Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Are You Trustworthy?

Can you be trusted with a secret? Are you reliable? Are you willing to complete something you promised you'd do? Week 3's verse - "In all your ways, acknowledge Him..." we see the importance of recognizing God in everything we do in order to fully trust Him.

But what about God's trust for us? Are we trustworthy when it comes to what He's given to us? We never really own anything, it's just a loan. It was God's property before we arrived and He'll lend it to someone else after we're gone.

Our selfish culture says, "If I don't own it, why should I take care of it?" Those who understand God's will and ways live by a higher standard. Because God owns it, we should take even better care of it. God's Word tells us in I Cor. 4:2, "Those who are trusted with something valuable must show they are worthy of that trust."

When we make the most of what God has given us, He promises three rewards: (Matt. 25:21)

1) Commendation - "Well done, good and faithful (and trustworthy) servant."

2) Promotion - "I will put you in charge of many things."

3) Celebration - "Come and share in your master's happiness."

How well are you using what God has loaned you? What about your time - are you using it wisely? What about your talent - are you using it to bring glory to God? What about your treasure - are you using it to benefit others?

There is a direct correlation between how you use your time, talent and treasure and the quality of your life. So the question is: could the way you're handling them be preventing God from trusting you with more blessings?

1 comment:

Nancy Bailey said...

When I began to devote more and more time to God and serving God; I found myself being trusted with more and more and tremendous blessings I've witnessed coming out of my time spent. Every time I get physically tired I think about Jesus saying to me "Well done thou good and faithful servant."