Monday, August 6, 2012

You Need a "Word"....

It's not a matter of IF God speaks, it's more, do we hear Him when He does? As we begin our new, 6-week series, When God Speaks: How to Recognize God's Voice and Respond in Obedience by Henry and Richard Blackaby, we'll discover that God indeed is always speaking and we need to be always listening.

It almost seems like listening well is a learned behavior. It requires a concentrated effort on our part. It sometimes requires our undivided attention and most of all, it takes a willingness to want to hear! Do you really want to hear God speak or are you afraid of what He may have to say to you?

Today, I want to share my devotion from The Word for You Today "A 'word' from God can bring you the solution you need. God created the world with a word, so imagine what a word from Him could do for your situation. The Bible says,"Your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying 'This is the way, walk in it. Whenever you turn to the right hand or whenever you turn to the left.'

Notice the words, 'Your ears shall hear a word.' But if your spiritual ears are not open, trained and attuned to God, you won't hear what He is saying to you. Furthermore, if you filter what He's saying through human intellect in order to harmonize it with your own opinions, you will get nowhere. God gives a 'word' to those who have an open ear and an open heart!

When you pray, what are you looking for? A spiritual high, or a time of intimacy with God in which He speaks and you listen? When you read your Bible, are you seeking confirmation of your own thoughts or are you seeking God's will? Imagine what one of God's ideas could do for your life!

If you dream of doing great things in life, get to know God and His voice. He will reveal Himself to you through His Word. You'll hear a lot of different ideas each day; some will benefit you, others won't. But when you get a 'word' from God, it's like a seed; it has the potential to produce a tree; or better yet, a whole orchid of fruit!"

RESOURCE: Here's a great video/lesson from Charles Stanley: Listening to God - Walking with God

SHARE: As God did in the Old Testament, He continues to speak in a variety of ways. In what ways do you hear His still, small voice? (worship service, Christian books, prayer, while walking, Chrisitan films and conferences, music, nature, tragedy, world events, Bible studies, meditation on Scripture, etc.)

1 comment:

Nancy Bailey said...

I hear God speaking to me in many ways and the most eerie is when a person will come up to you and speak something you have been secretly carrying or thinking on. You just know when that happens it is God. I also love to spend time with God in nature and I definitely have heard him in suffering. Spend time in a pediatric floor at a hospital and you will experience God.