The ladies in our online study have been coming up with some great ones:: Love, Focus, Diligence, Generous, Purpose, Peace, Sacrifice, Trust, Commitment, Absorb, Joy, Self-Discipline, Priorities, Change, Blessings, Patience, Time, Thankfulness, Consistency...just to name a few!
What do you need to concentrate on in 2011? What area of your life is God reminding you that He would like to see some change in? Don't ignore His prompting.....Don't make Him have to get your attention the hard way! Ask Him for your word....He'll provide it without doubt.
A couple things that will help make this word a reality is, once you've identified it, find and write out a verse that encourages, motivates and affirms your word. Also, find a visual reminder - like a photo, quote, magnet, poster, etc. that you can use to keep your goal in mind. Here's my visual:

I was listening to a sermon online last night from one of my favorite pastors, Jonathon Falwell,( and he was explaining to his church that in order for God to do great things in the next year, they needed to be people of great faith! That caught my attention. I'm praying for God to do great things in my life and ministry as I took notes!
Based on the passage in Matthew 14:22-32 (Jesus walking on the water), our faith must consist of four things:
1) Faith that is saturated in prayer. If Jesus took time to get away and pray, how much more do we need to? (v. 23)
2) Faith that gets us through our fears. If we're wanting God to do a great work, we have to realize that He's the one who's going to do it, not us. Why do we need to be scared? (v.25-27)
3) Faith to obey God's call without question. Peter obeyed Jesus' call to "Come" (v. 29). He didn't stop and ask him how it was all going to work, what would happen if..... No, he obeyed the call.
4) Faith that never doubts God's power. Peter was fine until he took his eyes off Jesus. As he looked around and realized what he was doing, he became afraid and started to sink. He doubted God's power (v. 30-31).
I needed to be reminded of what my part is if I want God to do great things and increase my faith. I hope you'll join us this year as we not only focus on a word, but put action to our comittment.
Please share your word with us.....
I asked God for my word a few days ago, and believe me, I never would have picked this one for myself, but God knows best. It's "be".
My word is self control
My word is contentment. I know this is something which does not come naturally. True contentment is something which has to be worked at every day of our lives. It is a great gift to be content with yourself as God made you. I hope to find my contentment in Christ and not try to change myself to become something which will please a fickle world.
LISTEN In order to Hear From God each day, I will LISTEN.
to give attention with the ear; attend closely for the purpose of hearing; give ear.
to pay attention; heed; obey;
to wait attentively for a sound. Hear, Heed, Mind, Perceive. I'll have to be quiet in my spirit to Listen.
My word is Serenity. I was listening to the radio and heard the song, "Big girls don't cry" by Fergie, with the word serenity in it, and I knew that was God giving me that much needed word for this next year. I spend too much time running around, doing useless things instead of spending quiet time with my God. "Be still and know that I AM GOD"!
My word is HOPE, I have been battling some serious health issues for 3 years, and if I don't keep my hope/faith up I start to fail, even more! Also HOPE that this war will end!
My "word" is "expectancy"...I have had some pain lately, that took my eyes off of Him...Through this time, I have spent more time with Him..He reminded me that my focus needs only.. to be on Him, not on my problem!..also, through
this season, I am to be expecting a miracle...He will turn this into good for me!!..To God be the Glory..I do expect miracles in this coming year...Amen!
My word is still the same "Lean/Yield"
This has not changes..I still believe God is teaching me to learn to lean on Him and yield everything over to Him. This is something that I have to try VERY hard to do.
I chose the word "gratitude" when we first started this study. It has been a word that does not come easy to me as I am one who does it all and still expect others to come along side without a "thank you attitude" I am learning daily to be grateful for things that I have taken for granted for so long. God is showing me that I must see the good in others and learn from them as well as from my Father in Heaven. This study has been an uplifting encouragement to me to be in the word, see what life was like those many years ago, and see alot of it today. When we sin, we pay...
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