Tuesday, March 24, 2009

When are you searching for meaning and purpose?

A - God's #3 purpose for everyone: He wants us to stay strong during the tough times through faith in Him!

S - "The faithful love of the Lord never ends! His mercies never cease. Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each morning." Lamentations 3:23-24

A - Aren't you glad God doesn't hold grudges? His mercies are new every morning...just as faithful as a sunrise! Even after days when we feel we have failed God, others and ourselves - we can start a new day with a clean slate!

Are you struggling with knowing God's will and purpose? Are you at a stage in your life where you have some decisions to make about your future? Are you confused about the next step to take? Are you afraid of what the future may hold considering all the craziness going on in the world? God knows and understands your fears. He wants us to search for Him during these times. He wants us to know and experience His love, faithfulness and mercies everyday.

We are all searching from time to time...regardless of our age or stage of life. But let's not get caught up in the trap of looking everywhere else, instead of to God and His Word. Don't let Satan tell you God has given up on you because you're not a good or strong enough Christian or maybe your past is not perfect. Don't allow the garbage (lies, insecurities, doubts, fears, worry, etc.) the Enemy wants to put in your path to keep you from finding and fulfilling God's purposes for your life.

P - Sometimes God still has work to do in you before He is ready to show you your path. This is when we need faith to sustain and stay strong. Faith to cling to His promises. Faith to believe God's ways are best, even if they don't make sense! Thank God today for His love, patience, kindness, forgiveness and faithfulness. Acknowledge and confess the "garbage" that has been blocking your path and know that, with His power, you are strong!

Next Time.... How are you searching for purpose in your life?

1 comment:

Amber said...

Hello Tonia,

I just wanted to say thank you for taking time out of your day to do this! it is very nice! and needed :) Thank You again!

Amber :0)