Sunday, July 5, 2009


A - "Some things have to be believed to be seen!" ~ Lynn Yeakel

S - We live/walk by faith and not by sight. ~ 2 Cor. 5:7

A - Last time we looked at the obstacle of busyness and how it can be a distraction from following, hearing and making time for God. Today, let's confront the belief of the unknown.

Unknown's belief says - "I can't possibly follow God's path, I don't know where I'm going or what to expect. I don't have enough faith to trust that God knows best. What if I fail? What will others think and say about me?......"

The fear of the unknown can cripple and debilitate people, especially those who need to be in control at all times! Are you a woman who needs to "see" before you believe? Do you ask for all the details and risks to be explained up front before you'll commit to something? If so, what role does faith play in your life?

Hebrews 11 is known as the Faith Hall of Fame. It lists several Bible characters who showed great faith, in the face of the unknown. According to Hebrews 11:6 - without faith, it is impossible to please God. Let's look at a few (I encourage you to read all of Hebrews 11)...Noah (v. 7) - showed faith by obeying God and building a huge ark to save him and his family from a flood - even though they had never seen rain! Abraham (v. 8-19) - showed faith by obeying God and venturing off to an unknown land and being willing to sacrifice his only son Issac - not knowing for sure how that little test would turn out! Moses (v. 27-29) - showed some hesitation in stepping out in faith and tried to use all the excuses he could think of as to why God needed to pick someone else to free the Israelites, but God didn't give up on him. Through Moses' obedience, God was able to show Himself to millions. Rahab (v. 31) - was known in the town as a prostitute (not a likely woman to be used by God - in our eyes anyway!) But God knew her purpose and she was obedient to trust that these men of God would save her and her family from Jericho's destruction. Because of her faith in the unknown, she was saved and even became part of the genealogy of Jesus! (Matt 1:5)

What unknown is God asking you to venture into today? Maybe it's so uncertain that you can't even put it into words? Maybe He's testing you in the area of money, health, work, education, relationships, future decisions...the list is endless. Don't let the obstacle of the unknown cause you to be paralyzed in your tracks. Put one foot in front of the other and step forward...knowing God is there beside you all the way!

P - Give God all your questions and concerns today - they aren't doing you any good by holding on to them! Ask Him to help you take the baby steps toward trusting Him with your unknowns and watch where He leads you :)

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