Friday, December 4, 2009

For His Name's Sake
Mary Beth Whalen
Proverbs 31 Ministries

He guides me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake." Psalm 23:3b (NIV)

Dear Lord, please show me Your will for my life.
Dear Lord, please let me know what direction I should go.
Dear Lord, I only want what You want. I just wish I knew what that is.

Have you ever prayed a prayer that sounded something like these? If you are like me, the answer is yes. Today's verse offers powerful truth that I had missed in spite of reading it many times. How often I had prayed for God's guidance and direction—yet still wanted my own way. I broke the verse down into three parts to better grasp the wisdom it contained:

He guides me: As followers of God, we want Him to guide us. We only have to do it on our own for a little while to realize that we are inept in finding the right way. Many of us have come to God after making an unholy mess of our lives. We have fallen before Him and asked Him to show us a way out of the mess. We are grateful for His promises to be our Shepherd who lovingly guides His sheep. We begin to follow Him, grateful that someone else is lighting our way.

In paths of righteousness: If God is leading us, we can trust that He will only direct us in paths that are right in His eyes. If we are tempted to walk down a path that we don't have peace about or is contrary to His character and Word, then that is a red flag that the path is not the right one. We can trust that He won't lead us down the wrong path. We just have to keep seeking His direction through prayer, godly counsel and His Word.

For His name's sake: To me, the crux of this verse is contained in this phrase. Why does God guide us in paths of righteousness? For His name's sake. He wants the way we take to directly reflect on Him. To bring Him, not us, glory. To make His name famous. To make our lives a living witness of His goodness, so that others are brought to Him. For that reason, He will always direct us to make holy choices—not necessarily the easy choices or the fast choices. If we submit to Him, we will find that He guides us to make the best choices. Not because we are the best, but because He is.

This simple verse served as a huge wakeup call for me. As I sought God's will for some decisions I was making, I had made the answer all about me. I needed to be reminded that, always, always, always, it needs to be about Him. My prayers were changed from "What should I do?" (a very me-centered prayer) to "What will bring You glory?" I had to shift my perspective from my humanness to His holiness. He will certainly direct me where I need to go. But I need to remember the reason as I seek that direction.

Dear Lord, my prayer today is reflected in this verse from Your Word: Please guide me in paths of righteousness for Your Name's sake. I want my life to reflect Your glory. I trust You to make that happen as you guide me in ways that are right in Your eyes. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Monday, October 5, 2009

5 Steps to Live Your Passion

by Life Coach Valorie Burton -


Are you living your passion? Or do you long for more fun, deeper relationships and a more meaningful career? There are a few ingredients in every passionate life - and they answer five simple questions:

1. What impact do you want to make? A life of passion is a life of purpose. And purpose is about you using your gifts, talents, passion and experiences to make an impact on the world around you. So ask yourself, "How is someone's life better because they cross my path?" Your answer is your purpose. Start living it every day - through small gestures and major decisions. Let your purpose guide you to the life you are meant to live.

2. What matters most to you? Living with passion means doing what matters. Whether it's spending time with the people you love, eating well, enjoying your favorite hobby, or pursuing your dream, get clear about what matters. Then make sure your everyday life mirrors those priorities.

3. What do you love? Passion is the energy and vibrancy you bring to everything you do. That energy is automatic when it's something you love. Identify the things that bring you joy and incorporate them into your life on a daily basis - no excuses. Stop for 60 seconds and write a list. Then schedule the items on your list on your calendar.

4. What fear do you need to conquer? Passionate people don't have less fear than everyone else. They just don't let it keep them from following their passion. Expect to feel fear when it's time to step out of your comfort zone, then keep stepping! If you wait for the fear to subside, you'll be waiting a mighty long time. Living with passion means choosing courage over fear.

5. What do I need to let go of? To make room for your purpose, priorities and the things that bring you joy, you'll need to start saying "no" more. Identify the things in your life that drain your energy and crowd out the things that truly matter. Then take action to let them go. There are activities that no longer serve you and grudges that need to be dropped. Whatever you need to let go of, let go - so passion and purpose can flourish.

Journaling Assignment:
In what way(s) do you want to have more passion in your life? What specific step(s) will you take towards a more passionate life? When will you take that step?

My Challenge to You This Week:
Make the CHOICE to live with passion. Start by incorporating one thing into your schedule this week that you love.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Devotion by Kathy Butryn -

Today's Scripture reading: Isaiah 30:15

This is a "fresh, hot-off-the-press-of-life" devotional this morning. Today, God taught me an old lesson (one I've learned before) in a new way.

The activities of the long weekend threw off the regular routine of my regular type of day. With the resolve to "get back on track," last night I rehearsed my morning activities in my mind.
1. Up early.
2. Devotional time and prayer first thing.
3. The rest of the day's activities to follow.

As I sat down in my "prayer chair" in my bedroom to have my well-intentioned devotional time, my eye caught sight of my computer on my desk. What then ensued was a "slit-second" struggle, leading to "split-second" choice. Part of me said, "No Kath, leave it alone for now. Enjoy this time with God first.
The other part of me said, "I'll have one quick look. Maybe someone needs me. Maybe an appointment I have today has been cancelled. Anyways, I should boot it up incase I need to refer to during my devotional time.
I made my choice. I turned on my computer.

Within minutes, I was caught up in the affairs of my day...returning emails, making Facebook comments, writing a blog posting...even caught up in the details of some events happening in the near future that aren't necessarily my concern to be involved in. The next thing I knew, it was 10:30 am.

Now, to be sure, most of what I accomplished during that 2 hour period since sitting down to have my devotional time needed to be done--at some time--today. But here's the problem: I did them in the wrong order. How do I know that? Here's how I felt by 10:30 am...
  • drained of energy - I had run ahead of God and had not "acknowledged Him in all my ways" (Prov. 3:5)
  • a sense of unnecessary internal hurry, scurry, and urgency - my mind was on fast-forward with details, and the "stress-butterflies" in my stomach were flying around like crazy with no sign that they were going to stop soon
  • overwhelmed - I had added things to my already heavily scheduled week that I had not given adequate thought to
  • angry and frustrated - perceived and real...mainly at myself for having gotten into this hole so early in the day.

My choice had stolen my energy and focus. That's because when I do not intentionally place my eyes on Jesus at the beginning of the day, I quickly lose my way. I put everything down. It was time to realign. I needed strength. That's when Isaiah 30:15 came to my mind. I said it over and over again. "In quietness and trust is your strength." It doesn't say "in rushing around and getting on with the business of the day in your own way" or "in taking on all the problems of those around you" or "in thinking you are being efficient and effective with your time by hitting those emails first thing" is your strength. No. In quietness and trust is my strength. Quietness and trust doesn't just happen. It's as much of a choice for us to make as any other choice we make during the course of a day.

So I knew I had a choice to turn off the computer, to sit quietly, and in utter completeness of surrender return the details of my day to Him and His guidance. It started by letting Him search my heart. It continued by repenting of my own ways. It will continue today by remaining in utter completeness of surrender.

