Monday, March 26, 2012

No More ......

As we come to the end of our Know the Bible study, we're encouraged once again to see what the future holds for Believers. The book of Revelation is just that - the revealing of who Christ was and is and is to come. He is the righteous Judge who will punish the wicked and the triumphant King who will return to establish His kingdom for all eternity.

One of the privileges of being part of His kingdom is found in Revelation 21:4 - "He (God) will wipe all tears from their eyes, and there will be no more death, suffering, crying or pain. These things of the past are gone forever."

We "hear" God's words of comfort in this devotional from the book Heaven Calling: "Beloved, one day I will gently touch your face and wipe away your tears. Tears you've shed in sorrow over sin. Tears over the pain in your heart from regret. Tears for the loss of loved ones to sickness and death. Tears from the hurt that people inflicted upon you. Tears of frustration and anger.

I know about tears. My Son wept at the grave of His friend, Lazarus and in the garden before His own death. One day tears will be no more. There will be no more reason to cry, for I will remove all of that regret and loss and hurt and frustration and anger.....Gone!  I will replace your sorrows with myself, my love, my presence. I will make all things new." 

As soon as I finish this writing, I will go attend the funeral of a close friend's 6-month old grandson who passed away last Friday. One minute he was sleeping peacefully and the next he was in the arms of Jesus. There will be tears. There will be questions. There will be doubts about God's purpose in all this sadness. No one has the answers - and in times like this, we wish we did.

This song came to mind last night as I was thinking about what to write today and I wanted to share it as an encouragement and a reminder of that day when all tears, questions, fears, and doubts will disappear.

* Lyrics to No More Night :
Words & music by Walt Harrah

The timeless theme, Earth and Heaven will pass away. It’s not a dream, God will make all things new that day. Gone is the curse from which I stumbled and fell. Evil is banished to eternal hell.

No more night. No more pain. No more tears. Never crying again. And praises to the great "I AM." We will live in the light of the risen Lamb.

See all around, now the nations bow down to sing. The only sound is the praises to Christ, our King. Slowly the names from the book are read. I know the King, so there’s no need to dread.

No more night. No more pain. No more tears. Never crying again. And praises to the great "I AM." We will live in the light of the risen Lamb.

See over there, there’s a mansion, oh, that’s prepared just for me, Where I will live with my savior eternally. There will be no more night. No more pain. No more tears. Never crying again. And praises to the great "I AM." We will live in the light of the risen Lamb.

Download the lesson from Revelation


Deann said...

This makes you realize how fragile life is. We can live in fear or in faith. Thank goodness for heaven and the Lord. The rest of this world wouldn't be worth living in if it weren't for Him. You're right, thank goodness it all ends and there's a hope of heaven.

Deanna said...

It has been a joy to go through the Bible as we have in the last 17months. From God's awesome beginning of the world, learning from Jesus how to live, and then to the ending of the world, only to have a beautiful new home one day with Him.

This wonderful HOPE is a perishable commondity. Despite God's promises, despite Christ's love, and despite our countless blessings, we frail humans can still lose hope from time to time. When we do, we need the encouragement of Christians friends, the life-changing power of prayer, and the healing truth of God's Holy Word. If we find ourselves falling into the spiritual traps of worry and discouragement, we should see the healing touch of Jesus and the encouraging words of fellow Christians. This world can be a place of trials and struggles, but God has promised us peace, joy, and eternal life if we give ourselves to him. (God's Promises for Women quote).

Psalm 71:14 But as for me, I will hope continually, and will praise YOU yet more and more!

Nancy Bailey said...

Some do not like to study the book of Revelation or think about The Rapture, but for me it is undescribably joyous to dwell for even a moment on a time of no pain or physical struggles. To have a day that is truly carefree is such a wondrous promise! There are many things in this world which offer a temporary distraction from trials and pain, but Jesus is the lasting balm that will heal the hurts and dry all tears forever.I'm waiting and watching Lord Jesus!

Sally said...

I,first, thank God for the opportunity, to study God's Word, with you, and the "online ladies"...Through this study, and others, I am learning to live the life, here on earth, the way that Jesus wants me to live it...(a process)..I am learning to think, like Jesus thinks, and to sanctify myself, every morning, while in His Word, and praying, that He will help me, to see where "He is working", and what He has for me to do, for Him, in that area...
whether it be, a specific thing, or to "stay out of His way" is all so important, in His purposes, for me,(and you), while on this earth..
As I put my feet on the floor, each moring, I then, "take up my cross", and "attempt" to follow Him, throughout that day....It says, in Rev., that if we read the book, we will be blessed...I have learned that we need to "all" get back to our "First Love", (Jesus), and have no more idols before Him..that is, first, and foremost,in attaining "TheBlessing"..
Ultimately, we are to "be ready", and always "Looking up"...
God bless you all, and Keep the Faith, that we may all stand "strong" in those last days..together, hand in hand..(Unity)