Written mostly by King Solomon, during his early reign, Proverbs' theme is practical wisdom. Knowledge is good, but there's a big difference between "knowledge" (having facts) and "wisdom" (applying those facts to life). We may gain all the knowledge available to us, but without wisdom, it is useless. We must learn how to live out what we know.
How can we look at the book of Proverbs and not take a peek into the most avoided and sometimes dreaded chapter by women - Proverbs 31. Unfortunately this chapter has been used by many as a measuring stick to the "virtuous-ness" of Christian women. What I want us to look at today is her wisdom and commitment and see how we compare with these more reasonable and attainable virtues! If you are not familiar with this passage, please take a minute to read verses 10-31 of Proverbs 31. Be reminded that this is advice from a mother to her son on what kind of woman he should look for in a wife.
* She is committed to her husband and marriage (31:11-12,23). She showed wisdom by respecting her husband and his position. Her husband in turn appreicated her and had full confidence in her. If you are married, does this describe your relationship?
* She is committed to her work (31:13-14,16,24). This woman is described as being a manufacturer, importer, manager, realtor, farmer, seamstress, upholsterer and merchant! Are you committed to the jobs you have inside and outside the home?
* She is committed to her family (31:15,21,28). Seeing that their needs are met is one of her highest priorities. Where does your family rank in the things you value?
* She is committed to time management (31:17-18,27). She uses her time wisely and makes the most of her day - not falling into the trap of idleness. How are you managing your time - wisely or wastefully?
* She is committed to helping others (31:20). She is concerned with the needs of others. She manages her time well in meeting the needs of her family and work, that she has opportunity to reach out to the less fortunate. What are you doing to help others? Are you even aware of the needs of those around you?
* She is committed to her well-being (31:22,25). She knows it's important to take care of herself as well as others. Are you too busy taking care of others that you are neglecting your own health and well-being?
* She is committed to her spiritual growth (31:26). Not only does she care for her physical health, she takes time to gain knowledge and turn that into wisdom. She chooses her words wisely and knows what words to say, when to say them and how they will be most beneficial to others. Are you gaining spiritual knowledge and applying it to your everyday life?
* She is committed to her God (31: 29-31). She is a woman who "fears the Lord" by showing God respect, honor, obedience and love by the way she lives her life. They praise her in the city gate, not for her beauty and charm, but for her faithfulness to her God. Are others praising you for the things you do or for the woman you are?
Proverbs 31 opens with the question - a woman of noble character who can find? Her worth is far above rubies. Is that your goal today - to be a woman of noble character? A woman, regardless of your age or stage of life, who is loved, respected and honored by those who know you? I hope so! Learn the valuable knowledge from God's Word and apply it as wisdom to your life today!
BLOG COMMENT: How are you doing with your Word for the Year? See if you can find some words of wisdom from Proverbs that you can claim to help you continue to strengthen this area of your life. Share with us your insights!
As my word for the year is FAITH, verse 26 of Proverbs 31 spoke to me. It describes my prayer this year: "She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue." I hope that as I speak and teach, it will be from the wisdom I have gained from God's Word and my walk with Him.
I really enjoyed this blog today Tonia. I'm going to forward it on to some friends of mine too. This is good stuff & a great reminder too! Thank you! :)
My word is Contentment. I know it is something which has to be worked on continually and along that path we will stumble. This scripture reminds me to keep in the light and following the light on my path to contentment. When I keep focused on the light that is Christ; Satan cannot trip me up as easily…he cannot sway me onto his path of darkness. I know if I keep following the righteous path of Christ that His light will only get brighter to light my way!
Proverbs 4:18-19 (King James Version) 18: But the path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day.
19: The way of the wicked is as darkness: they know not at what they stumble.
My word is diligent for the year. I have been working really hard to be more diligent. Although I don't get much of a chance to get on the computer much anymore I am ever so much more diligent in my Bible reading and studying. My Proverbs verse of preference is 3:5 Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
I take every word literally and endeavor to remember this one in each task I come across. We are talking daily.
This blog was so inspiring!!..Very hard to attain, but I will continue to strive, towards being a Proverbs 31 woman..Quite a "journey"!..My word for the year is "expectancy"...I "expect" the Lord to lead me towards what He would have me to do, for Him, each day..and I "expect" Him to equip me, when it is an area where I have no
self-confidence..I "expect" Him to be my "Confidence and my Strength"..Praise!
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