That was my lesson for today--at least, so far! How about you? Do you have a realigning choice to make? Do you get yourself so involved in the affairs of the day that you forget where your source of strength comes from? Are you already going at such a high speed today that the hurry, scurry, and urgency of the day has taken over every corner of your mind, heart and soul? Has your energy and focus been zapped today? By what? Is it time right now for you to sit still and meditate on Isaiah 30:15?

Let's quiet our heart before Him. Let's choose to trust Him. Then He can do glorious things for and with our lives.
Have a sweet day!
To His Glory!!

Monday, August 31, 2009

God’s Purpose for You
By: Julie Clinton, M.A.

"The Lord will fulfill his purpose for me; your steadfast love, O Lord, endures forever. Do not forsake the work of your hands." Psalm 138:8 esv

Have you lost the focus in your life? Are you bogged down in the mundane and the routine? Are you bored and seeking excitement in the wrong places with the wrong people? Does your life seem to have no point or meaning?

Well, I’ve got some good news for you. Nothing is wasted with God. He uses every moment of every day and every day of every week, month and year in our lives to fulfill His purpose for us. Times that appear to us to be routine and boring could be times of rest or regrouping to ready us for things we cannot imagine. Times that are hurting and hectic may be training grounds for understanding what lies ahead. Times that are downright gleeful and filled with joy refresh and renew our lives and our love for the Lord. All that we do fits within God’s plan and purpose for our lives. No action is too small. No thought is too insignificant to be noticed and used by God for His good.

Delight in God’s love. Be reassured in His faithfulness to the thousands of generations that have come before us: His love endures forever and nothing can ever stop His almighty and wonderful plans for His people and for you!

Dear Lord and Father. Thank You for being so loving and faithful to Your people for thousands of generations. Let me rest in the assurance that You will fulfill all that You have planned for my life. Amen

Bible Readings for the Week Ahead:
Monday: 2 Timothy 2:1
Tuesday: Ecclesiastes 3:1
Wednesday: 1 Kings 8:56
Thursday: 1 Corinthians 10:13
Friday: Ephesians 4:1-3
Saturday: 2 Peter 1:10-11
Sunday: 1 Peter 1:13

Monday, August 24, 2009

No Longer.....

A - "We can trust Jesus to take us to places He knows are right for us." ~ Mike Breen

S - Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying "This is the way, walk in it." ~ Isaiah 30:21

A - As we wrap up this study on God's Path to Purpose, I want to end with what I think is the most exciting and enjoyable benefit of finding God's path and following it faithfully. It is that I no longer have to second guess everything I do. Hopefully you have developed a deeper love relationship with God so that when you hear His voice, you don't question His requests.

No longer wandering... You know the path you are to be on and Who you are to be following. Proverbs 17:24 - "A discerning man keeps wisdom in view, but a fool's eyes wander to the ends of the earth." Keep wisdom in view today. Don't let the glitz and glamour of the world capture your attention.

No longer wasting time and energy... doing activities and ministries that are not part of God's plan for you. This make decision making so much easier. Whenever I am approached to take on a new ministry or activity, I first go to God to get His direction before I respond (no, that has not always been the case!). Then He will have me evaluate if this new opportunity will put my gifts, personality and abilities to best use. Does it line up with my God-given purpose? If not, it may not be something I need to be involved with right now. My purpose is to minister to women and coach them along God's pathway for their unique assignment. I can say from experience, be careful not to jump on every bandwagon that crosses your path. You'll end up exhausted, frustrated and having wasted alot of precious time and energy. You must learn to discern His voice and approval before you move on.

No longer living a life without purpose... As you've seen several times throughout this study, finding and fulfilling God's path will lead to a meaningful and satisfying life. A life you can be proud of having lived and be able to say, as Jesus did, " I have brought you glory on earth by completing the work you gave me to do." ~ John 17:4

No longer wanting to fight God.... Somewhere along the journey with God, there may actually be times (of insanity) when you think you know a better way; an easier way to get the job done or perhaps refusing to do it all together. You end up fighting with God over who is right (like you have a chance) and you miss the pleasure and joy obeying God brings. I challenge you today to read the entire book of Jonah. Jonah is an example of someone who fought against God's plans and in the end, did not enjoy being used by Him. "Make God's will the focus of your life day by day. If you seek to please Him and Him alone, you will find yourself satisfied with life." ~ Kay Arthur

Let me end with this quote...."Fulfilling your unique role is the key to achieving personal satisfaction. When you are truly and fully living the life you were meant to live, you will have an abiding sense of both purpose and delight." ~Tom Paterson

P - Spend time today thanking God that you no longer have to wonder, wander, waste time, live a life without purpose and need to fight His plans. He will be pleased you did!

God bless you and your path to His purposes!

Saturday, August 22, 2009


A - What kind of "fruit" is your life evident of?

S - For the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control... ~ Galatians 5:22-23

A - If you are fulfilling your God-given purpose, your life will be evident of it. People will see a difference in you and want to know what it's from. Jesus spent alot of His time teaching the disciples about the importance of what their lives should look like to others. "Love one this all men will know that you are my disciples...." ~ John 13:35

Bearing "fruit" in your life is evidence of your spiritual condition! When you think of a person who has the Holy Spirit dwelling in them, what do you picture them to be like? Based on our verses for today...I think that sounds like an enjoyable woman to be around, don't you think? I want you to notice that these are not fruits of the Spirit, but one single fruit with many parts. They build off one another, with love being the foundation and working toward self-control. They are not for you to pick and choose which ones you want to produce in your life and which ones seem too difficult to "grow". They should be evident in a life controlled by the Holy Spirit. Are they in yours?

How do you produce this fruit? Does it just come natural? For some perhaps, but not for all of us! Some of us are stronger in the faithfulness and goodness category, while others' fruit is more evident by their love, patience, kindness, etc. According to John 15:1-8, Jesus is explaining why we need to stay connected to the True Vine (Himself) and what we (the Branches) will/will not produce from this relationship. Verse 5 ..."...If a man remains/abides (stays close in the relationship) in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing." I encourage you to read all the verses (also Matthew 7: 15-20) to see how a person who does not bear fruit is described.

One final thought about the fruit that needs to be evident in your life. In John 15:16a, Jesus is reaffirming the importance of this truth: " You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit - fruit that will last..." What does "fruit that will last" look like to you? Is it evident in your life?

P - Thank God today for the ability you have to bear fruit for Him. Ask Him to show you areas where you may not be abiding in Him like you should and therefore your fruit is not as plentiful. Be ready - the Master Gardener may need to do some pruning - but in the end, the harvest will be bountiful and beautiful!

Next Time - No Longer....

