Philippians is a joy-filled letter from Paul, encouraging and rejoicing over the believers in Philippi. He wants them to know that his joy is not found in his circumstances, as he is in prison awaiting trial for preaching the Gospel, but in his relationship with Christ. He reminds them that their happiness is only contingent on the "happenings" around them, but true joy comes from God.
We can learn from Paul's attitude. Even if we cannot rejoice in our circumstances, we can always rejoice in the Lord who controls our circumstances! We must fix our attention on Him. He may not change our situation, but He will change us and that is even better!
In Philippians 4, Paul explains how he has learned to be content in any and every situation. He has experienced great wealth and great poverty. He has been well fed and hungry. He has known human strength and weakness. I would venture to say that not many of us are in a similar situation as Paul, yet we struggle with being content in what we have and where we are. But regardless of his surrounding and situations, he has confidence that he can do all things through the strength he's receiving from Christ.
So back to my original question - can we really do everything? The power we receive in union with Christ is sufficient to do His will and to face the challenges that arise from our commitment to doing it. He does not grant us superhuman ability to accomplish anything we can imagine without regard to His interests. Let's look at what we can do:
1) I can do everything God calls me to do. We have strength in Christ to do what God has planned for us to do for Him. Once we get past the idea that it's all about us and what we want, we can draw on this strength, power and wisdom, to complete His unique purpose for us . And in the end, God is glorified, not ourselves.
2) I can do everything God commands me to do. We need strength in order to live the Christian life - successfully. We are commanded to love, obey, trust, follow, rejoice, live pure lives, resist temptation, etc. Is this really possible to do in our own strength? Can we pick and choose commands that we will attempt on our own and others that we ask for help with? When we live a victorious life - through Christ's strength - God is glorified, not ourselves.
3) I can do everything God convicts me to do. I don't know about you, but this one requires alot of super-natural power sometimes. There are times when I'm convicted to forgive, confront, repent, surrender, practice patience and perseverance and I just don't want to. This is when I must draw on Christ's power to be able to do everything God convicts me to do. And when I do, I know God is pleased and glorified - not myself.
What is God calling, commanding and/or convicting you to do today? Know that you can do everything He wants you to do - through Christ's strength and power - not your own.
BLOG COMMENT: What has your "everything" looked like? Have you been trying to do it all in your own strength and perhaps for your own glory?