Amos, a lowly shepherd and cultivator of sycamore trees from Judah, was called by God to go to Israel and warn the Israelites of His coming judgment. God wanted Amos to remind His people of three things that He was not pleased with - their idol worship, their complacency and their oppression of the poor, to the point of selling them into slavery. If they kept this up and did not repent and turn back to God, Israel would be conquered and the rich would themselves become slaves. But because of the peace and prosperity of Israel during this time, Amos' message fell on deaf ears.
So back to the cows....could we, as American women, be described this way by God? Is He tired of our "idol worship", smugness and ignoring the needs of people around us? Are we guilty of sitting back and basking in our own sleek, pampered and well-fed glory? Just a little to think about today!
Although we may not worship false gods as in Amos' day, we do have our idols. Anything that takes our eyes off God and/or takes center stage in our life is an idol. The time and energy we spend devoted to temporary pleasure and distraction (watching tv, on the computer, working endless hours, on the phone/texting, playing video games, shopping for more stuff we don't need, etc) are simply ways of putting things and activities ahead of our relationship with God, and like with the Israelites, the day will come when He will not be ignored and replaced by "idols" any longer.
It's easy to fall into the mode of complacency or smugness. The "cows of Bashan" were proud women who looked down on those less privileged. God is not pleased with this attitude and we know how He feels about pride (He hates it by the way!) Our pride and focus on our own pleasure can itself become an idol that separates us from God. Do you tend to look down on others who don't know as much as you do about God, the Bible, the Christian faith? Do you (in your private thoughts) scoff at people who don't dress, act or fit the description you think a godly woman should? God was tired of these "holier than thou cows" (couldn't resist) and would soon put them in a position of humility. Do you really want God to do that with you? It's better to change ourselves, with God's help, then to have Him change us!
Finally, are we guilty of ignoring the needs of those around us as these women were? There are hurting people in our midst, yet sometimes are eyes are so used to looking at ourselves, that we can't see anything or anyone else. God may call us to help the poor in other nations and that's great. But He also may want us to reach out to those in our own town, neighborhood or family. We cannot let the obsession with our idol worship and our self-righteous smugness blind us from the needs right in front of us. What small thing can you do today to reach out to someone in need? A card, a meal, a phone call, a visit, helping pay a bill, a ride, an encouraging word, a prayer, a hug, etc.
We must not be women who consider ourselves too proud, prosperous and pampered or we may find ourselves in the same place as the cows of Bashan! Amos was a fiery spokesman for God, not because of his education or birth, but because he was obedient when the call of God came. You too can be God's spokesperson. Listen for what He wants you to say and do what He asks! Then watch as the power of God works through you as you serve Him!
Here's a great blog by Shona Neff on the same subject!
BLOG COMMENT: What words of warning would you give our society's "cows of Bashan" ?
The people of this nation have no idea what true poverty is. Its too easy to turn our heads, turn the channel and ignore the least of these. Little do they realize how superficial their lives are and how little it would take to knock their world to its knees. To leave them face first in dirt. At the cost of family values and the distruction of marriages and the relationships with our children. Be willing to give it all up for Christ I say and put your eyes on the true prize, eternal life with God our Father through Jesus Christ his son.
Beware of the idol of busyness! We tend to think the busier we are, the more important we are to God.
The Enemy is out to distract us from our relationship with God by making us think a full schedule "for God" is pleasing to Him! He wants us to "BE STILL" and know that He is God!
Beware your personal haughtiness about what you can accomplish or are planning; for God is in control and not us, and obstacles can come along that will make all your pretty neatly wrapped up plans futile. Instead thank God for another day to be alive at all and don't judge another person's position or lack of it...because you don't know the ashes they may have risen from or what they've overcome already; through the power of Jesus Christ.
Do not get caught up in yourself! People get lost in "it's all about me". I want this, I want that..once you have it your never satisfied. Be aware of your surroundings, where God has put you for there is a need He wants you to see and help with. When you take notice and give with your heart it squashes the "unsatisfied" feelings and gives you joy and peace.
In this day and time we as women find anixety working over time in our lives. So much to do and so little time to accomplish what we think is very necessary. Soooo-
I am leaving you with a gift-peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give isn't like the peace the world gives. So don't be troubled or afraid. John 14:27
Don't WORRY about anything;instead pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done, If you do this, you will experience God's peace, which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand, His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7
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