In Luke, Jesus was constantly speaking to and teaching the people around Him. Crowds would gather to hear what He had to say. He never wasted His words with small talk. Every moment in Jesus' presence was an opportunity for peoples' lives to be changed - if they actually heard what He was saying and applied His truths. We know many people did and they were never the same because of what they heard. While others perhaps just listened and left the same way as when they arrived.
In Luke 8:18, Jesus tells the people, "Therefore, consider carefully how you listen." The art of listening is a Christ-like skill we all must develop. I'm wondering if we might need a hearing aid to help us improve what and how we hear.
A - Active listening. How attentive are you when someone is speaking? Are you engaged in what they are saying? If you were asked to repeat what they just said, could you? We tend to have selective hearing at times and only hear what we want to hear. Jesus listened, heard and responded. How about you?
I - Intentional listening. We intend on hearing what a person has to say. We make a conscious effort to look them in the eyes and give them our undivided attention. They know we are listening and that they are being heard. It may not always be what we want to hear or what we agree with, but we are showing respect for the person by intentionally listening to them. Jesus was an intentional listener and we need to consider how we listen as well.
D - Direct listening. "Are you talking to me, God?" God speaks today and many times we're too busy and distracted to hear His voice. God speaks directly and we must listen directly. In order to hear what He's saying, we have to always be asking - "What does this mean for me?" "How can I apply what I'm hearing to my own life?" Unfortunately, some people listen to a message and think it would be great if so and so were here - they really need to hear this. Yet how many times are we the one God is trying to get the message across to? How many times does God speak and has to ask, "Can you hear Me now?" Don't tune out God - be a direct listener.
So today, consider carefully how you listen. Engage yourself and be an active listener. Be intentional in your listening so people will know they are being heard - regardless if you agree with them or not. Focus your attention on listening to and hearing directly from God.
BLOG CHALLENGE: How well did you listen to your pastor's message this week? Share with us a main point you heard and how you will apply it to your life!
The most important thing I heard and was reminded of this week was that we have all been blessed and it's our responsibility to invest in the "long term" - in others lives for the Kingdom.
The main topic of my Pastor's message, was "loving one another, in the "body" of Christ"...
In order for the Holy Spirit to be able to "join us", and to "work amongst us",.. we , first, have to be in a spirit of "unity".
In order to be in this spirit, with each other, we have to have "God's Love", for one another..That is first and foremost, in the life of the church...First display our love to each other, and the unity will follow...Then, the Holy Spirit will join us, where we are, and will pour out His blessings on us as a church body...Amen!
I wasn't able to attend church this past Sunday however, today Tonias' email prompted me to go online for a sermon. Here is what I learned by hearing and listening: Check out hisfaith.net and hear Pastor Jim's message titled: Invest Your Life. Great video of HIM ministry at prison. Also Parables in Mathew 25 contains 3 parts 1. receipt of blessing, 2. investment of blessing, 3. reckoning of that investment. Law of investment> the longer the term the greater the yield. Longest term = Eternity. Blessing is Christ. Invest Life in Him. Lord returns to reckon the servants receipt/investment of their Blessing. It is the best teaching on the story of the Parable that I have listened to. How does it apply to my life? It prompts the ? am I a conservative or aggresive investor and where and what am I investing my heart, time and finances. The people I admire the most invest in ministry to those less fortunate..so I ask do I and to what degree? K
The message I heard from Pastor Tobin was on communion and it's importance in taking it. He stated that the person who is not a child of God is dead to sin and the taking of communion has no meaning and does not bring harm to him. This was interesting to me as I had been taught the opposite not realizing that the person is dead already.
In Proverbs 28:13 it states "He who conceals his sins does not prosper, but whoever confesses and renounces them finds mercy".
Those who are in Christ, taking communion is "Thank You Lord for loving me enough to give your all for my sins.
I learned at a young age that this life is temporary and can end before we think that it will; and it was a comfort to me to be reminded that my eternal life will be so much sweeter. Just an affirmation to keep practicing sacrificial living to gain a rewarding eternal living.
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