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Enjoying Your Purpose

As we near the end of our journey together, I do hope you've considered this time well spent. I pray you have been able to see God and His plan more clearly. You know what it takes to Pursue, Understand, Respond, Prepare, manuever Obstacles and Share your unique purpose, so that your life here on earth will be a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable/pleasing to God (Romans 12:1). That your life will be spent allowing God to work in and through you to lead others to the saving knowledge of His Son. That your life, with all its ups and downs; pains and sorrows; good times and bad; victories and defeats; challenges and craziness - will utimately be lived for one purpose - to bring glory to God. So that one day you'll stand before Him and hear - "Well done, good and faithful servant. Come share in your master's happiness." ~Matthew 25:21

I realize some of you may still be waiting for God to reveal His vision and plan to you. You may feel He overlooked you when He was giving out assignments. Not the case! Remember, He uses all of us at different times, with different people, and in different ways. Don't give up on God - He hasn't given up on you! As you've learned, use this time to develop your love relationship with Him, your character and your patience :) Listen to your heart. God will use your passions to lead you where He wants you to go, when He wants you to go and what He wants you to do once you get there! Trust that He loves you and wants the very best for you.

So whether you are currently waiting for God to show you the next step along His path or you are actively fulfilling His plan and vision, this final section will look at how you are to be enjoying your purpose. That's the thrill of doing and being in God's will - you enjoy your life and the activities/ministries you're involved in. You see His hand at work around you and marvel at how He chose you to come along side Him to complete His purposes throughout the world.

Next time....Evidence

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Your Life Message

Last time I told you I would help give you 4 components of your Life Message that will make witnessing and sharing your faith easier. Let's get started:

1) Your Testimony: the story of how you began a relationship with Jesus. This is the essence of witnessing - simply sharing your unique, personal experiences regarding the Lord. We all love to hear stories we can relate to. Sharing your testimony will often allow a relationship to develop that God will use to bring someone to Himself. Of course this means you must have your testimony/life story prepared and ready to share when the time comes. I want to challenge you to write this out by answering the following questions: a) What was my life like before Jesus b) How did I realize I needed Jesus and c) The difference that a personal relationship with Jesus has made in my life. Everyone's story is different ~ and that's ok. If someone were to ask you these questions, would you be ready to respond?

2) Your Life Lessons: the important lessons God has taught you from experiences with Him. These are lessons and insights you have learned about God, relationships, problems, temptations and other aspects of life. How much do we learn from what we've gone through? Wouldn't you rather learn from the experiences of others? Thank goodness Solomon took the time and obeyed God when he wrote the books of Proverbs and Ecclesiastes. If we would just learn from his wisdom, alot of frustration in life could be avoided. As you continue putting together your Life Message, write down important lessons you have learned about life that others can benefit from.

3) Your Godly Passions: the issues God shaped you to care about most. God is a passionate God and the closer you get to Him, the more passionate you will become as well. He will give you a passion for something He cares about deeply so He can work through you. Whatever it is, you will feel compelled to speak up about it and do what you can to make a difference. Others are watching and can see the things you are truly passionate about. They may even start asking questions!

4) The Good News: the mesage of God's salvation for all mankind. In order to make this a real urgency in your life, you must learn to love others as God loves them. This is a great way to wrap up this section of Sharing Your Purpose. As you are building relationships by loving, influencing, serving and joining others, God will provide the situations where you can share the ulimate purpose in life ~ telling others about His love; His death, burial and resurrection and how eternal life is meant and available to ALL who believe. (John 3:16)

People are looking for someone who is real - not just religious. They are watching to see if you live out what you believe, not just live with your beliefs. They don't want to hear about how much you care, they want to see how much you care.

Your life has an important message to share with others. God will bring people into your life and along your path who He wants you to share your life story, your life lessons, your passions and the hope you have because of what He has done for you!

"...Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give a reason for the hope that you have...." ~ I Peter 3:15

* Are you prepared?
* Do you know the answers?
* Do you know the reason for the hope you have?

Next Time....Enjoying Your Purpose

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Sharing Your Purpose by Witnessing to Others

A - "It is easy to get distracted; because Satan would rather have you do anything besides share your faith." ~ Rick Warren

S - He (God) is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance." ~ 2 Peter 3:9

A - Please don't be scared off by today's devotion! Ask God to give you a burning desire to be a witness, both verbally and physically, to those who are lost and don't know Him. You don't need to give me all your excuses as to why you can't witness to others - mainly because I've thought of all of them myself! My hope is that after these devotions, you'll be more confident and secure and you will be looking for opportunities to share the good news of the Gospel.

As we come to the end of this section - do you remember what God's #1 purpose is for ALL people? Salvation... and the verse for today verifies that truth! Matthew 28: 19-20 commands, not suggests, that we are to Go, Teach, Baptize all nations; all people.

Do you ever think of all the things you do that really don't have any lasting effect in the long run? You may think, while you're in the middle of them, that your good works will influence generations to come. Yes, it is important to supply your children and grandchildren with a firm, spiritual foundation, but what about all the rest that you spend your time and energy doing? Do you ever think God looks down and wishes you wouldn't waste the life He's given you? What are you investing your life in today?

God wants you to invest in people - those you know and those you don't. There are people in this world that ONLY you will be able to witness to. You've heard it said - You may be the only Jesus some people will ever see. William James said - "The best use of life is to spend it for something that outlasts it." If just one person is in heaven because of you, you will have had an important part in eternity!

If you are serious about being a witness to others, I ask that you join me next time when I'll be giving you a 4 part concept that has been used by millions to build confidence and make sharing your faith something you do without hesitation!

P - Think about the things you invest your time and energy into. Make a list and label them as having a temporary effect or a lasting effect on yourself and/or others. For example - time spent online (chats, Facebook, surfing, etc), time spent in Bible study, time spent watching tv, time spent on the phone, time spent in prayer, time spent shopping, time spent trying to make more money, time spent with family/friends, time spent serving others......

Next Time....Preparing Your Life-Message

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Sharing Your Purpose by Joining Others

A - "You can do what I cannot do. I can do what you cannot do. Together we can do great things." ~ Mother Teresa

S - But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. ~ Romans 5:8

A - As you continue to share yourself and your purpose with others, I pray that you are asking God to bring people into your life that you can join right where they are.

What are you trying to build by loving, influencing and serving others? Relationships; rapport and trust. Why are these relationships important? One, is because God created you for fellowship with others. You were not intended to live just for yourself. Secondly, in developing rapport and trust by loving, being a godly example to and serving others, you can ultimately be a witness to them, especially if they are not already believers. In order to do that, you must be willing to meet and join people right where they are in life - just like Jesus did!

One of the many amazing things about Jesus is that He didn't wait around for people to get their lives right, to get themselves "cleaned up", be problem-free, be someone He'd be proud to associate with, before He began to minister to them. Jesus established intimacy with people quickly. He was approachable and He wanted people to know it.

Let's look at just a few examples. Take time to read the passages to get the full story......The Disciples (Matt. 4: 18-22 and Matt. 9:9) If you know much about this group of men, you know they were a colorful combination of personalities, backgrounds and ideas. Jesus was not looking for the most educated, cultured, classy, handsome, or sophisticated people to carry out His ministry. He found them right where they were in life and asked them to join Him. Little did they know who their lives would be changed forever! Feeding the 5000 (Matt. 14: 13-31) In this familiar story, Jesus has just learned that His cousin, John the Baptist, has been beheaded. He attempts to go off to a private place to grieve, but nonetheless, the people find him and He ministers to them in a BIG way. What would your response to the crowd have been? Zacchaeus (Luke 19:1-10) Jesus went out of his way to find one man who needed Him the most. How would you have treated a man of Zaccaeus' reputation? The Samaritan Woman (John 4: 4-26) Jesus could not have chosen a more controversial woman to strike up a conversation with than this one! She was one who was shunned by others in her town, talked about behind her back and looked down upon by the "religious" people of her day. Are there women in your life who can relate to her story?

