Monday, April 15, 2013

Is "No" a Bad Word?

Our last Memo looked at the source of what occupies our time, energy and focus. We learned that we must be pro-active in identifying these things. Ignorance is not bliss when it comes to the priorities of the Enemy!

Today's memo gives you a solution to a very common distraction. Do you struggle with saying "no"- even to good things? Here's great advice from life-coach, Kim Avery as she shares some firm and polite ways to say no!

"To fulfill your God-given design you will need to make wise choices, God’s choices. This will require saying ‘no’ to a lot of other people and things. Below are 10 different ways to say ‘no’ to the agenda and/or urgencies of others so you can say ‘yes’ to God:

1) I'm sorry but that won't fit into my schedule at this time.

2) It sounds like a great idea but someone else would be better suited for the job.

3) I know many people are fine with that, but it isn't what God is calling me to do.

4) This is not the right time (or season of life) for me to say yes.

5) I realize I have done that in the past, but I'm not able to do it anymore.

6) If I had known earlier I might have been able to make it work.

7) I really feel like the person who thought of that idea (or caused that problem!) would be the person who should take care of it.

8) It would be more appropriate for you to take that on yourself.

9) I make a point of not discussing personal information with others.

10) No.

The last answer is the absolute best answer. Why? Because it is true, straightforward and keeps us out of the "explaining" mode. The more we explain our "no," the more people come up
the more people come up with reasons why our explanation isn't good enough. This puts us on the defensive and can ultimately lead to giving in."

CHALLENGEChoose one of the ways of saying "no" listed above and share with us how you plan to start using it! As a thank-you for leaving a comment, you'll be entered to win a copy of the, Building a Better Life, Not Just a Busier One workbook! The winner will be announced in the May 6 Motivational Memo. Click on the workbook to learn more....



Anonymous said...

These are all great! I agree that giving reasons can backfire and the person thinks they need to argue those reasons and convince you to do something. Besides, if you have to go to that much effort to convince someone to do it, it would make me wonder are they really going to do a good job? I've gotten better at saying no and sticking to it. I really like number 6. Since I have a young family, this is critical and since that is where I am at in my life, I usually don't have a problem saying no. However, there are times when I get a call at the last minute and I need to be better about planning. So I am going to work on number 6. - Sara Albright

Tonia said...

Thanks for sharing Sara! I think we could all use help saying no and sticking to it - you're on the right track :)