Sunday, January 30, 2011

Worshiping America's Idols

Have you bowed down to any false gods lately? Have you been influenced by those around you and find yourself following after what they "worship"? Granted, we may not build golden calves or pray to dead saints, but we must admit that we live in a very "idol" oriented society. More on that in a minute......

The definition of an "idol" is any idea, ability, possession, activity or person that we regard more highly than God. As we continue our look at II Kings this week, we see where their obsession with idolatry finally cost them their freedom as a people and a nation. God's patience had run out with them. In II Kings 17, He allows Israel to be conquered by the Assyrians. 136 years later, He permits the Babylonians to capture the people of Judah. His people, the Israelites, who once gloried in a united-kingdom who worshiped the one True God and was blessed because of their obedience, has now been conquered and led into captivity because of their sin. Because they looked around and wanted to be like the other nations. They wanted to worship what the other nations worshiped. They wanted to be godless and corrupt people like their neighbors.

So how does this message relate to us today? Does America have its own idols? I believe so. Maybe not in the form we see in II Kings, but certainly ones that fit the definition. Let's look at a few:

1) Money - I once heard a lesson by Beth Moore who used the verses from Psalm 115:5-8 to describe the obsession our culture has with worshiping money. " But their idols are silver and gold, made by the hands of men. They have mouths, but cannot speak, eyes, but they cannot see; they have ears, but cannot hear, noses, but they cannot smell; they have hands, but cannot feel, feet but they cannot walk.....Those who make them will be like them, and so will all who trust in them." Beth related these verses with gold and silver coins and paper money. It has a mouth, but cannot speak, eyes, ears and noses, etc. This is the idol of money that we worship. The love of and obsession with money takes us away from God, our families and the kind of life God desires us to live. It becomes all some people can think about, work for and desire more of. We have allowed money to become a useless god.

2) People - We don't have to go far to see the obsession we have with celebrities, athletes, powerful and beautiful people and even with our own relationships. Millions of dollars are spent each year by those wanting to look like someone they "worship." Thousands of hours and tons of energy are spent by those trying to become the next great athlete - so they can acquire what? Fame and fortune! Hundreds of dollars are spent on a few hours in front of the latest, hottest, and loudest scream inducing performer, all so we can bow down and worship at their feet. We put people on pedestals and then wonder why we are so disappointed when they fall. We're worshiping the ability and the image of these people without really even knowing them personally.

3) Busyness - Oh the god of busyness. It's probably caught us all off guard at times. Not until we realize that our good deeds and full lives have created a separation between us and God rather than a closer relationship, do we see the need to slow down. Somehow we think the busier we are, the more impressed people (and God) will be with us. We look at the "super-women" around us and long to be like them. They always seem to have it all together. If only we could look, act, smell, talk, walk, etc. like her - our life would be fulfilled. But when that woman's family falls apart, her "all-togetherness" crumbles, her children rebel and her worshipers disappear, what do we have left to look up to?

Is our nation on the same path as Israel and Judah? Are we bowing down to so many false gods, that we've forgotten the real God who desires and deserves our true worship and devotion? Have we allowed the Enemy to slowly distract and deceive us? Whatever he can do to deviate our attention from God, he will do.

How long will God's patience last with us? "So the Lord was very angry with Israel (America) and removed them from his presence. Therefore the Lord rejected all the people of Israel (America); he afflicted them and gave them into the hands of the plunderers, until he thrust them from his presence/ cast them out of his sight." II Kings 17:18,20

Blog Questions:
1) What are your thoughts? Are we living in the day when God has removed us from His presence as He did with Israel?

2) What other idols do you see Americans worshiping?


Nancy Bailey said...

I don't think God has removed us from His presence. I have myself experienced his presence often in my life and I attribute His presence working in my life to why I can go on each and every day. I believe God is grieved though over the lack of our need for Him. As we become more educated, more sophisticated and more reliant on technology; there is less need for a daily reliance on God, or at least that is what I see projected. I believe technology is something a majority worship today...their Cell phones, Ipads, Ipods, Computers, Facebook and on and on. It is sort of sad to me to see our kids walking around texting instead of talking or listening in church. It is doubly sad when I see ministry staff texting on phones up on the pulpit/altar during a service.

LouAnn said...

Having a personal relationship with Christ I feel anything but removed from his presence. But as an American i can see the affects on those that are. With politicians and special interest groups fighting to take God out of the factor we see decay and violence like never before. Where the fight to murder babies and defile our bodies are so pronounced in even the entertainment industry. Do we have idols? Oh yes its called self, self indulgence, self satisfaction, self reliance to name a few. Its all about me and how Ive been hurt or how I have been mistreated. No matter how bad things get our eyes should be eternally on God.

Tonia said...

I knew I could count on you two ladies to share your insights! Thanks :)

Renee said...

I don't think that God has removed us from His presence. I do believe that we have to actively seek His presence to remain close to Him. He wants us to show Him we want a relationship with Him..not just friviously expect Him to be there at our every whim with no commitment to Him. We need to be obedient to Him, His word, His laws and draw close to Him to be in his presence.. but I think it is worth it don't you. I wouldn't want to be in the position that Israel was would you?

Other Idols..hmm..there are soo many. Celebraties, Televangelist, Authors, Electonics, Cars, Houses, Designer shoes, Purses... this list will go on forever.. but you get the idea.

laurie norgren said...

Time is a idol for most people we think we don't have time for church or a study or a ministry but we really do. We just don't want to use our time for the right thing to do, spending time with God. We have excuses we are so busy with life, but when a love one ends up in the hospital our clock stops to focus on being there for them. All that life stuff still goes on without you we just made time for our love one. So see we have time we just have to see God as our love one.

i still see God in America we just have to not be ashame to talk to ones we love about him and not care what our America thinks of us Laurie

Anonymous said...

I do not thing God has removed us from his presence YET......I think we are at very critical times as his people. We are such a world of instant gratification and of self.....Lord help us!!!

Lots of, use of time, our vast resources of video games/email/i pods/txting ect. I just read Nancy's blog.....right on, I totally agree!! Lee Anne

Nancy Bailey said...

Thanks, Tonia. I enjoy the participation here!

Pat said...

With some of the world events happening now, weather, economy, war I often wonder if God has removed His presence. Could you really blame Him since many push so hard at trying to remove His name so as to not offend anyone. But our God is a loving God and I know his presence is with all believers. We may not be perfect but He knows we try our best to follow His ways and be faithful servants.

Dee said...

Are we living in the day when God has removed us from His presence as He did with Israel?

God is with us and waiting for all knees to bow to him. How long he will wait before removing us, we don't know. Each day I choose to follow the Lord and pray for others to make him Lord too.

As far as "American Idols" We are our own idols and are too wrapped in self.

Lorna said...

We need to continue to seek God. I still seek God and can feel his presence. I do sometimes wonder if God has removed his presence on America or if it may be a matter of time before he does with all of the awful stuff going on here.

There are so many idols Electronics especailly the computer and internet, cell phones, money, selfishness, work, there are so many!!

Deanna said...

Worshiping Idols- would be my wasting time that I think is important, leaving no time for what God has purposed for me to do for him. I would have to say TV is my god. I have recognized it and try to watch less of it during the day. Old movies, HGTV etc keep me drawn to it when I could be doing my lesson or sending a card to a sick friend, calling a shut-in on the phone to brighten their day. If we were removed from the presence of the Lord, this would not be a concern to me. However, God is patient and is always there. He never leaves us or forgets us even when we lag behind. Praise! OH HOW HE LOVES YOU AND ME!!!!