The Jewish people were not willing to accept Jesus as the true Messiah. Messiahs didn't come from small towns or do the kind of humble work that Jesus did. So they dismissed both Him and His Message. But Jesus wasn't discouraged or deterred by their insults and neither should you be.
You are more than "just a __________." Don't believe the lies of the enemy when he whispers in your ear, "You'll never be able to do that, you're just too young, too old, too busy, too boring, too damaged, too afraid, too weak, too insecure, etc. Don't let the fact that you're just a woman, housewife, mother, young adult, new believer, etc. keep you from continuing to fulfill the plans and purposes God has for you. Think what would have happend if Jesus had stopped pursuing His ministry because He was "just a carpenter."
Every time you find yourself thinking, "I'm just a ____________" - stop! Instead, dwell on who you ARE....a precious daughter of the King, a unique workmanship of God (Eph. 2:10), a forgiven, redeemed and bound for heaven child of God, a woman of strength and a God-given dream and so much more!
BLOG COMMENT: Share some other descriptions of who YOU ARE!
Im just a willing vessel, who loves the Lord more than life itself.
I'm just a blessed daughter of the wonderful and mighty KING!!!
I am very humbled to be able to be used, given the crap I have put myself through in my life due to really dumb choices I am glad that God can still use me to do His works. I am just a wife, a mother, and a friend, but God uses me in so many capacities and for that I am blessed.
I used to say that I am "just a sinner, saved by Grace", but I have since learned, that I "was" a
sinner, and I was "saved" from my sins,..through the Grace, of God,.. consequently,.. I am no longer "just a sinner", But, I am a Born again, Child of the King!
I'm just a...child of God, learning to live the life He chose for me!
He is the Potter, I am the Clay! My desire is that he mold me and use me as the vessel he designed. How I praise Him for his patience and love he showers on me daily.
Psalm 92:1-2 It is good to give thanks to the Lord, to sing praises to the Most High. It is good to proclaim your unfailing love in the morning, your faithfulness in the evening.
Just a grateful girl to be blessed with family, friends and God in my life.
I am a follower of Christ. Bathed in HIS Grace and Mercy. K
After rereading my post I realized I omitted the "just a" out. I thought I would now share the significance of that for me in that the Just a was so the norm for me but now I know we are all wonderfully made in HIS image. no more "just a " : )
I am just alive today because God has a plan for me and keeps me going every day so his strength and mercy can be seen.
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