Friday, June 22, 2012

Victory is Yours...Claim It!!

Victory is yours today...are you claiming it or accepting another day of defeat?  The Father of Lies would love nothing more than to see you continue to be distracted, discouraged and ultimately, destroyed. But we do have hope. There is a way out of the Enemy's trap.

John 1:14 says that Jesus came from the Father, full of grace and truth. If we want to claim the victory, we need to believe the Father of Truth. Here's 3 steps that will get us started. I have to choose to do these every day - how about you?

1) When we are distracted, we must re-focus.
If we've lost our focus on God and have turned it onto ourselves, we must re-focus! In order to claim your victory, ask God to "guide me in your truth and teach me...for my hope is in you all day long." (Ps. 25:5) We have to choose to focus on being guided and taught by God and to focus our hope in Him all day long.

2) When we feel discouraged, we must renew.
If we find ourselves in the Thief's pit of despair, we need to renew: Our mind (Romans 12:2) and not allow ourselves to dwell on our problems. Our commitment (2 Cor. 4:16) and not lose heart. How encouraging to know that our strength is renewed when we hope/wait on the Lord (Isaiah 40:31).

3) When we've been defeated, we must be revived and restored.
When we give up the fight and accept defeat, the Enemy thinks he's won. But we don't have to stay down for the count. God wants to revive and restore us. As the Psalmist said in Psalm 119:25, "I lie in dust (despair, defeat, depression); revive me by your word."  Don't stay in the dust - let God lift you up!

The victory is yours today. Are you ready to take these steps and claim it?

Next Week: The Father of Life (John 10:10b)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much! This was very helpful and especially insightful for my life situation as well : )