These are just a few of the people who Jesus chose to join right where they were and to share His unique purpose with them. He chose to ask the common, non-influential men to be a part of His ministry. He chose to join and give of Himself to thousands of people even when He was tired and grieving. He looked up in a tree and found a "sinner" who needed forgiveness and He restored the life of a lonely woman by offering her living water. There were many who were healed, raised from the dead, had their sins forgiven and their lives made new because Jesus took the time to look past their imperfections.

P - Are you willing and able to share love and minister with others who may not meet all your expectations and criteria? As today's verse states - God did not wait for us to have our act together before He sent His Son to die for us! Ask God to search your heart about how you can be doing a better job at meeting, accepting and joining others where they are. Look past their outward issues and know God can do a work in them, through you!

Next Time.....Witnessing to Others

Monday, August 3, 2009

Sharing Your Purpose by Serving Others

A - "If you aren't serving, you're just existing - because life is meant for ministry." ~Rick Warren

S - Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not men, because you know that the Lord will reward everyone for whatever good he does.... ~Ephesians 6:7-8

A - Ok, I think we can agree that serving others is important and is a big part of God's plan. Remember, real significance comes from serving others! " ...let us not love with words or tongue but with action.... " (I John 3: 18)

Who are you serving or not serving today? What is your attitude and motive for serving or not serving? Have you used the excuse(s) - "It's not my gift." "There are plenty of people who already serve in that ministry." "I don' t have anything to offer." "Those people make me uncomfortable." How do you know what God wants you to be doing to share your purposes by serving others? By being willing to share - your time, your money, your talents, your gifts, your abilities, your listening ear, your able body, your keen mind, your compassionate heart...

God doesn't expect you to do it ALL! He wants you to go with Him and join Him where the work needs to be done. When we're trying to do "great things for God," what we're really doing is pursuing our own agenda and our own vision of what should be done, all the while forgetting that God has an eternal agenda. In short, we leave God behind rather than going with Him.

How do we identify the work of God around us? People are in need everywhere we look. Certainly, He must expect us to help everyone. Think about Jesus...did He heal every invalid? Did He raise all the dead back to life? Did He spend 24/7 ministering to the poor and needy, the demon oppressed and the pride posessed? No. He took time out to pray and seek His Father's will. He was watching to see where God wanted Him to serve next. (John 5: 17-19)

Don't be discouraged if you haven't found your niche yet. God is working around you and He invites you to join Him. You just need to be able to recognize His specific activity. In doing so, you are allowing Him to work through you to minister to others. From the Bible study, Experiencing God, two factors are needed for you to see God at work: 1) You must be living in an intimate love relationship with Him (so that you recognize Him when He speaks, leads, etc) and 2) God must take the initiative to open your spiritual eyes so you can see what He is doing.

P - Ask God to search your heart's attitude about serving and show you where He's at work and how He wants you to follow His path for serving others. Ask Him to open your spiritual eyes so you can see people who need your time, your money, your talents, your gifts, your abilities, your listening ear, your able body, your keen mind, your compassionate heart....

Next Time.....Joining Others

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Sharing Your Purpose by Influencing Others

A - The purpose of our lives is to let others see what God is like as they watch and experience His love through us. ~ Joe Stowell

S - "Therefore encourage one another and build each other up....." ~ I Thess. 5:11

A - Last time we learned that sharing our purpose by loving others starts with loving God, ourselves and in turn, others. Whether you like to admit it or not, you are an influence to others. It can be a positive influence or a negative one! You must realize that people - young and old - are watching you. Perhaps it's your family, neighbors, co-workers, friends, those you worship with or total strangers who cross your path on a daily basis. God brings people into your life for you to encourage and build up. To love and comfort. To mentor and to teach. To be an example to and influence.

Jesus is the ultimate example of the kind of influence you should have on others. In John 13, He is setting an example of servant hood by washing the disciples' feet - just hours before His arrest. Verse 15 - "I (Jesus) have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you." In I Peter 2: 21 - Peter is explaining to new believers that they will suffer for doing good, just as Jesus did - "To this you were called, because Christ suffered for you, leaving you an example that you should follow in his steps."

I Timothy 4:12 - Paul is exhorting young Timothy about how he needs to be an example - especially to the new believers who are watching him closely - in word and conversation, life, love, charity, faith and purity. How do you measure up to these qualities today? Is there a hurting woman in your life who you can reach out to in love? Is there a young mother who could use some encouragement? Is there a young, single woman who needs a positive role-model? There are women all around you who you can be a godly example to.

P - Remember when we talked about our experiences and how we go through things so that one day we can be a help to someone else. Pray today that God would bring someone into your path that you can influence in a positive and encouraging way. Be watching - take the blinders off ! He will answer and it could be someone you least expect ~ that's how God works most times!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Sharing Your Purpose by Loving Others

A - "You can't give away what you don't have!" ~ Joyce Meyer

S - A new command I give you: Love one I (Jesus) have loved you. ~ John 13:34

A - Do you really know how to love others the way Jesus instructed? What's love got to do with it anyway? Everything! It's the first step in sharing your purpose. It's a command, not a suggestion, from God. It's the way we represent Him to others and it's what others look for in us!

According to Matthew 22:37-39, the second greatest commandment, after loving God with all your heart, soul, and mind, is to love your neighbor as yourself. Romans 13:9b says that all commandments are summed up in one rule: love your neighbor as yourself.

Based on these Scriptures, what is the order we are to love? If you were brought up in the church, you probably learned a song as a child - Jesus, Others, You (JOY). You were taught that you needed to give your all in helping, serving and ministering to others...regardless of the cost. Yes, God does want you to help, serve and minister, but if you don't love yourself first, you have no foundation on which to build love for your neighbor. God doesn't expect you to hate yourself and love your neighbor.

What does it mean to "love yourself"? I can tell you what it doesn't mean. It's not a prideful or conceited self-love. It's not an attitude of "I'm better than you because I....." Loving yourself is acknowledging that God made you just the way you are and that His love for you is so great He sent His only Son to die on the cross in your place. It is knowing that you are valuable; a useful vessel that He wants to work through. Until you love yourself, you cannot love others as Christ loves them. You can talk about His love. You can tell them about His plan of salvation, but you can't truly love them with a heartfelt love.

Loving ourselves and others requires an investment. It doesn't always come easy. Some people make it very difficult to love! Are you willing to do what it takes to get to this point? When you focus on loving as Jesus loves, an amazing cycle is set in motion. Your love for Him grows (greatest commandment - Matthew 22:37). Then as you develop a healthy love for yourself (2nd greatest commandment - Matthew 22: 39), you become a bridge to Jesus for those you love (your neighbor).

