The Jewish people in Matthew's day were waiting for their Messiah. They were expecting a warrior king to ride into town and rescue them from Roman oppression and establish a new kingdom - a kingdom as mighty and majestic as their ancestor, King David. They were aware of what the Old Testament prophets' described their savior would be and do and that was what they were longing for.
But unfortunately, they overlooked the prophecies in Isaiah 53 which explained that this king would also be a suffering servant. One who would be rejected and eventually killed. No wonder so many people didn't recognize Jesus as their King. He was not what they had expected. Many Jews were not ready to accept that their king was born in a lowly manger to poor commoners. Others were not willing to believe that Jesus was who He said He was especially when He talked about building His Kingdom in heaven, not on earth. It was not what they had expected!
What the Jews expected was not what they got and they were disappointed and discouraged. What they had dreamed their Messiah would be like, never came true. Many rejected Jesus for who He was, as millions still do today.
How do you respond when things don't happen and people don't act the way you expected? We are really no different than the Jews of Jesus' time. You may be looking for your own savior to come and rescue you from an oppressive situation and when that doesn't work out the way you thought, you are disappointed. You may have dreamed that your relationships and the people in them would act a certain way and when they don't, you are hurt. You may have expected life to turn out differently for you and seeing that it hasn't, you are blaming others and perhaps, even God.
Some things we can expect is that our ways and thoughts are not God's ways and thoughts. (Isaiah 55:8). We cannot control other people's feelings and behaviors - only our own. We must expect and accept that life will have its share of dissapointments. But most importantly, we must trust that God's plans are always for our good (Romans 8:28) and not to harm us (Jeremiah 29:11).
For those who did embrace Jesus as the true Messiah , they saw their lives changed. They were witness to many miracles and messages that would forever impact them and future generations. They set aside their unmet expectations and opened their hearts and minds to all Jesus had to offer them. Are you willing to let go of "what you have in mind" and follow the true King?
BLOG COMMENT: Are you holding on to an expectation that continues to go unmet? Is the continual disappointment and pain worth it?
I use to pin hopes on people and things. When I realized no one and nothing were meeting up to my expectations, especially when I was doing everything they told me was the right thing to do. I realized that I didn't see Jesus as he is, I was seeing him as they said he would be. Now I pin ALL my expectations on Christ for who he really is and who he promises to be to me.
Yes, I will always have hope for those few troubled people in my life. Things would go far easier for them if they turn it all over to God but they don't see that at this time. Even though I am disappointed I think back to when I thought as they do now and how disappointed God must have felt of me. Tomorrow the slate is wiped clean and we start again. There is always HOPE.
wow! Your blog is exactly what has been troubling me this week. God knew I needed your frank questions. HE actually prompted me to stop making dinner and read the blog right now rather than this evening. The answer is yes I am holding unto an unmet expectation and no the pain, disappointment, sorrow isn't worth it. There are so many other things to focus on in my life. Now, that it has been made clear and put into perspective with ur anology to the Jewish people and Jesus I hope I let go of it. I've told myself God said no and yet I keep rewritting the script so to speak. Ladies in your journey has there been a particular scripture that added you? Thanks and enjoy your week! : ) In HIS Grace, Kathleen
I was hung up for a time in my teens about the expectation for happiness when I was more accepted and felt "normal". In hindsight I see how much wisdom and strength I gained from being an outsider and how God protected me from many trappings of this world.
Great comments ladies ~ thanks for sharing your struggles and victories!
I posted this quote on Facebook this week and it keeps coming back as a reminder: "The more concerned you become with things you can't control, the less you will do to improve the things you can control."
Things/people/situations we can't control create anxiety and pain. When our expectations go unmet, we feel out of control and spend our time focused on them.
I Peter 5:7 - Cast all your cares/anxieties/disappointments/pain/questions on him because he cares for you.
Sorry for the mini-blog :)
I fail and so others do too! It's all good when we are in His plan though, thanks be to God!!!! : )
My struggle is judging the people at church! I never understand how others can stand by when there is work to do. I mean pitching in working with the kids, cleaning up after a dinner, pastor calling out for help to set up or take down tables. Simple things. They are there, but only to stand and talk while others work. Todays message only reminds me that I have to worry about myself serving the Lord and not to "expect" things from others. Keeping your own eyes on what God wants you to do and not others can be hard at times.
"It's not what we expected!" See what Matthew 6:33-34 MSG states:
Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now, and don't get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow. God will help you deal with whatever hard things come up when the time comes.
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