Monday, June 17, 2013

Uncover the Joy of You!

#2 - Uncover the Joy of You (from 101 Ways to Find God's Purpose for Your Life by Natalie Gillespie)

You are the only one who can do exactly what God Has planned for you! There is no one else just like you and God designed you for a specific purpose! Let that sink in for a minute....

Queen Esther was an orphan, and yet she was put in the right place at the right time to save a nation. Albert Einstein had behavioral problems, dyslexia, and was a poor speller, yet he formulated the theory of relativity.

Value what God has given you. Creating home-cooked meals that are nutritious is a gift. Balancing roles of employee, parent, grandparent, spouse and friend is a gift. Loving those around you is the ultimate gift.

You have talents and abilities that are uniquely yours. Uncover the joy of you and thank God for them! God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another.  - I Peter 4:10

CHALLENGE: Look at yourself in the mirror today without finding faults and flaws. Recognize and accept your uniqueness. Notice the difference when you smile! :)

Be purpose-FULL in all you do! Tonia

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Monday, June 3, 2013

You're Stronger Than You Think!

Today begins a new series of Motivational Memos -101 Ways to Find God's Purpose For Your Life by Natalie Gillespie

#1 - Discover Your Strengths

Think back to when you were a child. What were some of your favorite things to do? Did you care for injured animals, love to draw pictures or delight in playing with friends? Now think of the ways those traits manifest themselves in your life today. Do you still collect "strays" - animals or people? Do you express yourself artistically through decorating and creating? Do you love to fix broken things / people? Do you enjoy opening your home to family and friends?

God's purpose for your life can be found in the passions and dreams He gave you. Use them to the fullest by devoting time and energies to the things you already enjoy and are good at doing.

CHALLENGE: Make a list of your strengths, gifts and talents (and you DO have them!) Write down the ways you are using them in the tasks you perform daily.

Be purpose-FULL in all you do! Tonia

** Don't Miss: 40 Days to Your Best Life - A Spiritual Journey to Contentment
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