete the work. My spirit is in you, my child. That is all you need."
I am the Lord All-Powerful. So don't depend on your own power or strength, but on my Spirit. - Zechariah 4:6
BLOG COMMENT: What do you need to hand over to God today?
There is no "Helping Hand" like the Hand of God...
He is all powerful, and when I give my "whole being" over to His control, I no longer have to worry about what to do next!..He will take care of it, while I go.. "about my Father's business"...what an awesome God we serve!..
When I fall by the wayside, I lift my hand up to His, and ask Him to bring me back up, to where He wants me to be...I am so grateful for His forgiveness, and His willingness, to "reassign" me to my purpose, here on this earth...
The natural man looks on the outside of a person, but God looks at the heart, where our true feelings abide...He is my awesome Helper, and I am His servant..He will never give me anything to do for Him, without giving me, His Holy Spirit Power, to carry it through! The Bible tells me that all I have to do is, "ask", believe, and "receive"... Amen!
Tonia, Just this Monday I woke up feeling tired as soon as I got up! So I really related to this post. Thanks for this encouraging word that my strength truly comes from God. :)
I love how God just shows up right when you need Him. As I go about planning a salvation message for a group of girls I've been meeting with every week, He laid it all out for me today! The same day our club meets! He's always on time and there when I need it :)
Praise God his hand is always there directing his children in the path for purpose. Yes, I need a helping hand daily to be on top of what HE is planning for me.
As life leads us through many peaks and valleys and we reach the mountaintops, we find it easier to praise God, to trust Him, and to give thanks. But dark valleys of bitterness and despair, trusting God is more difficult. When worried, anxious, or afraid, we need to call upon Him and reach for that "helping Hand".
Let's put our faith in our precious Savior; our rock and shield. For when we am worried, Lord, let us trust in you, for you will love us and protect us, and share your boundless grace with us, today, tomorrow, and forever. Amen
(Thought from P & P for Women)
Not by might, nor by power.. but by my Spirit says the Lord of host.
We look for the physical answer, when it really is a spiritual answer. God is ever the same, ever faithful and ask that we be too. The reward is a God we can depend on, a God that already has it we just need to connect Spiritually then we get it.
Great words of encouragement!
Theresa - so glad to hear that 4 young girls were saved at your club meeting!! God is using you BIG time :)
Lately I find myself saying, Lord give me strength. In this day and age who doesn't stress! Sometimes looking at the big picture and EVERYTHING on your plate can be over whelming at the least. I have to slow down, take a deep breath and just take it one step at a time. Through Christ Jesus I can do all things.
I thank God that He has given me a peace through my life to go on and not be perpetually afraid of the next challenge with my health. It wasn't until I was older that I realized what a sense of peace I had even as a kid instead of being frightened and hopeless. God is powerful to keep our minds and give us strength to endure!
I love the picture for this - it's beautiful- and that scripture. What a good reminder that we don't have to "do this life" in our own strength and can come to God for our help each day. Thank you, Tonia!
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