Monday, May 6, 2013

3 Reasons Why It's Impossible to Manage Time!

According to leadership expert, John Maxwell - "There is no such thing as time management." Let's look at why this is true...

1) Time cannot be chosen. Everyone gets the same number of hours and minutes every day. There are some days we could use more or less, but it's not up to us to choose.

 2) Time cannot be controlled. You can't save up time from one day to spend on the next one. Wouldn't it be nice if we could store up time to be used on those days when we need an extra hour or two? Unfortunately, it's not an option.

 3) Time cannot be created. You can't add to it. As much as people talk about "finding time", there isn't any extra laying around! 24 hours is the best any of us get!

So what can you manage and control? Yourself! Nothing separates purpose-full people from stress-full people more than how they "use" their time. They understand that time is the most valuable thing they own - they don't waste it, squander it or let it slip away!  

How can you better manage yourself? By eliminating "time thieves"  - things/people/activities that have no lasting impact on your life and the lives of others. Think about your schedule today. What does it contain that, if it wasn't accomplished, would not really matter in the BIG scheme of things? Often we think that everything we have to do is urgent and imperative, but in fact, it's just a distraction from what's really most important.

Share with us a "time thief" you've encountered, in the past or present. Did you and/or are you willing to let it go - to eliminate it? Remember, we all have the same amount of time each day. We can't choose it, control it or create it. But we can manage and control ourselves.

Be Purpose-FULL in all you do!


Cheryl Thomas said...

I love John Maxwell and his leadership concepts. Thanks for sharing these tidbits. They are great reminders to master ourselves.

Denise said...

Thanks for the reminder!!!

We have to check ourselves, dont we?

Unknown said...

One way to manage time effectively is to become organized during our day to day activities. Make a list of the things that need to be accomplished and how long we need to complete them. I'm using Replicon's time recording software to improve my time management skills. It’s such an excellent software to learn and to improve our time managing skills.

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