P - Read I Corinthians 13:4-8. This explains how you are to love everyone! Ask God to show you what you struggle with (if in case you didn't already know!) Pick one attribute to really focus on this week. Ask Him to help you accept His never-ending love, honestly love yourself and to willingly share your purposes by loving others as He loved us.

"When you fail to love yourself, you fail to give God credit for what He has done in you and for you." ~ Tom Paterson

Next Time - Influencing Others

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Sharing Your Purpose

We've come a long way together over the past months! Are you still walking and standing strong along God's path for His purposes? As a quick review, we began this adventure by pursuing what God's purposes were for all of us. Then we looked specifically at understanding how God made us special - with unique gifts, abilities, talents, personalities and experiences. Next it was up to you to make the choice as to which path you were going to follow - your's or God's? It was then time to respond and prepare yourself for the great and awesome things God has in store for you. But like any path, there will be obstacles that may deter you from your goal. You must know how to manuever them and get back on track so you can finish your journey and fulfill God's vision for you and your life.

Your next step now is to identify where and how you can share your purpose. Over the next few weeks, we'll look at five areas where you can put your purpose into action. Don't worry if things are still not crystal clear. Obey God in the little things along the way. Trust Him to show you where He wants to use you as a vessel for Him to love and minister through. Be available to whatever and where-ever He leads. Remember, God's guidance is more like a lamp unto your feet (Psalm 119:105) than a lighthouse beaming far into the future! Your path is lit by a flashlight, not a spotlight.

Let's end today looking at a quote from Tom Paterson, author of Living the Life You Were Meant to Live...."The purpose for your life is to put your God-given gifts to work for good in your generation and in your sphere of influence. In putting your giftedness to work for God's purposes, and in moving from self-centeredness to Christ-centeredness, you will experience a radiant, totally alive life!"

Next Time.....Sharing Your Purpose by Loving Others

Friday, July 17, 2009


A - God may intentionally keep your life purpose out of focus because of sin in your life.

S - "If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. If we claim we have not sinned, we make him (God) out to be a liar and his word has no place in our lives." ~ I John 1:8, 10

A - As we wrap up looking at the obstacles that cause us to stray from God's path, we cannot ignore Sin. Sin in your life is the most debilitating obstacle you will face. Sin turns you away from God and separates you from fellowship with Him. Satan rejoices when you allow this roadblcok to interfere with your purpose and relationship with God.

Sin's belief says - "I'm not that bad of a sinner. I don't do what other people say and do. God will overlook my little sins if I'm trying to do great things for Him and others."

Is it difficult for you to recognize sin in your own life? Do you know and acknowledge your struggles in areas that are not pleasing to God? Remember how pride is the root of many things?....Pride is often the root of your sin as well. In our verses for today, we deceive ourselves and call God a liar if we claim we don't sin and/or have never sinned. According to Romans 3:23..."for all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God." That includes the best of the best and the worst of the worst.

Don't think that you have sinned too much for God's forgiveness. I John 1: 9 tells us - "If we confess our sins, he (God) is faithful and just to forgive us of our sins." It's that easy! We don't have to complete a checklist of "good works" before God will forgive us. Confession/repentance is remorse, regret and sincere sorrow for things we have said, thought or done and it leads to a willingness to change. Do you ever believe Satan's lie that you've messed up too much for God to forgive you? Does the guilt from your sin keep you from believing God has a plan and purpose for your life? Don't let pride stand in the way of God's forgiveness.

P - If you struggle with unconfessed sin/guilt - I'd encourage you to read some of King David's story. Psalm 32:1-5; Psalm 51; Psalm 66:16-20, Psalm 119:11 & 113. Don't let sin in your life blur your "inner-vision". Ask God today to show you specific things you still need to confess (He'll even show you things you may have forgotten about!) Don't miss how good it feels to know you are forgiven!!

Next Time....Sharing Your Purpose

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


A - "The best kind of pride is that which compels a man to do his best work, even when no one is looking."

S - Pride only breeds quarrels, but wisdom is found in those who take advice. ~ Proverbs 13:10

A - Have you been able to identify with any of the obstacles we've looked at (busyness, the unknown, the Enemy's misconceptions)? Or has your journey with God been smooth sailing thus far? Today's lesson may well cause a few disruptions along your path. Whether you want to admit it or not, we all deal with a prideful spirit from time to time. The belief of pride says - "I can take it from here God. If I need your help, I know where to find you. I want to make sure I get the praise and recognition for all I do."

It's time for reflection... What are your motives for what you do or don't do for God? Who are you trying to please and glorify - God or self? Why are you wanting to find and follow God's path to His purposes for your life? Is it for your own selfish ambition? Is it so you'll look godly to others? Is it so you can feel good about yourself and your life? Pride is the root of many things - one of them being our motives. No one loves a prideful heart more than Satan. He is thrilled when he sees and hears of impure motives because of our selfish pride.

Throughout the New Testament, Jesus confronts the Pharisees about their motives. "... on the outside you appear to people as righteous but on the inside you are full of hypocrisy and wickedness." (Matthew 23:28) In Matthew 6:1-2, 5, Jesus warns of "acts of righteousness", all done with the motive of being seen and heard by others.

Does God really care about our motives? Does it really matter why we do things as long as we do them? Proverbs 16:2 tells us that..."All a man's ways seem innocent to him, but motives are weighed by the Lord." What will God do at His time of judgement? "He will bring to light what is hidden in darkness and will expose the motives of men's hearts." (I Corinthians 4:5) I would venture to say that God cares a great deal about our motives, wouldn't you.

P - Let's all do an inventory of our motives today? Are you serving God because you love Him and want to please and glorify Him? Are you wanting to fulfill His purposes so your life will matter and make a difference? Take time to search your heart and mind, remembering that you can't hide your thoughts or motives from God!

Next Time....Sin

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


A - "No matter how or why you stumble, God stands ready to show you how to return to what you were created to be." ~ Jane Kise

S - Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour. ~ I Peter 5:8

A - How are you relating to the BUMPS along your path so far? Have you seen where Busyness in your life, even ministry, can interfere with your relationship with God? Last time we looked at the obstacle of the Unknown and how fear of not knowing what's going to happen next can paralyze you in your tracks. Today we move on and identify some of the Misconceptions (lies) the Enemy wants you to believe and in turn, keep you from being all God created you to be.

As part of his plan to destroy/devour you, Satan's goal is to get you to fear your ability to please God. To doubt the importance of your relationship with Him. To take to heart and believe any and all criticism you may receive as you follow God's path to your purpose. To concentrate on your past failures and never forgive yourself. To allow negative thinking to effect your feelings and actions and to let shame and confusion to keep you wandering aimlessly though life.

The belief of misconception says: "I can't do that because _________." This thought can only come from the Enemy. He doesn't want you to believe you can do what God has planned for you. The more he can trip you up with his roadblocks and obstacles, the better chance he has that you will give up and quit.

Are there certain areas of your life where it's easy to believe the Enemy's lies? Are you falling into Satan's trap of fear, doubt, criticism, past failures, negative thinking, shame or confusion and allowing these obstacles to destroy you? I hope not. I pray that you will not give the devil the victory and use his lies as an excuse for not following God's path today.

