Sunday, October 30, 2011

Love is....

Love is more than a feeling. It's more than just a warm fuzzy that makes us happy for the moment. Love is more than that - but how much more?

Paul was addressing the young group of believers in his letter to the Corinthians. They lived in the corrupt and immoral city of Corinth and their new found faith was being tested. Paul wrote this letter to not only correct and encourage them, but to teach them how to act as Christians.

Right in the middle of Paul's words on spiritual gifts and orderly worship is his hymn to love which he hopes will heal the division and disputes going on between these new believers. They (as well as us today) needed to be reminded why love is so important to the Christian life.

"Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged. It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance." ~ I Corinthians 13:4-7

Paul wanted the Corinthians to see that love puts maturity into character. They were impatient with each other, suing one another, tolerating sin in the church and creating problems because they did not have love. He wraps up his message in verse 14, "And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love."

In morally corrupt Corinth, love had become a mixed-up term with little meaning. Today, people are still confused about love. Love is the greatest of all human qualities and is an attribute of God himself.

Love involves unselfish service to others. Faith is the foundation and content of God's message. Hope is the attitude and focus and Love is the action. Love is more than a feeling. It requires thought and action. It requires putting others' needs in front of our own. But when all else fails, we know that love, God's love, lasts/endures forever!

When faith and hope are in line, we are free to love completely because we understand how God loves. Does your faith fully express itself in loving others?

Monday, October 24, 2011

Wanted: Living Sacrifices

Do we really know what it means to sacrifice? We are a people of many wants and what we want, we want now and without pain or discomfort. We demand people cater to our every need and set expectations so high - for others and ourselves - that there's no way they can be met. We find ourselves living life according to the world's standards - in thought, feeling and action and change is something we avoid at all costs.

Paul writes the letter of Romans to the church in Rome. He has never met these new believers, so he sets out to introduce himself and make his case for salvation, faith and righteous living. Part of his instruction for righteous, God-pleasing living comes in Romans 12:1b-2 - " ...offer yourselves as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God...Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is - his good, pleasing and perfect will."

Each time we offer our bodies as "living sacrifices" to God, our stubborn nature will rebel. There is a struggle of wills and control. Like the living sacrifices God required in the Old Testament, He wants us to come to Him alive, able to be used by Him; not dead, lifeless and a captive of the world.

But, like everything else, we have an option - be conformed or be transformed. Are you willing to let the world squeeze you into its mold; following along like sheep being led to the slaughter? It's so easy to fall into the pattern of the world - we are bombarded daily with its influence. But God gives us a way out....

Transformation. This kind of change happens from the inside out. It begins with a re-programming of our mind - which we know controls all our thoughts, feelings and actions. God knows we struggle with worldly living, that's why He encourages us to daily renewal. This means bringing our lives to Him as a sacrifice, laying it all on the altar and asking Him for a new mind - a new way of thinking, feeling and acting - each and every day!

What's our reward? We will know what God's, not the world's, good, pleasing and perfect will is. We can do what we need to do to be transformed knowing it's what God wants for us; it's His best for us. God's desire for us is not found in the world, so stop searching for it there! All the world can give us is pain, sorrow, misery, stress, disappointment, separation from God, etc. Again, it's your choice - conform or be transformed?

BLOG COMMENT: What do you need to sacrifice today? Is it an attitude? A fear or worry? A situation you're trying to control? A person who's pressuring you to conform?

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Title or Testimony?

Are you all about the title? How important is it to you that people know what you do? What kind of testimony are you leaving? What are you doing today to assure that people will remember you when you're gone?

The book of Acts introduces many "big names" in the church growth, evangelism and missionary world. Men and women like Stephen, Philip, Lydia, Silas, John Mark, Timothy and Paul. One person not given alot of attention is Barnabas.

Barnabas was given the title of a "good man, full of the Holy Spirit and faith..." (Acts 11:24). But unlike Paul, he never did the kinds of things that made him stand out. He's mentioned only three times in the book of Acts. 1) Selling his land to help finance God's work. 2) Vouching for Paul's character and 3) Giving John Mark a second chance. Barnabas didn't earn many titles, but he earned a great number of testimonies - "...and a great number of people were brought to the Lord" (Acts 11:24b).

What about your life? You know you're going to die one day and when you do are people going to stand around reciting all the titles you earned, or talking about what a blessing you were? Will you leave an obituary about how "important" you were, or about people grieving the loss of the best friend they ever had?

