Thursday, March 26, 2009

How are you searching for purpose and meaning?

A - God's #4 purpose for everyone - Seek your self-worth in Him!

S - "You created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made." -Psalm 139:13 (NIV)

A - As we continue to look at pursuing our purpose, we need to examine ourselves and our own behavior = not always fun! It is so much easier and more entertaining to look at other people's insecurities and analyze what they need to do to change!

When thinking about how you are trying to find and fulfill God's purposes for you, do any of these sound familiar? Over-achieving? Competition? Approval from others? Perfectionism? Controlling? Pleasing Others? Performance? Workaholic? Recognition? Self-sacrifice? If yes, now ask yourself, "Who is telling me I need to do or be these things in order to find meaning and significance in my life?" God or the Enemy?

Satan continues to deceive people, including Christians, in believing that the basis of our self-worth is our performance and our ability to please others.
This equation reflects one of his biggest lies: Self-Worth=Performance + Others' Opinion. Does this hit home with anyone? I know it does with me :(
There have been many times I have fallen for this lie; only to find myself disappointed in my performance and devastated by others' opinions. But there is hope! There is a better way ....Next time we will look at replacing the Enemy's debilitating lie with God's delivering truth!!

P - Ask God to show you areas where you may be falling for Satan's lie. Ask Him to show you how important you are to Him - and be watching for His answer. Claim today's verse as truth and begin to BELIEVE that you are fearfully and wonderfully made by the Creator of the universe and start living like it!

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