If there is anything we've looked at today that you'd like help with, please don't hesitate to contact me personally. I would love to share encouragement from God's Word and give you support as you remember... The only power the devil has is in getting people to believe his lies. If they don't, he is powerless to get his work done. ~ Stormie Omartian

P - Acknowledge to God the obstacles you feel are most prominent in your life. He already knows what you struggle with, but it's important that you see them for what they are....lies! Cling to the truth that - God is bigger than any obstacle that comes your way!

Next Time.....Pride

Sunday, July 5, 2009


A - "Some things have to be believed to be seen!" ~ Lynn Yeakel

S - We live/walk by faith and not by sight. ~ 2 Cor. 5:7

A - Last time we looked at the obstacle of busyness and how it can be a distraction from following, hearing and making time for God. Today, let's confront the belief of the unknown.

Unknown's belief says - "I can't possibly follow God's path, I don't know where I'm going or what to expect. I don't have enough faith to trust that God knows best. What if I fail? What will others think and say about me?......"

The fear of the unknown can cripple and debilitate people, especially those who need to be in control at all times! Are you a woman who needs to "see" before you believe? Do you ask for all the details and risks to be explained up front before you'll commit to something? If so, what role does faith play in your life?

Hebrews 11 is known as the Faith Hall of Fame. It lists several Bible characters who showed great faith, in the face of the unknown. According to Hebrews 11:6 - without faith, it is impossible to please God. Let's look at a few (I encourage you to read all of Hebrews 11)...Noah (v. 7) - showed faith by obeying God and building a huge ark to save him and his family from a flood - even though they had never seen rain! Abraham (v. 8-19) - showed faith by obeying God and venturing off to an unknown land and being willing to sacrifice his only son Issac - not knowing for sure how that little test would turn out! Moses (v. 27-29) - showed some hesitation in stepping out in faith and tried to use all the excuses he could think of as to why God needed to pick someone else to free the Israelites, but God didn't give up on him. Through Moses' obedience, God was able to show Himself to millions. Rahab (v. 31) - was known in the town as a prostitute (not a likely woman to be used by God - in our eyes anyway!) But God knew her purpose and she was obedient to trust that these men of God would save her and her family from Jericho's destruction. Because of her faith in the unknown, she was saved and even became part of the genealogy of Jesus! (Matt 1:5)

What unknown is God asking you to venture into today? Maybe it's so uncertain that you can't even put it into words? Maybe He's testing you in the area of money, health, work, education, relationships, future decisions...the list is endless. Don't let the obstacle of the unknown cause you to be paralyzed in your tracks. Put one foot in front of the other and step forward...knowing God is there beside you all the way!

P - Give God all your questions and concerns today - they aren't doing you any good by holding on to them! Ask Him to help you take the baby steps toward trusting Him with your unknowns and watch where He leads you :)

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Obstacles to Your Purpose

I hope you've been open to God's work as He continues to prepare you spiritually, emotionally and even physically for His assignments, plans and purposes. It's not always pleasant to be molded and shaped into what He needs you to be, but in the end, your defined character will be more Christ-like and glorifying to God.

You didn't think it was going to be smooth sailing did you? Remember I said there would be bumps along God's pathway. Times when you would be tempted to turn around and run the other way! Bumps that could knock you off your feet and even cause you to look for detours along the path. No doubt, there will be obstacles that block your path and you can't seem to find a way around them.

Over the next few weeks, we'll look at bumps along our pathway. Bumps that stem from a belief system many of us have adopted as truth. Beliefs that can stop us dead in our tracks and keep us from fulfilling our unique purposes.


A - A busy life does not equal a more important life.

S - "...Martha, you are busy and bothered by many things." ~ Luke 10:41

A - Busyness' belief says: "I'm just so busy; I don't have time for __________ (ministry, serving, Bible study, relationships, etc.) right now - maybe later."
Are you among the 60% of Christians surveyed who agreed with the statement "The busyness of my life gets in the way of developing my relationship with God."

As women, we often find ourselves over-loaded and under-energized most days. But is that really God's best plan for your day? Is it how He wants you to spend the time you've been given? You must realize you do have control over your time. It comes from a simple word "no". Why do you think you have to say "yes" to every request, every person and every situation that crosses your path? Is it out of guilt? Is it because your priorities are out of order? Is it that you are a pleaser and want to keep everyone happy? Do you think if you fill your day with "good works", God will be impressed?

The Enemy wants you to get yourself so busy, so stressed and so exhausted that you have no energy left to serve God. He wants you to get tripped up on the obstacle of busyness.

P - Look over your schedule for this week. Is your busyness getting in the way of your relationship with God? Others? Are you trying to do too much, instead of being what God wants? Ask God to show you obligations you can delegate, do another time or do away with all together.

Next Obstacle - Unknown

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Building Character > Persevere

A - "Character, like embroidery, is made stitch by stitch."

S - "...and we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope." ~ Romans 5:3b-4

A - As we come to the end of our section on Preparing for your Purpose, we're still building. Building an awareness of God, a relationship with God, patience for God's timing and today - perseverance. Perseverance has been defined as sticking to/with something you're not stuck on! And from our Scripture today, we see that suffering often times produces perseverance...I don't think any of us are ever stuck on that!

As we think of some Bible characters who showed great stick-to-it-ness - consider what would have happened if they had given up. Noah - obeyed God without knowing what rain, let alone, a flood was. I'm sure he was ridiculed by his neighbors and considered stopping construction on the ark several times. Joseph - with all the suffering and unfair treatment he received, it would have been understandable if he'd thrown in the towel and decided to rot in jail. Ruth - after the death of her young husband, could have returned home to her family in Moab and missed out on the opportunity to be part of the lineage of Jesus. Nehemiah - with having to deal with all the opposition to rebuilding the wall in Jerusalem, it would have been easier to just forget the project and let the people continue to live unprotected. Paul - with all his near-death experiences, could have decided to go back to his life of luxury and give up on reaching the Gentiles. Jesus....need I say more?

What about you? Has God given you a task to complete? How are you persevering or are you? Are you struggling to stick to something you're just not all that crazy about doing? Notice the end of today's verse - perseverance and character leads to hope! Romans 12:12 tells us to "be joyful in hope, patient in affliction and faithful in prayer." Paul reminds us in Romans 15:4 ..."through endurance/perseverance and encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope."

P - Ask God to remind you of the hope you have in Him and what the reward for your perseverance will be. Don't quit! Don't fall for the Enemy's lies and tricks to get you to give up. Stay strong.....and remember "Do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what He has promised." ~ Hebrews 10:35-36

Next Time....Obstacles to Your Purpose

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

God's Provision

"Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God who richly provides us with everything ..." 1 Timothy 6:17 (NIV)

It seems you can hardly turn anywhere today without seeing reminders of economic hardships. A couple weeks ago the news reported we are experiencing the highest unemployment rate our country has seen in 60 years. Friends and family members are suffering due to the loss of jobs, investments gone bad, and cutbacks that seem to be everywhere.I have a friend who has owned a thriving car dealership for over 30 years. This man and his family have been pillars in their community who are known for their generosity and kind Christian spirits.
This week he declared bankruptcy and has literally lost everything - including their cars. If that isn't cruel irony, I don't know what is.

