A few years ago, I found a verse from this obscure book that has become one of my favorites. It gives such a visual picture of God's rejoicing. It allows us to see another aspect of His amazing character - one that loves us unconditionally, despite all the times we've disappointed Him. If you've been following our Know the Bible study, you know we've been making a list of what we're learning about who God is. If you've ever wondered about the God of the Old Testament, take a look at our list!
I found an article on my verse, Zephaniah 3:17, that explains the greatness of God's ability to save us, take delight in us, quiet us and rejoice over us and I want to share it with you. Here it is:
"..... I’d like now to look at the universal desire for the assurance of being enjoyed, not just to be loved, but also to feel enjoyed and know we are delighted in. Many of us know what it is like to be in relationship with people who we know are supposed to love us, or even say that they love us, yet we never receive the assurance that they enjoy us; we are never fully confident that they actually like us being with them. While we “know” that we are “loved,” we can have torment in our hearts as we wonder whether they actually like us or are just bearing with us. The reality is that we often have difficulty fully believing people who say they love us but don’t smile at us and enjoy not just what we do, but who we are.
The same is true with God. We have heard all our lives that He loves us. However, if we don’t know that He actually likes us, if we never see Him smiling at and rejoicing in us, either our faith to believe that He actually loves us or the quality of love that we perceive at the heart level will be very low.
Fortunately for us, we don’t have to live that way, because the God of the Bible satisfies the longing of our heart, not just to be enjoyed, but also to know and experience that we are. Over and over the Word of God speaks of the abundant gladness in the heart of God and how he deeply enjoys us. One of my favorite verses on the subject is Zephaniah 3:17, “The LORD your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing.”
First this verse tells us that God is with us, we are never alone, His unchanging presence is always with us. He is also mighty to save us: He is not some “nice guy” pushover floating on a cloud in heaven; He is a warrior, a fierce, victorious, mighty, conquering, heroic savior fighting on our behalf, fighting for our hearts.
It is this God who takes great delight in us. He is not like many people who will give you a (fake) smile when you see one minute and not care about you the next, because He is always with you, constant, reliable, unceasing in His presence and gladness towards You. He is also not like weak people who half-smile at you because they are so afraid of you not liking or rejecting them, emotionally needing your affirmation. No, our God is mighty, strong, and self-assured and from that place of confidence He freely rejoices over you out of the abundance and steadfastness of His heart. The intensity of His delight in you is so great that it overflows in song.
As the trials or even the mundane of life threaten to make you lose heart, remember the unchanging, ever-present, mighty warrior God likes you so much that right now in heaven He is bursting into song. This week take some time to shut out all the other voices that vie for your attention and listen for the voice of God singing over you in love. " (From Deeply Enjoyed by Richard Liantonio)
BLOG COMMENT: How does it make you feel to know that God enjoys and rejoices over you? What visual do you get from this verse?
First off, it never occurred to me to think of God "singing". I always pictured Him sitting on a Throne with disappointment, shaking His head with disgust at this World. It reminded me of last week when my nephew asked if he could cook me dinner...he is 11. The kitchen was his as he chopped, mixed and cooked as he was singing (not knowing I was watching). He was happy doing something for me out of the goodness of his heart and it made me happy just to watch him. When we do good for others because we want to, it comes from out heart which God can see and he delights in our ways.
Every woman desires this: a warrior, a fierce, victorious, mighty, conquering, heroic savior fighting on our behalf, fighting for our hearts...they normally look for this in their husbands. And some may find such a man...but I doubt he would be those things 100% of the time.
Every man desires to be this: a warrior, a fierce, victorious, mighty, conquering, heroic savior...
But this isn't found in Men. Not Obama...(I mean,really), not Mitt Romney, not even our own Dad's.
I had planned to leave a completely different blog today. One that focused on the Fox News channel and the fact that I cannot seem to escape the news these days and worry about my own and my children's economic future. The fact that our Nation has completely turned to men to "save the world" and thrown God out. My fear - and a legit one at that - that my God appears to be lifting His hand off America...until we come, as Israel had to (and still does!) running back to God for his Mercy and Grace. So who will begin the marathon back to God? The Tea Party?
Anyway, in all of this "fear" and in all of this turmoil...I want that man in my corner who is the warrior, a fierce, victorious, mighty, conquering, heroic savior fighting on MY behalf, fighting for MY heart. And while I beg for His hand to remain on this Nation and not to lift His grace from us...I know He will never stop fighting for me. And frankly, I hear myself doing a duet with God...
I have always loved to sing from the time I was a little girl. I find singing now, as I did then very calming and enjoyable and I am actually energized physically as well as connected emotionally through songs and music. I hear God in all kinds of music... worship music, hymns and popular music too.I love the thought of God singing and it brings me back to something I did as a girl...I would sit outside on our lawn swing in the evening and sing to God all my little Sunday school songs. Now I think of Him sitting beside me on that same swing; singing along and enjoying the time we spent together.
Great visuals - thanks for sharing!
First of all, when my little dog, Angel Grace, hears the music, on Daystar, "Reflections", she immediately, lays right down and is asleep, in a matter of minutes!..That music/singing is so soothing, that it calms her, right away...That is how my minds eye pictures God, when He is singing over me..making me feel very calm and content, to be where He has placed me, for this season...
I know that God created me for "His Pleasure", so it makes me feel "highly favored", to know that when I please Him, he rejoices and sings over me!...I am so privileged, to have the opportunity, to serve the Lord... with gladness, and when I do, I know He is smiling down on me..He delighteth, in me, when I am desiring to please Him...It doesn't get any better than that!
Music has been a very large part of my life and I always knew God and I were together in the endeavor.
To see a life change through a word or sentence in the song, have one comment that the message of the song was just what they needed for that moment, to feel God's presence during the song has brought much joy to my being.
God so desires us to sing from our heart giving Him all praise, glory and honor. Giving all of yourself in music gives God the opportunity to be lifted up!!
Ps 84:4-5 How happy are those who can live in your house, always singing your praises. How happy are those who are strong in the Lord...
Ps 98:4-6 Shout for joy to the LORD, all the earth, burst into jubilant song with music; make music to the LORD with the harp and with singing- shout for joy before the LORD , the King!
I honestly find it a little hard to believe that God would be singing over us, not that I don't believe it's just weird to think that he would do that. A little more understandable for some like Joyce Meyers or someone like that.
I never ever ever pictured God singing over me...or anyone else for that matter :) I just always viewed God as this strong judge sitting on a throne. I love this verse, and I know that God loves each and everyone of us and it felt really good to read this verse!!!!
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