Looking at the dying world around him and observing that wickedness seemed to be winning, he boldly and confidently approached God by asking, "Why?" "Why do you allow so much evil in the world?" "Why does it seem to go unpunished?" "Why do I sense you're not hearing me." Have you ever wanted to ask questions like these, but have not dared?
God responds to Habakkuk with an answer he did not expect..."Look at the nations and watch--and be utterly amazed. For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe, even if you were told" (Hab. 1:5). Instead of reprimanding Habakkuk, God gave him a glimpse into what would eventually happen to the wicked.
Habakkuk had a problem I think many of us do as well....He did not understand God's ways. And the great thing about God, is that He understands! We're reminded of this in Isaiah 55:8-9: "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the LORD. As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts."
God still wants us to come to Him with our concerns and questions and then listen for His response. I wanted to share a great devotion with you today from one of my favorite books, Heaven Calling. God tells us - "Ask me your questions, beloved one. The small questions that rustle in your mind. The big ones that keep you awake at night. The deep ones with hurt and pain attached that cause you to doubt me. I promise to hear every concern.
My servant Habakkuk didn't understand my ways, so he asked his questions and then waited for my answers. And I gave them. He still didn't completely understand, but he knew he could trust me. He understand that all of eternity is in my hands. One day, you will understand completely. One day I will make myself fully known. Until then, ask away. I will answer as much as you can understand."
Did you read that last statement? - "I will answer as much as you can understand." Maybe there are some things we will never get answers to because, like Habakkuk, we wouldn't believe it even if we were told!
BLOG COMMENT: Do you have a burning question you want to ask God? What's holding you back?