Friday, April 3, 2009's Friday!

A - "Our dreams are the blueprints of our hope; they show us what we are to build with our lives."

S - ..."I (Jesus) am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly." - John 10:10 The New Living Translation says - "My (Jesus) purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life."

A - As we wrap up this first chapter of Pursuing Your Purpose, let's review for today. It's a dark, rainy Friday here in Michigan, so we'll take it easy!

What are you searching for? God planned all our days, before one of them, ever existed (Ps. 139: 13-16). God is the Master Architect. What dream has He placed in you that He wants to build with your life?

Where are you searching? Our importance and meaning in life does not come from things and/or others. God is the only one who can meet our deepest needs, longings and desires. Things and others will always disappoint us.

When are you searching? We all question our purpose at different times of our life. Some do it during important, decision making years. What college, if any? What career, if any? What man do I marry, if any? What does God want me to do for Him? (There's NO "if anything" for that question!) Remember, don't fall into Satan's trap of getting you to believe you're too old, too young, too rich, too poor, too busy, too bored, too damaged, too watch and wait for God's path to His purposes.
How are you searching? The last thing the Enemy wants you to do is find and fulfill your unique design. To live out the dream God placed in your heart and to make a lasting difference in the lives of others. So he deceives people into believing another of his lies - our self-worth = our performance + others' opinions. Reject Satan's lie and accept God's truth instead!
Why are you searching? Last time we learned that our true significance in life comes from serving others. Just before His death, Jesus gave His disciples a new commandment..."Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples." John 13:35 (NLT)
P - Thank God today for the plans and dreams He has for you. You may not be clear on what they are right now, but know that He does and He is here to lead you every step along your path to purpose. Thank Him for fulfilling His purpose and giving us an abundant, rich and satisfying life!

Next Week... Understanding Your Purpose

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