As we begin our new study, Know the Bible, we want to start by looking at why we need to have a personal Bible study time. From the following list, keep track of how many of the benefits you are personally experiencing in your life today?
1) To settle the issue of our own salvation. Many believers struggle with assurance of salvation. Knowing that our salvation is God's number one purpose for sending His Son to die for our sins, I think He wants us to be secure in this area. If you are unsure, I suggest you read the book of I John "so that you can know you have eternal life" (I John 5:13).
2) To grow spiritually. Are you still a baby Christian living off the milk when you should be eating the meat of the Word? Just as our physical bodies need food to survive, our souls need the spiritual food of the Bible. What is your "spiritual age"?
3) To receive personal blessing and encouragement. Meditating on God's promises encourage us to persevere in our own Christian life with comfort and hope. What promises are you clinging to today? Do you even know His promises?
4) To receive personal guidance. Many times the Bible addresses our specific situation and other times it doesn't. Through studying the Bible, we learn what the will of God is and experience His direction. Do your personal decisions contradict or line up with the Scriptures?
5) To defend ourselves against the devil. When we read about the Armor of God in Ephesians 6, we see that the Bible, the Sword of the Spirit, is our only weapon! When we know God's Word and apply it to our lives, we will be able to overcome the devil's temptations. What are you using as your defense in your spiritual battle?
6) To effectively teach God's truth to the next generation. Deuteronomy 6:7 tells us that we are to diligently teach the next generation the things/truths of God. If we don't know what those truths are, how will the next generation know? We can't just assume they will learn them on their own.
7) To be able to counsel others. God wants to use us to provide knowledge about what He has said in His Word to others. "Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another" (Colossians 3:16). Are you able to give people godly advice and back it up with God's Words when they come to you for counsel?
8) To be ready to speak with unbelievers about Christ. Peter advises that we are to "always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. (I Peter 3:15). We need to be ready; not with a sermon or a lecture, but with humility and respect, to give the reason why are hope is in God. Do you know what you will say when asked?
9) To verify that the teaching of others is the truth of God. A group of early Christians "searched the Scriptures daily to find out whether these things (that Paul was teaching) were so" (Acts 17:11). There were false teachers, distorting the Truth, even in Bible times. Our world is full of "men/women of God" teaching things that are not from God's Word. Are you easily swayed to follow a teacher/preacher because they have a message that sounds good? Do you know God's Word well enough to identify the lies?
10) To present ourselves approved to God. Learning God's truth involves the work of studying. "Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth" (2 Timothy 2:15). We are God's workmanship and our Foreman has the right to examine us and our work. God's Word does just that. It shows us areas of our life that need to be challenged, corrected and changed, so that one day we will stand before Him and hear, "Well done, good and faithful servant. (Matthew 25:21). Are you ready for your examination?
*Information taken from How to Study the Bible. Robert West (2007) Barbour Publishing.
There you have it. The top ten reasons why we need a personal Bible study. How many were you able to say you are experiencing today? Alot? A few? None? Either way, we can continue to learn, grow and prepare ourselves by studying God's Word. How? If you have not signed up for our free, online class, why not do it today? You will receive lessons to work on during the week, encouragement and support from other women doing the same study you are, an opportunity to share prayer requests and much more. For more information, visit
ONLINE CLASS: What is your word for the year? I am anxious to hear what God has shown you that He wants you to focus on.
My word for the year is FAITH. God confirmed this in several ways so that I knew it was clearly from Him. I am ready to grow, stretch and strengthen my faith and to watch for the faithfulness of God.
My word for the year is LOVE. God has also confirmed this to me which blesses me greatly! I'm ready for the challenge in stretching myself to produce the "agape" kind of love in my relationships.
My word for the year is FOCUS. God has blessed me with so much and while I am spending time with Him in His word, I need to put all other distractions aside and give everything to Him. I am excited to see how this study will help me do that!
My word of the year is diligence. I have made commitments and want to give it my best and complete what I start. Its been a struggle for me.
My word for the year is GENEROUS. Generous with my time and talent. Generous with my time with God.
Sally said..
My "word" is "purpose"..
Purpose does not fade with age, but
grows stronger and clearer..
I am watching and listening for God's purpose for me, daily...I do not want to "miss my moment"...I want to be equipped for all He has for me. to do for Purpose for Bible Study...
My word is self-discipline. I get too busy and the first thing to go is daily Bible reading. I want to discipline myself to set aside time each morning and spend it with God.
