Monday, April 1, 2013

What's Distracting You Today?

Do you often feel distracted by all the things and obligations you have to fulfill? Do you question whether all the craziness that describes your life is really all there is?

Last month we looked at the activities on our schedule and evaluated if they were mostly temporary valued things or had a lasting impact on ours and the lives of others. What did yours show?

This month we move to educating ourselves on the distractions - the source of the things that occupy our time, energy and focus. We must be pro-active in identifying these things. Ignorance is not bliss in this situation.

John 10:10a tells us that the Thief comes only to do three things: steal, kill and destroy.

1) Steal our time and energy. He knows if he can keep us busy and consumed with the temporary valued things in our life we won't have time or energy to devote to eternal valued activities.

2) Kill our hopes and dreams. When we are stressed-out and over-committed, the last thing we think about and have time for is pursuing our God-given dreams. Nothing pleases the enemy more than seeing a person let their dreams die because they don't have time to fulfill them.

3) Destroy our relationship with God, others and ourself. Even if he can't destroy the relationship completely, he'll do whatever he can to distract you from it.

Busyness, stress, out of control activities and an over-booked schedule are his main distractions! It's how he steals our time and energy, kills our hopes and dreams and destroys relationships.Don't allow the enemy the victory today. Recognize your distractions as what they are and whom they are from.

Next time we'll look at the solutions to our distractions. In the mean time, please share with us some of the most common ways you are distracted.

Here's a few ideas to get you thinking:Too much time watching TV. Hours spent on the computer  playing games, social networking, etc. Sleep or lack of sleep. Reading other books instead of the Bible. Work. Shopping. Eating. Other people's urgencies...the list is endless!

SPECIAL a thank-you for just leaving a comment, someone will win a copy of my e-workbook - Building a Better Life, Not Just a Busier One! You'll learn the 3 Steps to to Living a Purpose-full Life, Not Just a Busier, Stress-full One! As a bonus, the workbook also includes the first chapter of the study, Designed with Your Purpose in Mind!
(I'll announce the winner in 2 don't get distracted, leave your comment now!)


Nellie Shines said...

Honestly, my biggest distraction is not having a plan. I know that I need one but sitting down to write one is hard.

sherri ohler said...

Well, I think I have Artist's ADD haha. I love change and want to be constantly doing something different. As long as I am creating something I can focus, but if I have to do mundane tasks-I am distracted by almost everything!!! Lol
Thanks for tips!
Peace & joy to you in all you do,
Sherri Ohler

Tonia said...

Nellie, thanks for sharing your distraction - one I think many people struggle with. Sometimes we get overwhelmed with the idea of putting together an action plan that we never start! Try breaking down what you want to accomplish into baby steps - don't let the idea of having to do it all at once distract and discourage you!

Tonia said...

Your distraction is all too common in a world of many "bright and shiny objects" that vie for our attention! Your creativity is a gift from God and one He wants you to use to the fullest...but the mundane tasls need to be done too. Commmit to spending 1 hour doing those then reward yourself by doing something you really enjoy!

Anonymous said...

I think the mundane and "menial", (and often thankless) job of being a stay at home mom often distracts me from the awesome responsibility I have in raising my girls to be godly young women (the ultimate and most important goal). Rereading what I just wrote is telling me that pride and selfishness are a big part of that. -Sara Albright

Tonia said...

Sara, The mundane, menial and thankless "everyday essential" things we do for our family can be distracting. I think when we turn our focus off the immediate and look at the long term, we can start to see how all the little things add up over time (and knowing that we'll be rewarded for our perseverence helps too!)