Titles are good, but if it comes down to a choice between a title and a testimony - go for the testimony! Pharaoh had the title, Moses had the testimony. Nebuchadnezzar had the title, Daniel had the testimony. Pilate had the title, but Jesus had the testimony. It's easy to think write-ups in Who's Who are the most important thing, but like Barnabas, it's the loving acts you do that will be remembered.

As the old hymn says, "only one life, 'twill soon be past...only what's done for Christ will last!

BLOG COMMENT: What's the most important thing you want to be remembered for?

Monday, October 10, 2011

The Ultimate Team

Are you on a winning team? Are you encouraged knowing someone is cheering for you as you play this game called "life"? Or are you convinced you're a one-woman team who can conquer every challenge that crosses your path? You don't have time to slow down and ask for help and you don't depend on others for assistance.

As we look at John and His relationship with Jesus, we know he was eager to serve and demonstrate his love to Him. He enjoyed knowing Jesus was on his team! They had a special bond that some of the other disciples did not experience with Jesus..but none the less..they were all fighting the same cause. Their mission was to spread God's love and message to the entire world (John 3:16).

Today, I want to share a devotional from the book, Heaven Calling. It's God's message to us - His teammates - as He gives us a pep-talk amidst our busyness.

"Your life is filled with activity, your calendar filled with things to do. Still, your heart's desire is to be my faithful and obedient servant - and that brings me joy.

My child, this fruit you are looking for, the goals you are pursuing - don't forget that they are fulfilled through my sustaining power. As a branch can only produce fruit when connected to the vine (John 15:5), so you can only make a spiritual impact in this world through me. We are in this together and we make a winning team!

So today, take some time to simply rest in me. Draw the strength you need from me. In prayer, in reading, perhaps in taking a time-out from the bustle, turn your heart toward me. I'll provide everything you'll need for the rest of the "game."

Do you feel you're on a losing team today? Does your game of life seem to be spinning out of control due to your busyness, over-booked schedule and others' demands? In John 10:10b, Jesus told us that He came to give us an abundant, full and overflowing life - not a stressful and empty life.

I've written a new workbook based on this verse - Building a Better Life, Not Just a Busier One! As you go through the exercises, you'll learn three steps you can take to start living the abundant life God sent His Son to give us ~ starting today! Visit the Coaching page on my website to learn more and to order your copy. It's time to join a winning team!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Can You Hear Me Now?

There's a difference between listening and hearing? Which do you do the most? We listen to music, ballgames and the news. We listen to teachers, preachers and experts. We listen to each other. But are we really hearing what's being said? Are we taking in and processing what we're listening to? Or does it "go in one ear and out the other"?

In Luke, Jesus was constantly speaking to and teaching the people around Him. Crowds would gather to hear what He had to say. He never wasted His words with small talk. Every moment in Jesus' presence was an opportunity for peoples' lives to be changed - if they actually heard what He was saying and applied His truths. We know many people did and they were never the same because of what they heard. While others perhaps just listened and left the same way as when they arrived.

In Luke 8:18, Jesus tells the people, "Therefore, consider carefully how you listen." The art of listening is a Christ-like skill we all must develop. I'm wondering if we might need a hearing aid to help us improve what and how we hear.

A - Active listening. How attentive are you when someone is speaking? Are you engaged in what they are saying? If you were asked to repeat what they just said, could you? We tend to have selective hearing at times and only hear what we want to hear. Jesus listened, heard and responded. How about you?

I - Intentional listening. We intend on hearing what a person has to say. We make a conscious effort to look them in the eyes and give them our undivided attention. They know we are listening and that they are being heard. It may not always be what we want to hear or what we agree with, but we are showing respect for the person by intentionally listening to them. Jesus was an intentional listener and we need to consider how we listen as well.

D - Direct listening. "Are you talking to me, God?" God speaks today and many times we're too busy and distracted to hear His voice. God speaks directly and we must listen directly. In order to hear what He's saying, we have to always be asking - "What does this mean for me?" "How can I apply what I'm hearing to my own life?" Unfortunately, some people listen to a message and think it would be great if so and so were here - they really need to hear this. Yet how many times are we the one God is trying to get the message across to? How many times does God speak and has to ask, "Can you hear Me now?" Don't tune out God - be a direct listener.

So today, consider carefully how you listen. Engage yourself and be an active listener. Be intentional in your listening so people will know they are being heard - regardless if you agree with them or not. Focus your attention on listening to and hearing directly from God.

BLOG CHALLENGE: How well did you listen to your pastor's message this week? Share with us a main point you heard and how you will apply it to your life!