Wednesday, July 8, 2009


A - "No matter how or why you stumble, God stands ready to show you how to return to what you were created to be." ~ Jane Kise

S - Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour. ~ I Peter 5:8

A - How are you relating to the BUMPS along your path so far? Have you seen where Busyness in your life, even ministry, can interfere with your relationship with God? Last time we looked at the obstacle of the Unknown and how fear of not knowing what's going to happen next can paralyze you in your tracks. Today we move on and identify some of the Misconceptions (lies) the Enemy wants you to believe and in turn, keep you from being all God created you to be.

As part of his plan to destroy/devour you, Satan's goal is to get you to fear your ability to please God. To doubt the importance of your relationship with Him. To take to heart and believe any and all criticism you may receive as you follow God's path to your purpose. To concentrate on your past failures and never forgive yourself. To allow negative thinking to effect your feelings and actions and to let shame and confusion to keep you wandering aimlessly though life.

The belief of misconception says: "I can't do that because _________." This thought can only come from the Enemy. He doesn't want you to believe you can do what God has planned for you. The more he can trip you up with his roadblocks and obstacles, the better chance he has that you will give up and quit.

Are there certain areas of your life where it's easy to believe the Enemy's lies? Are you falling into Satan's trap of fear, doubt, criticism, past failures, negative thinking, shame or confusion and allowing these obstacles to destroy you? I hope not. I pray that you will not give the devil the victory and use his lies as an excuse for not following God's path today.

If there is anything we've looked at today that you'd like help with, please don't hesitate to contact me personally. I would love to share encouragement from God's Word and give you support as you remember... The only power the devil has is in getting people to believe his lies. If they don't, he is powerless to get his work done. ~ Stormie Omartian

P - Acknowledge to God the obstacles you feel are most prominent in your life. He already knows what you struggle with, but it's important that you see them for what they are....lies! Cling to the truth that - God is bigger than any obstacle that comes your way!

Next Time.....Pride


Anonymous said...

That is good! So true!

lolamak said...

thank you. your words are timely and right on target!