Saturday, August 30, 2014

Finally....An Answer to "What's Next?"

It's been a year since I was diagnosed with Stage 4 Breast Cancer and began nine months of chemo and radiation treatments. In the months since my last radiation, I, along with many well-meaning friends/family have asked, "So what's next for you?"  At times, this was very upsetting because I didn't have an answer. God was not showing me (in BOLD print) what He wanted me to do with my experience. Knowing patience is not one of my more dominant virtues, He decided it was time to develop that even more!

It was through this time of "character development", that it became more clear on the direction He wanted me to go - actually a continuation of what I've been trying to do for years - encourage other women. My cousin, Sharon, had also been diagnosed with breast cancer in 2013 and was struggling with the same questions. She has a great talent for capturing God's creation through photography. (Sharon Surman Photography) We both felt God leading us to do something together that would help other women in cancer treatment feel loved, supported and encouraged.

That's when the idea for Prayer Postcards started. Using our gifts and talents, we've put together a set of 6 cards using her beautiful photos and my attempt of writing personal prayers. These words reflect the many feelings I went through during treatment - fear, anxiety, discouragement, loneliness, etc. and includes scripture verses, space for a hand-written note and address.  Our goal is to get these into the hands of as many women as possible to give them the much needed hope and encouragement during a dark and difficult time.

If you personally know of someone going through a time of trial or your church has a card ministry, please consider ordering a set ($10 for 6). You may get them for yourself to send individually or we will mail the set directly, along with a personal note from you, to your someone special!

10% of every order goes to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation!

To see more of our story, read the personal prayers and to order, click HERE!  We appreciate your support more than you'll ever realize.  Tonia and Sharon :)


Arlene Knickerbocker said...

I shared this on my FB Author's Page. Beautiful.

Tonia said...

Thanks so much Arlene!!