Tuesday, April 21, 2009


A - Your experiences can make you bitter or better....the difference is "i".

S - ..."You intended it for evil, but God intended it for good." ~ Genesis 50:20

A - In our scripture, Joseph is explaining that all the unpleasant things he experienced at the hands of his brothers, God eventually used for His good and glory. Can we say the same about our experiences? Can we look at the pleasant and unpleasant times in our lives and say that God was glorifed?

Have you ever asked the question why? Of course - we all have! It's what we do after we've asked why that determines God's next step. If we ask why me God and refuse to learn from our experience, God will find another way to teach us what He wants us to learn! Is He having you experience certain things to create love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and/or self-control in you? God uses experiences to mold and weave character into us, so we will be ready and equipped to love and serve others.

We have all heard Romans 8:28 quoted by well-meaning Christians during times of unfortunate situations. But do we ever wonder why God is "working all things together for good"? Wouldn't it be easier to trust God and be a good Christian if life wasn't so difficult sometimes? God intentionally plans and allows our experiences for several reasons:

1) to teach us to rely on/trust in Him and not ourselves. 2 Corinthians 1:9
2) to build our character ~ as in the life of Joseph.
3) to accomplish His purposes.

If you want to really examine experiences from your past and how they are significant to the person God is molding you into, check out my website - www.pathfinderministries.org & go to SPECIAL. There you may print off questions to ponder...it is well worth the time and effort :)

P - Thank God for ALL the experiences in your life. Acknowledge the importance of learning from them (the first time!) in order to teach you to rely on God and not yourself, to build and strengthen your character and to accomplish His purposes in your life.

Next time.....Cares/Passions

1 comment:

Jenny Ortwine said...

OOoooh Tonia, you wrote this one for me, didn't you!! Well, I'm glad I could be of help....lol!! See you tonight. =)