Sunday, December 5, 2010

Crossed Any Rivers Lately?

Is there a "river" in your life you just can't seem to get across? Are the "waters of doubt" keeping you on dry land? What will it take for you to step out into the deep?

In the book of Joshua, the nation of Israel can finally see the Promised Land of Canaan. They are so close to their inheritance, but there is one thing keeping them from occupying it - the Jordan River. It's spring and the waters of the Jordan are overflowing its banks. (Normally the river was about 100 feet wide, but during the flood season, it became a mile wide). God chose this time and location to demonstrate His power (once again). God parted the Red Sea to let the people out of Egypt, now He will part the Jordan River to let them into Canaan.

Joshua 3:8 instructs the priests who are carrying the ark of the covenant,"When you reach the edge of the Jordan's waters, go and stand in the river." What if the priests had been too afraid to enter the rushing waters? What if they had refused to take the first step? Often God provides no solution to our problems until we trust Him and move ahead with what we know we should do! Unless we step out by faith and "get our feet wet", we're not likely to make much progress in living for Christ and serving Him.

In verse 17, we see that each step the priests took, God opened the waters before them until they were standing "on dry ground in the middle of the Jordan..." Don't you think God wants to do the same for us? But we have to be willing to take the first step. Notice they didn't stay close to shore, or stick their big toe in to "test the waters", they walked by faith, to the middle of the river!

Walking by faith :: a concept the Bible is full of. "For we walk by faith, not by sight" 2 Cor. 5:7. "Get up! Pick up your mat and walk" John 5:8. "The land on which your feet have walked will be your inheritance..." Joshua 14:9. "March/walk around the city with all the armed men. Do this for six days..." Joshua 6:3. I encourage you to do your own word search and find more examples of how walking, trusting and faith go hand in hand.

Walking requires action. Action requires direction. Direction requires a guide. Our Guide is God and His Word. The people in Joshua's army didn't know why they were walking around the city of Jericho day after day, but they did it. The priests didn't know why they had to walk into the water before it would stop flowing, but they did it. Peter didn't know why he had to walk on the water to come to Jesus, but he did it. You may not understand why God is asking you to step out in faith and obey Him, but if you want to experience your own miracle, you need to do things His way. He's waiting to help you across that river in your life that's keeping you from your spiritual inheritance; your own Promised Land. Don't let the "waters of doubt" and the Enemy keep you for stepping out in faith.

The book of Joshua ends with his charge to the nation of Israel , " But be very careful to keep the commandment and the law that Moses gave you: to love the Lord your God, to walk in all His ways, to obey His commands, to hold fast to Him and to serve Him with all your heart and all your soul" Joshua 22:5.

Active faith - walking - does not require that you understand all or any of what God is doing in your life. Trust Him. Attempt the impossible by submitting to God's directions, and watch the troubled waters of your seemingly impossible situation part before your eyes!

Online Class: Choose your question this week....look forward to reading your comments. Also, leave your "I am....."'ve come up with some great ones!!


Tonia said...

Hey, I beat LouAnne!!
My word for the year is faith and I think I see a "river" in my future. God is asking me to step out and get my feet wet. It's always scary entering an unknown territory, but I'm claiming our memory verse::Joshua 1:9!

LOU ANN said...

1 Kings 8:61
Let your heart therefore be perfect with the LORD our God, to walk in his statutes, and to keep his commandments, as at this day.....
Walking in Gods word takes both faith and obedience. We learn to have faith that all that he tells us is truth and that it will be to and for us all that He promises.

Holly said...

Since you used my favorite verse-2 Co.5:7, I am going with Gal.5:16: "...Walk in the spirit, and ye shall not fufil the lust of the flesh." My 'Waters of doubt' are my fears re: my son's future. My needs to know who will care for him when I am gone; what the plan is. But I need to trust and obey, leaving the future to the One who knows all about it.

Nancy Bailey said...

Colossians 2:6 (King James Version) 6As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in him:
This verse is a reminder to all believers to remember their gift of Salvation through Jesus Christ; as well as to grow in their faith and walk closer to Christ each day. Once we are saved we cannot stay babes in Christ…we must learn through God’s word and by service to Him to reflect Jesus Christ through us. Jesus doesn’t want us to be believers which are idle and who do not shine forth to a dark world. We have to examine our lives and ask ourselves are we walking with Christ and as Christ would have us to live? Are we good examples of the power and love of Jesus Christ, or do we do our Savior injustice? If we are obedient to Christ, growing in His word and faithful to serve Him with whatever skills and talents we have been given…we are then walking closely beside Jesus.

Theresa B. said...

As I was looking for verses that included the word "walk" I came across the book of Ephesians. If I had to guess I would say that maybe this book in the bible uses the word "walk" the most!

Eph 2:5 And walk in love as Christ also has loved us and given Himself for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet smelling aroma.

Love is my word of the year for this study! I believe this verse tells us that Love is an action word since you must "walk" in love. I also think this is a command from God to love like Christ loves us.

Dee said...

Isaiah 30:21
Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you saying "This is the way; walk in it."

By faith I listen to the voice and follow whatever the path may be. Sometimes it is hard to not turn and go down my own path, but I know by faithfully walking down God's path he is with me all the way.

Renee said...

For we walk by Faith, not by sight.
If we are trusting in God and yeilding to Him (my word for the year) then our walk with Him will be all about Faith. We have to believe that he will guide us in the right direction, protect, comfort, teach and give us strength etc.. We put our Faith in a God that we can't see and our trust in His words. We love a God we who is invisable to us until the day we meet him in heaven for all eternity. I am obedient to Him and his Word because I am a believer by Faith not by sight. I don't need to see God to know that he is with me everyday. I feel his presence and see his workings all around me.

Sally said...

Cause me to hear thy lovingkindness in the morning; for thee do I trust; cause me to know the way wherein I should walk; for I lift up my soul unto thee.
This verse reminds me of the closeness I have with my Lord Jesus...hence, I have great faith in Him and His decisions, concerning my life, as I walk closely with Him, and have complete trust, in Him, as I lift my soul unto Him each day..I am so
Highly favored, and have a great "expectancy" in what He is going to do in my life...this requires great faith and trust, as I walk with Him...Amen!