So, I've had to have some discussions with God about the absolute heartbreak of this situation. I know God is the great provider, so why isn't He providing for my friend? God is a miracle worker, so why isn't He working a miracle for my friend?

These are fair questions about what seems like a terribly unfair situation.Whenever I face situations I am having a hard time understanding, I have to park my mind with what I know to be true. Keeping my mind saturated with truth keeps Satan from being able to whisper dangerous assumptions, false accusations, and faith-eroding perspectives.

So, what is true in this situation? What is true no matter what situation we are facing?

God is a good provider.This is true. This is where I must park my mind. This is the reality that must saturate my thoughts. This truth rises above our troubling circumstances and calls us to see life from a perspective outside our screaming realities.God richly provides us with everything we need. Therefore I must trust that God is providing for my friend.

What is in front of my friend is God's provision. God hasn't stopped providing just because my friend is in financial turmoil. This situation hasn't caught God off guard. God hasn't somehow run out of resources to help my friend.Part of God's perfect provision for my friend is to walk through this. I may not like it. I may not understand it. But, because my friend knows and loves God, I have peace that he will make it through this.

The Bible tells us in Philippians 4:8-9 that if we think on what is true, the peace of God will be with us. And ultimately, isn't peace what we want? That's what I really want for my friend. I want this precious man and his family to have peace more than I want their dealership to be saved, their finances restored, and their old life to suddenly come back and settle into place.Praise God, His peace is but an utterance of truth away.

So, sweet sister, park your mind with His truth today. And watch God's perfect provision of peace flood whatever dry and lacking ache you are experiencing right now.

Dear Lord, thank You for being my provider each day. Help me not to fear these times of hardship. Rather, help me to trust in You and Your ways more each day. My desire is to focus on what is true and believe that You will make the rough places smooth. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

By Lysa Terkeurst - Proverbs 31 Ministries

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Building Character > Patience

A - "Teach us, O Lord, the discipline of patience, for to wait is often harder than to work." ~Peter Marshall

S - But those who wait on the Lord will renew their strength...they will run and not be weary, they will walk and not faint. ~ Isaiah 40:31

A - So far in your quest to prepare for God's purposes, you've looked at building awareness: perceiving that it's God who ultimately directs your feet and plans. Then building a strong relationship with God by participating in learning from, listening to and loving Him - realizing He longs to prove His love and faithfulness as you look to and for Him in your daily life. And as uncomfortable as it may be, you must continue your preparation by looking inward - examining your thoughts, feelings and actions.

God is continually building your character. Character doesn't develop overnight. God's plan is to mold and shape you little by little until you are fully prepared for His assignments. Rick Warren states that "while we worry about how fast we grow, God is concerned about how strong we grow." Sometimes you may be so excited about serving and fulfilling your purpose, you skip the growing stages. Don't do it -this is an important time of preparation as well!

What area of your life is God working to develop the character trait of patience today? Is it with your family, friends, co-workers? In your ministry? With Himself? Take a few minutes today to look up a few verses: Ps. 27:14, Ps. 37:7; Ps. 37:34, Ps. 46:10; Ps. 130:5. David knew a thing or two about waiting on God.

One thing to remember - Waiting does not equal wasting time! As women we often fall into the trap of thinking if we're not doing something, we must be wasting time. I hope the verses you looked at confirm the importance and desire God has for you to wait. He can't speak to you or get your attention if your life is so busy, so hectic, so loud, so distracted, so stressed, etc. Don't make Him have to yell; you may regret it :)

P - My prayer today is that you take time to listen to God. Be patient with the waiting. During this character building time, ask yourself - "Am I searching for Him through His Word? Am I staying strong through faith in Him - even in the quiet times when I don't hear Him speaking? Am I taking the opportunity to sit at His feet and learn from, listen to and love Him?" The Bible is full of examples of how God used a long process to develop character, especially in His leaders. He took 80 years to prepare Moses, including 40 in the wilderness!

Next Time....Patience with Others

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Look Inward

A - Preparation doesn't begin with what you do, it begins with what you believe.

S - "Test me, O Lord, and try me; examine my heart and my mind." ~ Psalm 26:2

A - As you continue looking at building your relationship with God in preparation for His purposes, it's time to do a little self-examination! Are there thoughts and/or feelings in your life hindering your relationship with Him? Are there actions and attitudes that get in the way? So far you've learned to look upward through prayer and to look outward to see where God is at work. Now you're being asked to look inward...not always the most fun!

Everything we do starts with a thought (mind) that creates a feeling (soul) that leads to an action (heart). Think about have a negative thought come into your head. It makes you feel negative which usually results in some sort of negative behavior (and vice-versa). What does the verse for today say? David knows he battles with his thoughts and actions, so he's asking God to test him; examine his heart and mind. He wants to understand the motives behind why he does things (actions). In Psalm 139:23, David again asks God to: "Search me and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts."

Romans 12:2 tells us to ..."let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect." (NLT) The Enemy loves to mess with your mind. He knows if he can get you to think about his lies, it will effect the way you feel about yourself/others and then will lead to some sort of action that is not pleasing to God (sin). Do not fall into his trap.

P- Spend time today in thoughtful prayer. Confess your anxious thoughts and/or attitudes to God. Think about times you've let your negative thoughts, lead to negative feelings and negative actions. Then consider when the opposite happened. Which time do you think God was glorified the most?! Be more aware of how your thoughts, feelings and actions are linked together :)

Next Time....Building Character

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Look Outward

A - "If you begin to live life looking for the God that is all around you, every moment becomes a prayer." ~ Frank Bianco

S - "...Jesus replied, My Father is always working and so am I." ~ John 5:17

A - How aware are you of what God is doing around you? Can you see His hand at work in your life and the lives of others you know? Do you consider many things mere coincidences or do you acknowledge them as from God?

Right now God is working all around you and in your life. One of the greatest tragedies among God's people is that while they have a deep longing to experience Him, they are experiencing God day after day but do not know how to recognize Him. ~Henry Blackaby, Experiencing God

God wants to involve you in His work. He wants to be able to use you for His purposes here on earth. But without an intimate relationship with Him, you may not be aware of or even ready to accept the assignment.

In today's scripture, Jesus is reminding the Jewish leaders that He and His father are always at work and in verse 19, Jesus explains that He (Jesus) can do nothing by himself, but He only does what He sees the Father doing. It was from the intimate relationship Jesus had with His Father that allowed Him to know what God wanted Him to do. He acknowledged He couldn't do anything on His own; they were God's plans and He must always be looking to see where God wanted Him to be involved.

P - How about you? Are you living with blinders on - not aware of what God is wanting you to do because you can't see where He's at work? I hope your prayer today would be one asking God to open the eyes of your heart, soul and mind. That He would make His working around you evident and that you would be willing to join Him where He is.

