1) Praise - Paul begins his letter with reminding the believers of the many blessings that God has lavishly given them because of His glorious grace (1: 3-8). Are you praising God this week for the blessings He's given you - regardless of their size or significance?
2) Prayer - In 1:16, Paul says - "I have not stopped giving thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers." Paul had nothing but the people in his lives. All his worldly possessions had been taken away as he now spends his time in prison, praying for those he is thankful for. Have you thanked God for the people in your life and then prayed for them?
3) Proper Response - Our salvation comes from our faith in Christ, not from anything we have done ourselves and it is a gift from God (2: 8-9). When someone gives you a gift, do you say, "That's very nice - how much do I owe you?" No, the proper response is, "Thank you!" Yet how often do we feel obligated to try to work our way to God. Because our salvation and even our faith are gifts, we should respond with gratitude, praise and joy. Have you done so today?
4) Power - "..always giving thanks to God the Father for everything ....." (5:20). Thank God, not for your problems, but for the strength and power He is building in you through the difficult experiences of your life. Are you thanking God for His power and knowing you can be sure that His perfect love will see you through whatever situation arises?
Do you need a few more things to be thankful for? Paul provides a great reminder to us ALL of the blessings we have received from God because He is thankful for us! Take time to thank Him today with praise, prayer, power and with a proper response. (Taken from the NIV Life Application Study Bible, pg.1983.)
* We are blessed with every spiritual blessing in Christ. - Eph. 1:3
* We are holy and blameless. - Eph. 1: 4
* We are adopted as God's children. - Eph. 1: 5, 6
* Our sins are taken away and we are forgiven. - Eph. 1: 7
* We will be brought under Christ's authority. - Eph. 1: 10,11
* We are identified as belonging to God by the Holy Spirit. - Eph. 1:13
* We have been raised up to sit with Christ in glory. - Eph. 2:6
* We are God's work of art; His masterpiece. - Eph. 2:10
* We have been brought near to God. - Eph. 2:13
* We share in the promise of blessings through Christ. - Eph. 3:6
* We can come with freedom and confidence into God's presence. - Eph. 3:12
* We are members of Christ's body, the church. - Eph. 5: 29, 30
BLOG COMMENT: How does it make you feel when you think about how thankful God is for YOU?
I feel very special, knowing that God is Thankful for "me"...I know that He created me, for "His pleasure", and when I go through my day, I ask myself, if I think God is/was, pleased with my actions/words, etc. today...
I thank Him for His Grace, towards me, and for giving me "opportunity" to serve Him, in different areas. I love Him, because He first loved me!, and that gives me.. an attitude of
gratitude, this day, and everyday...Amen!
"How Do I give Thanks?"
By rejoicing in knowing I have have been set free in Jesus through salvation. This is my grateful THANKS to God for giving Jesus that I may live one day with him eternally.
Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus. 1 Thess 5:18
I will thank you, Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all the marvelous things you have done. I will be filled with joy because of you. I will sing praises to your name, O Most High. Ps 9:1-2
It gives me a sense of belonging I often search for in this world, but feel I come up short of; and it makes me long to go home to heaven where we will know pure, true, unconditional love.
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