Saturday, April 18, 2009


A - "Like stained glass, our different personalities reflect God's light in many colors and patterns." - Rick Warren, The Purpose Driven Life

S - God works through different people in different ways, but it is the same God who achieves his purpose through them all. - I Corinthians 12:6

A - Do you ever wonder why some people drive you crazy and others don't? Wouldn't your life be so much more enjoyable if everyone were like you? Unfortunately, God didn't create everyone like you - He created everyone like Himself! (Genesis 1:26) We need to realize that we were made for His pleasure and purpose and not our own. He created all of us to relate differently, feel differently, react differently and respond to life differently!

Our personality is God's way of creating us unique in order to do the things He has planned for us to do on this earth. How often do you get to do what God wants all by yourself? Not too often I'm afraid...there are always other people involved. Understanding our personality and what makes other people tick is important to getting along and getting a job done.

There are four basic personality types and most people are a combination of two, sometimes three. To learn more about your personality, go to my website, and click on SPECIAL. You'll find a personality profile you can complete and additional resources you may want to check out.

P - Thank God for making you unique and designed for a special purpose. Ask Him to help you overcome your weaknesses and use your strengths for His glory.

Next time.....Experiences

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