If you're not familiar with Hosea's story, it begins with God telling him to "Go, take yourself an adulterous wife..." (Hosea 1:2) Now, that's not the best marital advice to be giving young people today, but as usual, God had a purpose and a plan. There's several thoughts on why God asked Hosea to seek out a woman who he knew would be unfaithful to him. First, it would help Hosea understand God's anguish. God's "bride", the Israelites, had become unfaithful and adulterous toward Him and it was breaking His heart. Secondly, Hosea's marriage would provide a real-life example of God's marriage to Israel. Hosea was a prophet and his job was to communicate God's unconditional love to the Israelites. With God's power, Hosea was able to show that same kind of love to his unfaithful wife, Gomer, and people took notice.
Has God ever asked you to do something that was painful or uncomfortable? Do you ever think it could be for the purpose of being a real-life example for people to see Him at work in your own life? People are drawn to people who know where they are coming from. We tend to trust people's advice when we know they have experienced the same thing we are struggling with. Next time you question something God is asking you to do, stop and think about the people your discomfort may encourage.
Not only did Hosea show God's unconditional love, he was also asked to show God's unfathomable forgiveness. In Hosea 3: 1, God gives Hosea another command - "Go, show your love to your wife again, though she is loved by another and is an adulteress. Love her as the Lord loves the Israelites, though they turn to other gods...."
As Believers, we have experienced God's unfathomable forgiveness in our own lives! But are we just as willing to show it to others? Luke 12: 48 reminds us that "From everyone who has been given much (forgiveness, etc.) much will be demanded/required..." Although hurting and with an aching heart, Hosea had to chose to reclaim his wayward wife, just as we must chose to reclaim broken relationships in our own life. Grab a hold of God's power and like Hosea, make the choice to do the unthinkable - forgive those who have hurt and betrayed you. Don't let bitterness take the place of unconditional love. Don't let anger and the thoughts of revenge, over-rule God's desire for us to live at peace with one another. It's not worth the energy it takes to hate!
Like Hosea, God wants us to show others unconditional love and unfathomable forgiveness. He may be asking you to do some pretty strange things in order for these to be shown, but consider it a vote of confidence from Him! As with Hosea, He will give you the power and ability to do the unthinkable. Are you up for the challenge?
BLOG COMMENT: Can you relate to Hosea in any way? Has God ever asked you to do something completely opposite of what you had in mind? Share with us what you learned and how your obedience impacted others.....
Sometimes God takes me to places to minister to people who are struggling and don't appear to want to help themselves. I have learned through hard times and loses, that God dusts and cleans the attic of my mind, and heart. Through my suffering, I have found hidden treasures within the "treasure trunk" way in the back of my heart and mind. Through doing this many times, He has give me the insight to walk along side the hurting, who have suffered loss, and to help them see the treasures God brings in the process. Deep relationships are born through struggles and change can happen with support.
Jesus suffered unjustly,(sometimes my suffering have been at the center of injustice from someone else or some organization).
I try to remind myself, in order to be Christlike, as we suffer "successfully" through HIM and with HIM, we grow for our next mission with others.
Go be a miracle in someone else;s life who is suffering.
God has put me in some odd circumstances and places in the course of serving in church and Ministry, and more than once I wondered both if I had the physical ability to do it and any talent to lend, but in the course of serving there was always a moment where I saw why I was there. Sometimes it wasn't for my benefit or even the obvious target, but a rather obscure realization I came to of the reason. And I believe there are moments, seasons and encounters God plans out where we will be effective and then move on.
God has at several points taken me out of my comfort zone to place me in service where I am not at all comfortable; to teach me He is in charge and not me....
I have learned to be content in whatever situation I am in when I'm not sure just what is ahead for me.
What joy it is to finally look back and see just what he was trying to teach me and for me to be able to minister to someone who was struggling with some of the same areas "I didn't want to be in".
Hebrews 10:35
PATIENT endurance is what you need now, so you will continue to do God's will. Then you will receive all that he has promised.
Isaiah 41:13
I AM holding you by your right hand-I, the LORD your God. And I say to you, "Do not be afraid. I am here to help you."
God has "grown me", through struggles, with marriage, such as He did with Hosea..and He has given me "His" inner strength, to love through "His eyes"..
Now,I am drawing, on His strength, once again, in an attempt for reconciliation, with one, that I love dearly. As "I wait upon His wise council",.. "God's grace will be sufficient for me" and I stand on faith, that,.. His "Joy will come in the morning"! Much prayer, and faith, are keeping me strong..I pray that I will be able to encourage anyone else, who might have these same problems, in their walk...We must remember, that all the time we are going "through" these trials, God is making us stronger, so He can use us, "down the road"..to help someone else. Although, I hurt, a lot, inside..I know my reward, here on earth, is to be be "pruned" for "His use". I, also, stand on Hebrew 10:35...and, as I am patient, I know that God will have great things in store for me...Praise!
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