Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Worry or Concern ~ Is There a Difference?

What are you depending on to give you direction? Who are you seeking wisdom from? Where is your own understanding leading you? Week 2 of our In God We Trust...Or Do We? study looks at "leaning on our own understanding."  I find that when I try to figure everything out (even God), it can lead me to places I know God doesn't want me to go...how about you?

Worry is one of the by-products of trying to lean on or depend on what we know and understand. When our knowledge of a situation or the future is limited, we feel the need to worry in hopes that we'll gain more insight! Jesus specifically tells us in Matthew 6:25 not to worry about anything in our life; He's got it all under control. He then goes on to ask in v. 27, "Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?"

Sometimes in our attempt to not let anyone know that we worry (i.e. disobey God), we disguise it by saying that we're "concerned" about someone or something. Is there a difference between worry and concern? Yes there is! Worry has no benefits whatsoever. Whereas, concern can be very beneficial...Let's look at a few:

Worry immobilzes us emotionally and often, physically.
Concern causes us to take action.

Worry focuses on self and its' fears and anxieties.
Concern focuses on others and their needs.

Worry has a negative effect on our health.
Concern produces a positive effect on our well-being.

Worry ignores relationships by withdrawing from others.
Concern ignites relationships by reaching out to others.

Worry stifles productivity.
Concern stimulates productive action.

Worry is self-serving.
Concern is others serving.

Worry takes our control.
Concern gives control to God.

What are you spending your time and energy on - worry or concern? You can worry or you can trust God; you can't do BOTH!  What's your choice today? The next time you sense the need to worry, ask yourself - "Who am I trusting in? Myself and my limited understanding or God and His infinite understanding?"

COMMENT: Share with us what you have learned about the effects of worry in your own life.


Anonymous said...

That "worry" is pointless. Learned behavior trait that has been an entry point for the enemy. I have choosen to close that door to Satan. It is an ongoing lesson in obedience. This weeks memorization verse: Ps. 119:34 - Give me understanding, so that I may keep your law and obey it with all my heart. ---Kathleen

Nancy Bailey said...

Because of my health issues I still catch myself worrying if I am effective in serving my God. In those instances I need to step back and look around me and see all the great things going on in the programs I help out with. It makes me smile. What a joy and not worth time worrying because God is in control!