Friday, May 1, 2009

Life Gifts

A - "Show me a person who doesn't know his gifts/talents or hasn't developed them for service for others, and I will show you a person who has little sense of purpose, meaning, motivation and value." ~ Tom Paterson

S - Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with the little things I've given you.....Come and share in your master's happiness. ~ Matthew 25:21

A - As we come to the end of discovering your special (Spiritual gifts, Personality, Experiences, Cares, Interests, Abilities and Life gifts ) and unique design, remember there's only one YOU and the Master Architect is proud of His work and you should be as well.

Last time we looked at abilities and defined them as learned skills, stemming from the pursuit of your interests. One learns to be a good cook, seamstress or artist. It takes practice to be an award winning actress, athlete or author.

For sake of definition, your life gifts are talents God gives at birth. They are for you to discover and develop, not leave dormant. You are then to spend your life putting them to use to benefit those along your path and in turn, glorify God.

In his book, You are Talented!, Patrick Kavanaugh states that "If God has given you certain talents (and He has), it is rather likely that they have something to do with your ultimate purpose in life." So, what are you doing with your talents? Are you hiding them from the rest of us? Are they getting rusty from lack of use? Are you using them as a tribute to your Creator? Do you long to hear Him say "Well done, good and faithful servant"?

Sometimes it's difficult to acknowledge your talents. You may consider it bragging or showing off. But it's okay to take a minute to list your God-given talents and see how they are leading you to your ulitmate purpose in life.
I have a SPECIAL Worksheet for you to print off, fill out, and see your unique design begin to take shape.

P - God knows you're not perfect, but He sure thinks you are special. Acknowledge to Him areas where you feel you just don't measure up. Ask Him to help you develop your strengths, work on your weaknesses and shape you into the woman He can use to accomplish His awesome plan and purposes.

Next Time....Responding to Your Purpose

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