Monday, August 24, 2009

No Longer.....

A - "We can trust Jesus to take us to places He knows are right for us." ~ Mike Breen

S - Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying "This is the way, walk in it." ~ Isaiah 30:21

A - As we wrap up this study on God's Path to Purpose, I want to end with what I think is the most exciting and enjoyable benefit of finding God's path and following it faithfully. It is that I no longer have to second guess everything I do. Hopefully you have developed a deeper love relationship with God so that when you hear His voice, you don't question His requests.

No longer wandering... You know the path you are to be on and Who you are to be following. Proverbs 17:24 - "A discerning man keeps wisdom in view, but a fool's eyes wander to the ends of the earth." Keep wisdom in view today. Don't let the glitz and glamour of the world capture your attention.

No longer wasting time and energy... doing activities and ministries that are not part of God's plan for you. This make decision making so much easier. Whenever I am approached to take on a new ministry or activity, I first go to God to get His direction before I respond (no, that has not always been the case!). Then He will have me evaluate if this new opportunity will put my gifts, personality and abilities to best use. Does it line up with my God-given purpose? If not, it may not be something I need to be involved with right now. My purpose is to minister to women and coach them along God's pathway for their unique assignment. I can say from experience, be careful not to jump on every bandwagon that crosses your path. You'll end up exhausted, frustrated and having wasted alot of precious time and energy. You must learn to discern His voice and approval before you move on.

No longer living a life without purpose... As you've seen several times throughout this study, finding and fulfilling God's path will lead to a meaningful and satisfying life. A life you can be proud of having lived and be able to say, as Jesus did, " I have brought you glory on earth by completing the work you gave me to do." ~ John 17:4

No longer wanting to fight God.... Somewhere along the journey with God, there may actually be times (of insanity) when you think you know a better way; an easier way to get the job done or perhaps refusing to do it all together. You end up fighting with God over who is right (like you have a chance) and you miss the pleasure and joy obeying God brings. I challenge you today to read the entire book of Jonah. Jonah is an example of someone who fought against God's plans and in the end, did not enjoy being used by Him. "Make God's will the focus of your life day by day. If you seek to please Him and Him alone, you will find yourself satisfied with life." ~ Kay Arthur

Let me end with this quote...."Fulfilling your unique role is the key to achieving personal satisfaction. When you are truly and fully living the life you were meant to live, you will have an abiding sense of both purpose and delight." ~Tom Paterson

P - Spend time today thanking God that you no longer have to wonder, wander, waste time, live a life without purpose and need to fight His plans. He will be pleased you did!

God bless you and your path to His purposes!

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