Thursday, June 21, 2012

Father of Lies vs. Father of Truth

Father of Lies vs. Father of Truth  (Part One)

Lately, I've encountered an onslaught of lies. Not lies about my character or myself spread by others. But lies that only I hear within my own head. And the sad thing is, I know I'm not alone. I know others fight this battle every day! Unfortunately, it's not something we like to talk about. We don't want others to know we have weaknesses. Questions. Doubts and fears. But we can igonore them; we must recognize where this lies come from.....

According to John 10:10a, the main goal of the Father of Lies (John 8:42-45) is to steal, kill and destroy. In order to accomplish this goal, the Thief (Satan, Enemy, Devil, Deceiver, Serpent, etc) uses a 3-step process!

1) Steal your focus by getting you distracted from God, His Will and His ways. We allow our mind to be consumed with busyness, lies, selfish ambitions, sin, life's challenges, hurts, disappointments, past failures, etc. If the Father of Lies can get our focus off of God and onto ourselves, Step One has been completed!

2) Kill your dreams by getting you discouraged. Step Two leads us to a place of depression, sadness, worry and anxiety. We start to believe the Thief's lies and doubt God really has a plan and purpose for our lives. We become angry, hopeless and weak. And when dreams die, so does the dreamer.

3) Destroy your life by allowing you to accept defeat. When we see defeat coming, we give up. We quit learning. We stop growing. We seclude ourselves from others and withdraw from living. When we get to this point, Step Three has been accomplished and the Thief's mission has been successful.

Are you believing the lies of the Enemy? Have you allowed the lies he's spreading to distract and discourage you? Do you fear that defeat is close at hand?

Hang on. There is hope! Tomorrow, I'll share the 3-step process we can use to gain our own victory by believing the Father of Truth!


nancy said...

Wow, that sure sums up my life right now! Busy, Busy, busy. It sure works for Saton to keep our minds full of anything but God. He keeps me from my focus on spending time each day with Jesus in my quiet time, always saying, "Later, when I get this or that don". Thanks Tonia for this study!

Tonia said...

That's right Nancy - If the Enemy can't destroy us, he'll distract us! And how easy is it for us to fall into this trap - almost blindly :(

Anonymous said...

Yes...the part about defeat and becoming more isolated makes so much sense to me right now. Wow! Thanks Tonia this is really helpful honest ha ha! I am working on trying to memorize more verses to keep me from thinking about the BAD things-especially from my past mistakes. What a catalog of crap the enemy has there...I will just say thank you Jesus for delivering me from my sad life of sin sickness...and now I am free : D Praise God. Need to spend more time alone with Him also.

Tonia said...

Memorizing verses is the BEST way to combat the junk the Enemy wants us to believe.

Again, we must choose WHO we're going to believe -the Father of Lies or the Father of Truth!