Monday, May 20, 2013

Yeah, I'm NOT Qualified!

"Maybe God has called you to a task, dream, or challenge and you feel unqualified. Let me encourage you. You are unqualified—at least in some way—and that’s a very good thing. Even if you have the degree or the credentials no one makes a difference for Christ, whether it’s in medicine, ministry, business, or botany because they feel totally qualified.

God chooses the foolish things of the world to shame the wise. Those who succeed and make a difference for God are those who are willing to step out in faith even though they know they are not totally qualified. Remember this as you support those around you who are stepping out in faith—and remember this as you step out in faith.

You are unqualified—and this is a very, very good thing. It’s the very reason that Christ can be glorified through you."  - Shana Schutte  (Read the entire blog here.)

What are you being called to do that you know you're not qualified for? Are you using that as an excuse? I know right now in my own life I am waiting for God to "qualify" me for something that ONLY He can do. I look forward to the day I can share that "only God" moment with you!!

Be purpose-FULL in all you do!


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