Mixed with encouragement and inspiration, Peter firmly instructs the suffering Jewish Christians to always be prepared to give a reason for their hope. These new believers were experiencing severe persecution, testing and trials for their new faith in Christ. Their lives were being watched by unbelieving neighbors, family and friends, employers, etc and they needed to be ready to answer the question, "What is it that you believe that gives you such hope amidst your suffering?"
We have no idea the extent of pain and suffering these Jewish Christians endured. We will never know what they gave up in order to follow Christ. Our suffering may not compare to theirs, but we are still required to be prepared when people ask us for the reason for the hope we have. What's your reason?
"...Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect." (I Peter 3:15) Let's break down this verse:
1) Always be prepared to give an answer ....
This is not an option; this is a command. God expects it from us. It doesn't mean that we have to have all the answers to deep, theological questions, but we do have to be prepared to give an answer. Not a "Just because" or "I'm not sure" answer, but one that's sincere; a true testimony of your relationship with God.
2) ...to everyone who asks you....
It doesn't say, "in case anyone ever asks you" or only to people who understand where you're coming from (i.e. fellow believers, etc.). We are to be prepared to answer anyone and everyone - regardless of who they are and what they believe or don't believe. If they are asking, they are looking for an answer!
3) ....to give the reason for the hope that you have.
You know you have hope...in your salvation, in Christ, in your future, etc., but can you explain it so others will understand it? You may be going through a trial and people are noticing how you're handling it and they are asking about your hope - what do you say?
In order to know the reason, we have to understand it ourselves! We need to understand God, His Word and what He wants to do for others. We need to understand our own, personal relationship with God and be able to explain how our life has changed because of it. We need to understand other people and recognize that when they ask, and they will, they are searching for something. They want and need the same hope you have and if we're not ready to give them a reason, they will move on to someone and/or something else.
4) But do this with gentleness and respect.
Responding with gentleness means not getting in their face when they ask, condemning them of their unbelief, etc. Nor do we brush someone off by saying, "Oh, you wouldn't understand" or "I don't know how to explain it to you." - this is disrespect and will be interpreted as such immediately!
Do you know the reason for your hope and are you ready to share it when, not if, someone asks? Being prepared with your answer takes an effort on your part and the enemy will do all he can to distract you from completing it. Don't give him another victory today.
Take time to write out your response in your own words, recalling personal experiences where God has been and continue to be your comfort, support, strength.....your hope!
Monday, February 20, 2012
Monday, February 13, 2012
Is Your Faith Starving?
Just as Hebrews taught us what faith is - being sure that God is who He says He is and certain that He will do what He promises to do, the book of James instructs us on what we are to do with this faith. James 2:17 states that "...faith by itself, if not accompanied by action/works, is dead/useless." In other words, if we are not feeding our faith with action, deeds and good works, than our faith will dry up and become useless. Know that we cannot earn our salvation by serving and obeying God. But such actions show that our commitment to God is real. Deeds of loving service are not a substitute for, but rather a verification of our faith in Christ.
In addition to our good works, how is our faith fed? James shows us several ways that our faith is developed and strengthened.
1) Through trials. James 1: 3 tells us - "...you know that the testing of your faith develops patience / perseverance." James doesn't say if we face trials, but when we face trials. We have to recognize that trials or testings in our life are God's way of developing our faith. We must turn hardships into times of learning. Tough times teach us perseverance!! What are you being taught today? How is your faith being fed?
2) Through temptations. Although God does not tempt us to do evil, He will allow Satan to temp us in order to refine our faith and help us grow in our dependence on Christ. We can resist temptation to sin by turning to God for strength, choosing to follow Him by faith and obey His Word. Are you struggling with a temptation today? Recognize it as another way God is trying to get your attention - and focus on Him!
3) Through taming our tongue. How many times have we praised God and shared our faith with our mouth and in the next sentence torn someone to pieces? James 3:10 reminds us - "Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing...this should not be." When we feed our faith with godly wisdom, our speech will be filled with mercy, love and consideration for others, peace, sincerity, integrity and righteousness.
Is your faith starving? Have you allowed your trials to give your faith new life? Are you continually giving in to the enemy's temptations because your faith is not strong enough to believe God can and will help you? Are the good deeds and great works you do for God overshadowed by an out of control tongue?
Feed your faith today. Don't allow it to die from lack of exercise, malnutrition and disease of the mouth.
Download this week's lesson on James.
Monday, February 6, 2012
What Are You Sure and Certain Of?

Were you sure that the New England Patriots were certain to win this year's Super Bowl? Are you sure that the abundance of snacks you consumed last night are certain not catch up with you later? Can you be sure that the score you saw on the scoreboard as the final seconds ticked away was certainly true?
You may not be a Patriots fan or a football fan of any sorts and you may not relate to anything I've said so far, but one thing I know we all can relate to is the question of where and in whom we put our faith. As we look at the book of Hebrews this week, we see the author's explanation of faith and a biography of Old Testament heroes who demonstrated great faith (Hebrews 11).
"Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see." (Hebrews 11:1) Two words describe faith - sure and certain. Faith is believing God's character - being sure that He is who He says He is. It is also believing in God's promises - being certain that He will do what He says He will do. When we believe God's character as one who is faithful and trust He will fulfill His promises - even though we don't see those promises materializing yet - we demonstrate true faith and TRUE faith is based on what God says and is shown by what we do!
The author of Hebrews wanted the Jewish Christians to know that living by faith is far better than merely fulfilling rituals and rules. Let's look at how we can live out faith in our own lives:
F - Focus: Fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, (Hebrews 12:2). Our focus should be on the only One who is certain to be faithful and will strengthen and perfect our faith.
A - Act: ...so faith without deeds is dead. (James 2:26) Are you talking the talk of faith, but your actions speak worry, anxiety, fear, pride, control, depression, etc?
I - Increase: The apostles said to the Lord, "Increase our faith!" (Luke 17:5). When's the last time you asked God to increase your faith? If the disciples, who walked and worked with Jesus needed their faith increased, how much more do we?
T - Take Up: ...take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. (Ephesians 6:16). Our faith is a shield that protects us from the attacks of the enemy. If our "shield" is down, we will suffer from the flaming arrows of doubt, discouragement, dismay, etc.
H - Hear: ... faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word of Christ. (Romans 10:17) What are you doing to strengthen your faith? Are you hearing God's Word through Bible study, prayer and His messengers? If the seed of faith is not being watered, it and YOU cannot expect to grow.
Make today the day you begin to Focus, Act, Increase, Take up and Hear God's message in order to be sure and certain that what you hope for and what you cannot see is in God's hands and more than any person (or team) is faithful - To the faithful you show yourself faithful.... (Psalm 18:25).
Download this week's lesson from Hebrews
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