Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Sharing Your Purpose by Influencing Others

A - The purpose of our lives is to let others see what God is like as they watch and experience His love through us. ~ Joe Stowell

S - "Therefore encourage one another and build each other up....." ~ I Thess. 5:11

A - Last time we learned that sharing our purpose by loving others starts with loving God, ourselves and in turn, others. Whether you like to admit it or not, you are an influence to others. It can be a positive influence or a negative one! You must realize that people - young and old - are watching you. Perhaps it's your family, neighbors, co-workers, friends, those you worship with or total strangers who cross your path on a daily basis. God brings people into your life for you to encourage and build up. To love and comfort. To mentor and to teach. To be an example to and influence.

Jesus is the ultimate example of the kind of influence you should have on others. In John 13, He is setting an example of servant hood by washing the disciples' feet - just hours before His arrest. Verse 15 - "I (Jesus) have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you." In I Peter 2: 21 - Peter is explaining to new believers that they will suffer for doing good, just as Jesus did - "To this you were called, because Christ suffered for you, leaving you an example that you should follow in his steps."

I Timothy 4:12 - Paul is exhorting young Timothy about how he needs to be an example - especially to the new believers who are watching him closely - in word and conversation, life, love, charity, faith and purity. How do you measure up to these qualities today? Is there a hurting woman in your life who you can reach out to in love? Is there a young mother who could use some encouragement? Is there a young, single woman who needs a positive role-model? There are women all around you who you can be a godly example to.

P - Remember when we talked about our experiences and how we go through things so that one day we can be a help to someone else. Pray today that God would bring someone into your path that you can influence in a positive and encouraging way. Be watching - take the blinders off ! He will answer and it could be someone you least expect ~ that's how God works most times!

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