My word for the year is PRIORITIES: It is extremely easy for me to get caught up in work, laundry, dishes, scrubbing the floors...on and on...and leave the poor husband and kids last! Let alone, God. I am very ready for God to stengthen me in this area - helping me move past the things that are not important and embrace the things that are.
My word for the year is CHANGE. "To everything there is a season". There has been a stirring in me that something is going to change and I need to be ready for it and see God in it, as well as His purpose for me in each new day, situation, job, relationship, experience. Don't be afraid for I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord. My job is to be ready, accept the changes as His plan. Through Christ, ALL things are possible.
Hi Tonia..I'm going to reply for both mom & myself. Mom's word for the year is BLESSING. She chose that word as she feels God blessing every day. I actually have two words which probably could go hand-in-hand...PATIENCE & PRIORITIES. These last few weeks have show me that my priorities are a little mis-placed. Work is very important to me but I have allowed it to eat into my time with Lord which has then caused me to lose my patience with some people. I can feel the Lord working on that area in my life and I pray he continues to strengthen me to pursue his will.
God actually laid 2 words on my heart. Patience and time. I am praying God will give me patience in all areas of my life espcially with my kids:-)I also want to use my time wisely and make sure to set time aside for God everyday to grow in his word.
My word is THANKFUL. Everyday I am thankful of how God has worked and is working in my life. Thankful for family (including Church family) and friends, health, the good and the not so good because there is a lesson to be found somewhere. Mostly thankful I found God and accepted Him in my life.
My word is CONSISTENCY. Consistency in God's Word Daily! I love finding myself digging into God's Word during times that I need comfort and strength, but it is my desire and goal to be in His Word no matter what is going on in my life! It needs to be on a consistent basis!!
Faithfulness and Peace. Since the recent death of my husband, I'm experiencing a peace I've never known before. I want to learn more about this peace.
My words for the year are SACRIFICE and LOVE. I was confirmed of these words today in church service. In order to show the LOVE in my heart for the Lord and others I must SACRIFICE some things in my life as a choice, not as a "have to" but SACRIFICE is a choice and I must have a personal investment in it.
My Words (I'm cheating) are trust and commitment. I was struggling on which to pick b/c you really can't have trust without commitment and commitment without trust so I'm going for both. I have struggled to fully trust God and commit to him with my whole being! I have heard God tell me to grab his hand to many times and it's time to fully commit and open my hand all the time! I am so very excited for what is in store! (a little nervous also! phew!)
I've been given Absorb-
HIS WORD, HIS Spirit, HIS Love. To be filled and pour out.
Sorry I'm late getting this in, but time had a great way of slipping away from me this week.
Without sounding like I'm copying off of LouAnne (who is awesome and I'd be proud to copy off her!), I have to go with diligence, too. I start too many things that I then let bypass me. I seem to be the queen of excuses and I'd like to change that!
My word for the year is Joy. I struggled between the word Joy and Focus. I get so busy as a wife and mother of four that i often end up putting aside bible time. I think they will go together. If i stay focused I'm hopeing to find Joy.
My word is serenity. I heard this in a song the other day. In this busy world we live in, I find myself running, running and more running. When I look out my window of my little condo in the woods, I am reminded that I need to slow down and reflect on the God who rooted me here. Serenity is truly a Blessing from God that I need to find and work on over this next year!
My word for the year is diligence. I find myself so easily distracted by things and people that I lose track of what's really important and how my time should be spent. This gets me nowhere I want to be. The verse I came across after deciding on my word was Proverbs 21:5. I want my thoughts (and actions) to produce plenteousness -- not of the worldly kind though that can be a blessing in itself, but more of plenteousness in the fruit of the spirit as we have studied.
My words for the year YIELD. I like to think I can handle the troubles in life all by myself. Then the day comes when my personal limit has been met, you know the day, your angry, sad, frustuated. That's when I get reminded from God...HELLO "I am right here..why are you keeping all this stuff to yourself" Well I need to change this cycle. I am yielding myself and everything else to God starting today.
My word for the year is Endure. I have learned there is patience,empathy,courage,and wisdom gained when we trust in, and lean on Jesus Christ within trials. Because I have hope in Jesus and an expected end;I can endure.When I become discouraged I can reflect on what was gained through Christ enduring the cross. Not through my own self-reliance or strength, but by His I can endure my cross daily.
My word for the year is GRATITUDE.
To be grateful in all areas of my life I have to equip myself with knowledge, wisdom and understanding. Not just to take things for granted but to really feel and appreciate what Jesus did for me at Calvary.
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