By these standards, Jeremiah was a miserable failure. For 40 years he served as God's spokesman to Judah, but when Jeremiah spoke, nobody listened. Consistently and passionately he urged them to act; to turn from their evil ways and idolatry or God would punish; but nobody moved. And he certainly did not attain material success. He was penniless, friendless and rejected by friends, family, neighbors, kings and his audience. Throughout his life, Jeremiah stood alone, declaring God's messages of doom, announcing the new covenant and weeping over the fate of his beloved country. In the eyes of the world, Jeremiah was not a success.
But in God's eyes, Jeremiah was one of the most successful people in all biblical history. Why? Because success, as seen by God, involves three things:
1) Obedience - Even though Jeremiah did not have throngs of faithful followers and thousands of fans showing up to hear his next message, he obeyed God regardless. As we look back over his life, we can see that he successfully completed the work God gave him to do in spite of unimaginable opposition and personal sacrifice.
In 2 Chronicles 22:13, David is preparing his son, Solomon, for the building of God's temple in Jerusalem. He reminds him, "... you will have success if you are careful to observe (obey) the decrees and laws that the Lord gave Moses for Israel. Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or discouraged." Don't you think Jeremiah needed these same words of encouragement as he committed his life to God as His spokesman? Jeremiah suffered many times of fear and discouragement, but he continued to obey. Are you a success in God's eyes because of your willingness to obey regardless the cost?
2) Faithfulness - Success must never be measured by popularity, fame or fortune, for these are temporal measures. Popularity may wane. Fame and fortune may disappear. But faithfulness to God will be rewarded. God's approval alone should be the standard for our life and our service to Him. We should all long to hear Him say - "Well done, my good and faithful servant" (Matthew 25:21).
The world doesn't regard faithfulness the same way God does. The world says that one must do whatever is necessary to achieve success, even if that means being unfaithful in word and deed. Jeremiah was not seeking fame and popularity, for if he had, he probably would have changed his message to a more "feel-good, warm and fuzzy, not offend anybody, let's all get along" message. But he did not and remained faithful to the work and the words God gave him to share. Are you a success in God's eyes because of your faithfulness regardless of what it brings or doesn't bring to your life?
3) Righteousness - What is our motive for what we do? Is it to be seen as a success by the world or God? Colossians 3:17 reminds us that "..whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him." This means we are to bring honor to Christ in every aspect and activity of daily living. As a Christian, we represent Christ at all times - wherever we go and whatever we say.
The success we strive for in life should be honoring to God. We should be thankful for the gifts and talents He's given us to serve Him. We should never think of ourselves as better or self-righteous. Our goal should not be to win people's love and affection in order to feel successful. Acceptance or rejection by people is not to be the measure of our success. What will matter most in the end is not what others say about our life, but what God has to say. Are you a success in God's eyes because of your righteousness and the reflection of Christ to others?
No, according to the world, Jeremiah was not a success. According to the world, you may not be also. But with obedience, faithfulness and righteousness, you WILL be in God's eyes!
BLOG COMMENT: Have you ever found yourself following the steps for success according to the world's standard? Where did those steps lead?
I have often wandered into worldly standard of success and each time I find the way unfulfilled and difficult. My success is not in the things I have or in popularity. Its in the lives that are affected by the shared Word and Ways of God through Jesus Christ.
I tried following the world's path to success. I thought I'd find fulfillment through education, performance, perfection, recognition, approval and appreciation.
And when I didn't, it left me empty, frustrated, discouraged and depressed. It's so much more rewarding to see our worth through God's eyes and not man's!
When I first got my job I was young and had lots of ambition. Eventually I was promoted and had it all. It wasn't long when things fell apart. In my mind nothing changed but in my co-workers mind jealousy and back stabbing started. I was a boss now; not a friend. I became miserable and alone leaving me with a empty feeling, questioning why ? Eventually I put in my resignation but my boss would not accept it. I was offered a different position removing me from the situation. Looking back it reminded me of the story of Joseph when he was put in prison. I was moved to a secured area and had my hours changed and did not even see anyone. I came in, did my job and went home. After several years there was a reorganization and I ended up working with the same people who hated me. I dreaded the thought but time had a way of washing away most memories of those days. Again we were working together, became friends and still are to this day. At my retirement those same people gave speeches of what a hard working, fair person I had been over the years and one of the nicest people to work with. The success for me was not the prestige but ending up with life long friendships.
Malachi 3:10 (New International Version)
"Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in My house. Test Me in this,” says the LORD Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it."
Until you test Him and surrender to His will completly according to His Word you'll be sucked in to this world's economy.
I'm living on my knees in a city with One King and working to further His kingdom in whatever way He leads me.
Pray ask Abba Father in Jesus' name to show you the way. He is faithful. His Word does not comeback void. Halleluja!
Praise God!!!!
When I first started chemo, I was doing great. Everyone was commending me on what a great attitude I had. Lots of pats on the back from friends and family. Then chemopause hit (chemically induced menopause). I fell into anxiety and depression. Now the only thing I could do was depend on God totally to get me out of this pit. It was so hard to surrender ALL, but it was the only thing that would help. Now as I look back, I am so glad I went through all of this. God is faithful, he will never leave us nor forsake us. He allows us to go through trying times so we can become the person He wants us to be. Now I know, it is all about Him, not about me. Trusting and loving God with all your heart, mind and strenghth is an awesome place to be. Praise the Lord!!!
More often I find myself not living up to this world's expectations or standards for success. Growing up with disabilities you get fairly used to being an outsider. When I began working I nearly worked myself to death(literally) because I thought if I did above everyone else I would be equal. It didn't work other than to wear me down severely. I now care far less about world standards.
What is success? Can you count on it being there forever?
God has plans for your life, but he won't force you to follow his will. He has given you free will, the ability to make choices and decisions on your own.
So with this freedom to choose comes the responsibility of living with the consequences of those choices. Choose wisely, study God's Word,and be watchful of His signs; for God intends to use you in wonderful, unexpected ways. This is SUCCESS to me!
God has plans - not problems - for our lives.
"In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps." Proverbs 16:9 NIV
(Promises & Prayers for Women)
I lived in "the ways of the world", for many years...When the Lord "freed" me, of the things that kept me "in bondage", I was then "free" to serve the Lord!...He could, then, use me, as He had Purposed...!!..It is so good to know that He accepts me, as I am, and I am learning to trust Him, through all of my trials...He makes me stronger, in my walk with Him, daily, as I look forward, (not back), and as I Seek His Face...
"Seek Ye First The Kingdom of God,
and All these things will be added
unto you" (Math.6:33).... Amen!
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