Monday, March 4, 2013

Who's Number One?

As March Madness gets underway, those who are college basketball fans often wonder who will be number one when it's all said and done! Today starts a 3-part series from my workbook, Building a Better Life, Not Just a Busier One! We will begin by asking, Who is Number One in Your Life? Do your words match up with your actions? Do you say you value one thing and then do another? The Bible tells us in Haggai 1:5 to “Give careful thoughts to your ways.” We say we value one thing, but our priorities say another. Our values and priorities are reflected in how we use our resources – time, money, strength and talent. We say God is number one, but then we relegate Him to a lesser number on our “to-do” lists. We say others and our relationships are important to us, but we make no time for them. We say we value our health, but continue to make poor choices. We say we value our own well-being, but do nothing to strengthen our own spiritual, emotional and physical lives.

* Step One to clearing up this confusion about misplaced priorities: EVALUATE

We all have things in our day that must be done. I call these our “everyday essentials”. But what about all the extra stuff we try to cram into our lives? Sometimes we need to step back and evaluate what we are doing and why we are doing it? Is there something you’ve committed to that’s causing tension in your family/relationships? Are you devoting too much time and money doing something you don’t really enjoy, but were pressured into? Are there things you’d like to be involved in, but don’t have any extra time to do?

Ask yourself: “Is my schedule full of temporary or eternal valued activities?” Do the hours I spend watching television, playing video/computer/online games, shopping, talking on the phone/texting, social-networking, etc. have any kind of lasting, positive impact on others? (There are some women who spend so much time doing these things, they don’t have time to meet the needs of their family and unfortunately, that is creating a lasting impact, just not a positive one!)

On the other hand, eternal valued activities don’t have to be major things. It’s simply making sure you’re investing time in and making a lasting, positive impact on the lives of others. It could be by just giving someone your undivided attention (which requires all phones to be turned off!). Showing someone you care by doing something as small as sending a card of encouragement. (Remember these? They're made of paper and involve a hand-written message!)

Challenge: Evaluate who or what is taking the number one spot in your life. Try incorporating an eternal valued activity in your day and see how you feel! Let us know what you did and encourage others.

Until next time, be purpose-full in all you do! ~ Tonia

SPECIAL OFFER - Download the Building a Better Life, Not Just a Busier One! e-workbook for just $5.00 and receive the first chapter of my study, Designed with Your Purpose in Mind Click on the workbook to order.

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