When Haman threw the lot of the pur (3:7) to discover what day would be the best day to annihilate the Jews in Xerxes' kingdom, he unwittingly established a festival called Purim, when, instead of annihilation, the Jews celebrated their deliverance. Esther and her cousin Mordecai jointly worked to overturn Haman's plot and when they were successful, they sent out a proclamation to all the Jews living in Xerxes' kingdom to "celebrate annually the fourteenth and fifteenth days of the month of Adar as the time when the Jews got relief from their enemies, and as the month when their sorrow was turned into joy, and their mourning into a day of celebration" (9:21-22).
Worship and fasting typically make up the first day of the festival. The entire book of Esther is read aloud, and the congregation responds with, "Let his name be blotted out" each time Haman's name is read. The children in the group respond to Haman's name with noisemakers and rattles. On the second day of the feast, rejoicing and celebration break out. Food, music, dramas and plays, special songs, and recitals all add to the festive mood. People give gifts to each other and also make sure they don't forget to give gifts to the poor, as that was a special wish of Mordecai (9:22).
Like the Passover, the Feast of Purim celebrates divine deliverance. Saved from Pharaoh's rule and slavery in Egypt and delivered from the destruction planned by Haman, the Jews celebrated a deliverance that only God could have orchestrated. Previously doomed, they were now delivered.
As believers, we too have something to celebrate. Instead of a Moses or an Esther, God sent his own Son to deliver us, saving us from the terrible destruction of sin and death. Surely, that's reason enough to celebrate!
* Taken from Women of the Bible by Ann Spangler
BLOG QUESTION: What are you celebrating deliverance from?
Guilt, shame, perfectionism, anger, bitterness, depression, pride, laziness, unforgiveness, addiction, grief, abuse, selfishness, greed, etc.
I’m celebrating deliverance from selfishness and greed. I have seen these faces in people I have known and in society. I believe greed masks itself in careers, goals, and the worlds view of what and whom is successful. I believe we glorify those in success driven careers and in places of title in all facets of life anymore. More and more I recognize success in an upright person, in those truly following God and in those who serve their families and church. I am thankful to understand a Biblical concept of success and not be swayed in greed and want. I am also working to not be selfish with my time for God and the needs of my family. Even when I am hurt or blocked in serving in ministry I will find another way to serve God. It is about service to God…not service to myself or service to one individual in a position of some title…it is about helping the glory of God shine to others. God is what counts!
I am celebrating deliverance from the addiction of cigarettes! God has perfect timing and I quit a couple weeks before I found out I was pregnant with my son. His timing is everything!!
It seems that He is always there for me working miracles during all major family milestones like my marriage and the conceiving of my children. He is awesome and knows just what I need and my deepest desires! :)
I'm celebrating deliverance from the inability to surrender it all to God. Sometimes God has to take you down to bare bones so you can see Who is really in charge. He is the potter, I am the clay. Everything that touches my life has to be filtered through His loving hands first. You experience true freedom when you give it all to Him. His plan for your life is awesome and more than you could have ever imagined.
God has been so good to me. He has delivered me from incredible anxiety/worry about the future. He has also delivered me from discontentment. I am so amazed and thankful for where He has brought me.
I am also very thankful the people He has used in my life to bring about this deliverance.
Thank you Tonia!
I would have to say I am in the process of receiving deliverence in the area of food addiction!
As with other addictions, food is just as hard or even harder to overcome; the overeating, indulgence of foods that do not make us healthlier, sickness becomes a hugh factor to our body.
God is showing me that I must celebrate HIM and he will be there every mouthful I take. He forgives when I have fallen, tells me to pick myself back up and continue the process for success!
Ps 25:4 says God will show me the path I should walk, point out the right decisions for me to follow, lead me in his truth and teaches me; for he is the one who saves me. So all day long I will put my HOPE in HIM!
Celebrating Deliverance is on the priority list!!!
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