Tuesday, July 3, 2012

In God We Trust...Or Do We?

We say we trust God, but do our actions show it? We want to trust God with every area of our lives, but what keeps us from actually doing it? Trusting someone we can't see can be a challenge. Trusting in something we can't touch or feel is difficult. But are those good enough reasons not to do it?

I recently took a survey where I asked women to tell me in what area of your life do you struggle most with trusting God? Their responses were not surprising, as they reflect many things I struggle with as well. The results showed that #1was money, followed by future, family, health, relationships and safety. Questioning pain, affliction, misfortune and situations that don't make sense topped the list as well.

What exactly does trust mean? Webster's defines it as: to believe; to have faith in; to have hope in. These are all great things we should be doing and showing God - especially if we say we love and want to obey Him. Our key verses for this study are from Proverbs 3:5-6 - where we're not given a suggestion or helpful hint, but a command! Let's look at part one: Trust in the Lord with ALL your heart (actions).....

What keeps us from trusting (believing, having faith in, having hope in) God with ALL our heart (actions)?

1) Our need to control everything.
In our attempt to try to "fix" other people, situations, circumstances, etc., we are in fact showing God we do not trust Him to fix what needs fixing. (In some cases the person who needs the most fixing is us!) God wants us to live by faith, not head knowledge. In our effort to control everything, we want to know how everything is going to work out - ahead of time. This is not faith. This is not trust. This is not obedience.

2) The choices we make.
In Isaiah 26:3. we're told that God will keep in perfect peace those whose mind is steadfast, because they trust in Him. A steadfast mind is not confused, but confident. It knows the right choices to make. Choices that will please God. Choices that allow our actions to prove our faith in God - regardless if we understand all the facts or not.

3) We put our confidence in the wrong people/places.
Are you putting your trust in the wrong things? Psalm 20:7 says, "Some trust in chariots and horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God." We can't say we trust God and at the same time, hold tight to our money and possessions. God can be trusted with all the people and things we value most. We can't trust man to come to our rescue like God can.

Psalm 118:8 is in the exact middle of the Bible. It can be considered the central verse of the entire Word of God. "It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in man!" How appropriate!

Here's a great quote to think about - "Don't trust to hold God's hand; let Him hold yours. Let Him do the holding and you do the trusting!"

WHAT DO YOU THINK?  Share with us an area you struggle with when it comes to trusting God. Do you relate with any (or all )of the 3 reasons we looked at?


Pat said...

Most of my life I have been a worrier. I would think and rethinking just about everything. All the "what if's". In one of our classes Tonia told us if you are worrying then you are not trusting in God. Like in the song, I let Jesus take the wheel more often so I don't drive myself crazy over things.

Anonymous said...

Really Trusting in God is a life changing lesson. I've listened to lesson 1 twice. My area would be # Choices I make. The prayer tip when we find ourselves not trusting has been invaluable to me in that it is retraining my thoughts to line up with the desire in my heart to trust completely.---kathleen

Anonymous said...

Opps hit post too quickly--

* Psalm 143:8: Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you.
Show me the way I should go, for to you I lift up my soul. This is my memorization verse. It touched me as simply a beautiful way to start the day. : ) I am curious about what verses spoke to other classmates.---kathleen

Tonia said...

Thanks Pat and Kathleen! I too need to be more diligent in praying Ps. 143:8. I need help with choices and decisions EVERY day and depend on my own "wisdom" too often!

Nancy Bailey said...

I struggle with the need to control. It stems from an entire life where I have had to plan out things meticulously because of my health. I missed out being a carefree kid even! It really leaves you with control issues. You need them to survive, but I honestly long to let them go. It is a work in progress and one I have to ask God for help with.