Friday, April 24, 2009


A - "God knows that we are driven by our passions, because He created us to be eager to do what we enjoy. The desires of our heart are quite simply God's way of giving us a compass for the paths He wants us to take." ~ Rhonda Rich

S - He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others... 2 Corinthians 1:4

A - When we looked at Experiences, I said that it's through our most painful ones that God is preparing us to minister to others. The Scripture for today explains why God allows us to experience pain and sorrow; disappointment and despair, but also hope and victory!

Do you have a group of people you are passionate about helping/serving/ministering to? Maybe it's abused/neglected children, depressed women, troubled teens, young mothers learning how to adjust, children with learning disabilities, those fighting terminal illness, people grieving the loss of a loved one or women battling with addictions. The list of people needing comfort, support and hope, is endless. It's God's plan for you to reach out and care for these people. Share your life experiences and the comfort you received from God, in order to give them hope and victory!

In The Purpose Driven Life, Rick Warren says ~ "God never wastes anything. He would not give you abilities, interests, talents, gifts, personality and life experiences unless he intended to use them for his glory. By identifying and understanding these factors you can discover God's will for your life."

So far in our discovery of how and why God made you SPECIAL, we've looked at Spiritual gifts, your unique Personality, your life Experiences and your Cares/Passions. Don't ignore these factors. Identify them. Learn more about them. Use them for others and ultimately, God's glory.

P - Has God put a special group or person on your heart? Someone who needs you to show that you care; that you understand what they are going through? Someone who needs the same comfort and strength God gave you? Don't ignore the Holy Spirit's prompting. Ask Him how you can reach out to them in love today!

Next Time.......Interests

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