The book of Acts introduces many "big names" in the church growth, evangelism and missionary world. Men and women like Stephen, Philip, Lydia, Silas, John Mark, Timothy and Paul. One person not given alot of attention is Barnabas.
Barnabas was given the title of a "good man, full of the Holy Spirit and faith..." (Acts 11:24). But unlike Paul, he never did the kinds of things that made him stand out. He's mentioned only three times in the book of Acts. 1) Selling his land to help finance God's work. 2) Vouching for Paul's character and 3) Giving John Mark a second chance. Barnabas didn't earn many titles, but he earned a great number of testimonies - "...and a great number of people were brought to the Lord" (Acts 11:24b).
What about your life? You know you're going to die one day and when you do are people going to stand around reciting all the titles you earned, or talking about what a blessing you were? Will you leave an obituary about how "important" you were, or about people grieving the loss of the best friend they ever had?
Titles are good, but if it comes down to a choice between a title and a testimony - go for the testimony! Pharaoh had the title, Moses had the testimony. Nebuchadnezzar had the title, Daniel had the testimony. Pilate had the title, but Jesus had the testimony. It's easy to think write-ups in Who's Who are the most important thing, but like Barnabas, it's the loving acts you do that will be remembered.
As the old hymn says, "only one life, 'twill soon be past...only what's done for Christ will last!
BLOG COMMENT: What's the most important thing you want to be remembered for?
Endurance and faith. I want people to say that through it all I endured because of the strength of Jesus Christ. I want those who really knew me and my life to realize my faith gave me the energy, strength, hope and comfort I needed to walk on.
For my belief in God and trying to help people in whatever way I can. Also for being a good wife and mother!!
I want to be known for persevering, no matter what was going on in "my world"...To be known for standing up, and standing for, my Savior, when others were trying to put Him down. Also, for being someone who tried to be more like Jesus, and less of myself, when things were good, or bad..which resulted in Praising Him, in all things. Last, but not least, I hope that other people would know that I was a child of God, simply by the way I lived my life.
My positive attitude. Things may not go the way you want, in fact they seldom do! You have to go through tests and trials in this life but how you handle them is what matters. If there is one thing I have learned is that I am not the only person going through it but the good surely out weighs the bad so count your blessings. Do something nice for someone when they least expect it. It will make you feel good and God will love you for it.
I want to be remembered for trusting God even in the tough times. A person who loved Christ and loved people. I want to be known as a good friend, mother and wife who was there to help people and encourage them.
GREAT comments ladies! There's NO doubt you will all be remembered this way.
That our family (children) could come to their father and mother for advice knowing we had given full prayer and wisdom, before giving it.
That the advice would be:
God has plans for their lives, but he doesn't force them to follow His will. He has given them free will, the ability to make choices and decisions on their own. But with the freedom to choose comes the responsiblity of living with the consequences of those choices, to choose wisely, study God's Word, and be watchful for His signs. God intends to use all of us in wonderful, unexpected ways. Finally, find God's plan for their life and follow it.
Psalm 32:8 The Lord says, "I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you."
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