Don't miss out on God by dismissing everything as a coincidence ~ Pay special attention to the people and situations that cross your path today. I'd love to hear back from you as you continue to prepare for your purpose by looking outward.

Next Time....Look Inward

Monday, June 1, 2009

Building a Relationship (Part Two)

A - "I try to avoid looking forward or backward ~ I try to keep looking upward." ~ Charlotte Bronte

S - Call on me and I will answer you and show you great/mighty/unsearchable things that you do not know. ~ Jeremiah 33:3

A - Last time you looked at what was needed on your part in order to build the kind of relationship with God He desires and deserves. You discovered that you need to learn from, listen to and love God with all your heart, soul and mind. Another aspect building a relationship with God is allowing Him to prove Himself. How does that happen????

Look Upward - How is your prayer life? Is prayer something you consider a privilege or a duty to check off your "to-do" list? Do you get discouraged and give up when your prayers aren't answered when and how you expected? We live in an instant gratification world and many times we lack patience, even with God. Often He may withhold an answer to get your attention; to get you to come spend time with Him. Prayer is a vital tool in keeping your relationship with God alive. In the same way that parents love to hear their child utter the first words of mama or dada, so God loves to hear us call to Him!

God wants to prove Himself faithful. Prove is defined at "test by experiment; establish as true." Prayer is a relationship, not just a religious activity. Prayer is a two-way fellowship and communication with God. Prayer includes listening as well. What God says to us is in fact more important than what we say to Him!

Jeremiah 29:12-13 - " Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart." Do you see what your responsibilities are? Call upon, come, pray, seek. And God's promises that He will - listen and be found!! Don't miss out on His purposes by not looking upward!

P - Make time today to spend in prayer. What areas of your life are you needing God to prove Himself? Be honest - He already knows your heart!

Next Time.....Look Outward

Friday, May 29, 2009

Participate > Building a Relationship (Part One)

A - "Everything in your Christian life, everything about knowing Him, experiencing Him, and knowing His will, depends on the quality of your love relationship to God." ~ Henry Blackaby, Experiencing God

S - Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. ~ Hebrews 13:8

A - As you continue to prepare for your purpose, you will see that you have a responsibility to participate in building a relationship with God - which is the foundation to knowing, experiencing and discovering His will. Are you ready to make room in your life for God? Are there some things that need to be removed in order for you to have the relationship with God that He desires and deserves? In any relationship, it takes two people working together toward the same goal, to make it strong and successful! Today we'll look at three areas of relationship building....

1) Your first job is to learn from God...allow Him to teach you! Isaiah 48:17 - "I am the Lord your God, who teaches you what is good for you and leads you along the paths you should follow." Are you willing to be taught and led today?

2) Your next responsibility is to love God. God is always pursuing you. He wants your love, attention and devotion...He wants to be your all in all. Are you able to say that you love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul and mind? (Matt. 22:37:38) That means your entire being! Are there other things/people you love more?

3) You also need to listen to God. Are you hearing His voice? John 8:47 - "He who belongs to God hears what God says." The key to knowing God's voice is not a formula. It's not a method you can follow. Knowing God's voice comes from an intimate relationship with Him.

P - How are you doing when it comes to building your relationship with God? Are you able to say you are learning from God or are you more interested in self-study? Are you loving Him with your whole self or just a part? Are you able to hear Him when He speaks to you or are you too focused on other things/people? Ask God to help you pay attention to Him! See what it is He wants you to learn today. See how you can love Him more today. See what He wants you to hear today.

Next Time....Prove > Building a Relationship (Part Two)

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Preparing for Your Purpose

Now that you've made the decision to stay the course, are you ready to make some adjustments in order to prepare yourself for your special assignment from God? Remember your unique blueprint? It's time to get your tools ready to begin building the life God designed for you to live!

In the preparation, there may be some rough edges God needs to smooth off His "pottery". This procedure might cause a little discomfort, require some blood, sweat and tears, but in the end, you'll come out as fine gold - ready and able to be used by God to the fullest!

Perceive > Building Awareness

A - "God's ultimate goal for your life on earth is not comfort, but character development. He wants you to grow up spiritually and become like Christ." ~ Rick Warren

S - For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him. ~ Philippians 2:13

A - Along the path, God's desire is that you draw closer to Him; be aware of Him. He knows how much you want to run ahead and start fulfilling His purposes. He understands the fear you have of not knowing what's in store for your future. But you must remember, these are HIS plans, not yours! He's giving you the desire and power to do what pleases HIM, not you!

How do you perceive God? Are you aware of all that He does for you, every hour of every day? Do you realize that He's aware of everything you do? Psalm 139: 1-4 tells us that God knows our heart, our thoughts, when we sit, when we stand, when we lay down, when we travel, and what we're going to say before we even say it! In verse 7, David is aware: " I can never get away from your presence."

Don't miss the presence of God. Be aware of what God is doing around you, in you and through you. Don't be like the Israelites who witnessed miracles every day, but still missed Him. Isaiah 43:19 -"See, I (God) am doing a new thing! Now it springs up, do you not perceive it?"

P - Take a moment to think about a time when God made you very aware of something He wanted you to change. Maybe it's been in the past weeks as you've looked at accepting and commiting your ways to Him. Deciding if obeying and trusting Him is worth it? Or acknowledging that it's not all about you. What was your response? Be still and allow God to speak to your heart today as you perceive His presence.

Next Time....Participate > Building a Relationship with God

Saturday, May 23, 2009

It's Not All About You....

A - "If you want to know why you were placed on this planet, you must begin with God. You were born by his purpose and for his purpose." ~ Rick Warren

S - "...What does the Lord your God require of you? He requires only that you fear the Lord your God, and live in a way that pleases him, and love him and serve him with all your heart and soul." ~ Deuteronomy 10:12

A - Have you been thinking that this life you are living is really all about you? Is it your main focus to get everything you want and think you deserve? Does it upset you when your plans are interrupted by God?

Your purpose in life is not all about you and what you want. It's not about you and what makes you feel good about yourself. "The purpose of your life is far greater than your own personal fulfillment, your peace of mind, or even your happiness. It's far greater than your family, your career, or even your wildest dreams and amibitions. If you want to know why you were placed on this planet, you must begin with God. You were born by his purpose and for his purpose." ~ Rick Warren, The Purpose Driven Life

According to today's verse, if you choose to do what it says, what is required will keep you focused on God and off yourself. He requires that you 1) fear Him (respect & honor Him for who He is) 2) live in a way that pleases Him 3) love Him and 4) serve Him with your everything! If you are truly ready to move forward along the path to His purposes, you must put your own selfish ambitions aside and surrender, commit, trust and obey God instead. We know what God asks of us....let's respond to His calling and DO IT!!

P - Sometimes the Enemy will use pride as a stumbling block to trip you up. Acknowledging this life is not all about you and that it's by and for God's purposes that you were born, requires humility on your part. Ask God to show you areas where you struggle with wanting things your own way! Ask Him to replace that selfishness with a love and desire to do things His way!

I received a neat story from my aunt in Maine who receives these devotions. Check it out on our Prayer and Praise page and let me know if you want me to add anything for you

Next time.....Preparing for Your Purpose